
Capytaine is based on

For users, it can be seen as a Python 3.6 (or higher) interface to Nemoh. Since most of the code has been rewritten, it can be used by developers as a more concise and better documented version of Nemoh.

Below some features of the latest version (version 1.5) of Capytaine are listed.

Main features

  • Computation of the added masses, radiation dampings, diffraction forces and Froude-Krylov forces for rigid bodies or for bodies with any arbitrary degrees of freedom.

  • Python object oriented API.

  • OpenMP parallelization.

  • Direct or iterative linear system solver.

  • Various input mesh formats supported via meshmagick.

  • Output in legacy Nemoh Tecplot format or NetCDF format.

  • Computation of the free surface elevation and the Kochin function.

  • 3D animations of the body motion and the free surface elevation.

  • A cleaner code with unit tests, meaningful variable names, more comments, no Fortran 77, no global variables and no error message in French.

  • Single or double precision floating-point numbers.

  • Possibility to plug-in other implementations of the Green function

  • Binaries distributed via conda-forge.

Experimental features

  • Computation of the hydrostatic stiffness and rigid body inertia. Non-neutrally buoyant bodies are partially supported.

  • Computation of the impedance matrix and the Response Amplitude Operators (RAO).

  • Input via legacy Nemoh.cal files.

  • Hierarchical matrices with low-rank blocks for faster simulations.

  • Toeplitz matrices for faster simulations for floating bodies with local symmetries or for regular arrays of identical floating bodies.

  • Higher order quadratures for more precise integration of the Green function.