Source code for capytaine.green_functions.delhommeau

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Variants of Delhommeau's method for the computation of the Green function."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging
from functools import lru_cache
from importlib import import_module

import numpy as np

from capytaine.meshes.meshes import Mesh
from capytaine.meshes.collections import CollectionOfMeshes
from import exponential_decomposition, error_exponential_decomposition

from capytaine.green_functions.abstract_green_function import AbstractGreenFunction

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Delhommeau(AbstractGreenFunction): """The Green function as implemented in Aquadyn and Nemoh. Parameters ---------- tabulation_nr: int, optional Number of tabulation points for horizontal distance. If 0 is given, the no tabulation is used. Default: 328, as in Nemoh. tabulation_nz: int, optional Number of tabulation points for vertical distance. If 0 is given, the no tabulation is used. Default: 46, as in Nemoh. tabulation_nb_integration_points: int, optional Number of points for the numerical integration w.r.t. :math:`theta` of Delhommeau's integrals Default: 251, as in Nemoh. finite_depth_prony_decomposition_method: string, optional The implementation of the Prony decomposition used to compute the finite water_depth Green function. Accepted values: :code:`'fortran'` for Nemoh's implementation (by default), :code:`'python'` for an experimental Python implementation. See :func:`find_best_exponential_decomposition`. floating_point_precision: string, optional Either :code:`'float32'` for single precision computations or :code:`'float64'` for double precision computations. Default: :code:`'float64'`. Attributes ---------- tabulated_r_range: numpy.array of shape (tabulation_nr,) and type floating_point_precision tabulated_z_range: numpy.array of shape (tabulation_nz,) and type floating_point_precision Coordinates of the tabulation points. tabulated_integrals: numpy.array of shape (tabulation_nr, tabulation_nz, 2, 2) and type floating_point_precision Tabulated Delhommeau integrals. """ fortran_core_basename = "Delhommeau" def __init__(self, *, tabulation_nr=400, tabulation_nz=80, tabulation_nb_integration_points=251, finite_depth_prony_decomposition_method='fortran', floating_point_precision='float64', ): self.fortran_core = import_module(f"capytaine.green_functions.libs.{self.fortran_core_basename}_{floating_point_precision}") self.tabulated_r_range = self.fortran_core.delhommeau_integrals.default_r_spacing(tabulation_nr) self.tabulated_z_range = self.fortran_core.delhommeau_integrals.default_z_spacing(tabulation_nz) self.tabulated_integrals = self.fortran_core.delhommeau_integrals.construct_tabulation( self.tabulated_r_range, self.tabulated_z_range, tabulation_nb_integration_points ) self.finite_depth_prony_decomposition_method = finite_depth_prony_decomposition_method self.exportable_settings = { 'green_function': self.__class__.__name__, 'tabulation_nr': tabulation_nr, 'tabulation_nz': tabulation_nz, 'tabulation_nb_integration_points': tabulation_nb_integration_points, 'finite_depth_prony_decomposition_method': finite_depth_prony_decomposition_method, 'floating_point_precision': floating_point_precision, } self._hash = hash(self.exportable_settings.values()) def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __str__(self): params = f"tabulation_nz={self.exportable_settings['tabulation_nz']}" params += f", tabulation_nr={self.exportable_settings['tabulation_nr']}" params += f", tabulation_nb_integration_points={self.exportable_settings['tabulation_nb_integration_points']}" params += f", floating_point_precision=\'{self.exportable_settings['floating_point_precision']}\'" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({params})" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(self.__str__())
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def find_best_exponential_decomposition(self, dimensionless_omega, dimensionless_wavenumber): """Compute the decomposition of a part of the finite water_depth Green function as a sum of exponential functions. Two implementations are available: the legacy Fortran implementation from Nemoh and a newer one written in Python. For some still unexplained reasons, the two implementations do not always give the exact same result. Until the problem is better understood, the Fortran implementation is the default one, to ensure consistency with Nemoh. The Fortran version is also significantly faster... Results are cached. Parameters ---------- dimensionless_omega: float dimensionless angular frequency: :math:`kh \\tanh (kh) = \\omega^2 h/g` dimensionless_wavenumber: float dimensionless wavenumber: :math:`kh` method: string, optional the implementation that should be used to compute the Prony decomposition Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] the amplitude and growth rates of the exponentials """ LOG.debug(f"\tCompute Prony decomposition in finite water_depth Green function " f"for dimless_omega=%.2e and dimless_wavenumber=%.2e", dimensionless_omega, dimensionless_wavenumber) if self.finite_depth_prony_decomposition_method.lower() == 'python': # The function that will be approximated. @np.vectorize def f(x): return self.fortran_core.initialize_green_wave.ff(x, dimensionless_omega, dimensionless_wavenumber) # Try different increasing number of exponentials for n_exp in range(4, 31, 2): # The coefficients are computed on a resolution of 4*n_exp+1 ... X = np.linspace(-0.1, 20.0, 4*n_exp+1) a, lamda = exponential_decomposition(X, f(X), n_exp) # ... and they are evaluated on a finer discretization. X = np.linspace(-0.1, 20.0, 8*n_exp+1) if error_exponential_decomposition(X, f(X), a, lamda) < 1e-4: break else: LOG.warning("No suitable exponential decomposition has been found" "for dimless_omega=%.2e and dimless_wavenumber=%.2e", dimensionless_omega, dimensionless_wavenumber) elif self.finite_depth_prony_decomposition_method.lower() == 'fortran': lamda, a, nexp = self.fortran_core.old_prony_decomposition.lisc(dimensionless_omega, dimensionless_wavenumber) lamda = lamda[:nexp] a = a[:nexp] else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized method name for the Prony decomposition.") # Add one more exponential function (actually a constant). # It is not clear where it comes from exactly in the theory... a = np.concatenate([a, np.array([2])]) lamda = np.concatenate([lamda, np.array([0.0])]) return a, lamda
[docs] def evaluate(self, mesh1, mesh2, free_surface=0.0, water_depth=np.infty, wavenumber=1.0, early_dot_product=True): r"""The main method of the class, called by the engine to assemble the influence matrices. Parameters ---------- mesh1: Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes or list of points mesh of the receiving body (where the potential is measured) if only S is wanted or early_dot_product is False, then only a list of points as an array of shape (n, 3) can be passed. mesh2: Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes mesh of the source body (over which the source distribution is integrated) free_surface: float, optional position of the free surface (default: :math:`z = 0`) water_depth: float, optional constant depth of water (default: :math:`+\infty`) wavenumber: float, optional wavenumber (default: 1.0) early_dot_product: boolean, optional if False, return K as a (n, m, 3) array storing ∫∇G if True, return K as a (n, m) array storing ∫∇G·n Returns ------- tuple of numpy arrays the matrices :math:`S` and :math:`K` """ if free_surface == np.infty: # No free surface, only a single Rankine source term a_exp, lamda_exp = np.empty(1), np.empty(1) # Dummy arrays that won't actually be used by the fortran code. coeffs = np.array((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) elif water_depth == np.infty: a_exp, lamda_exp = np.empty(1), np.empty(1) # Idem if wavenumber == 0.0: coeffs = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 0.0)) elif wavenumber == np.infty: coeffs = np.array((1.0, -1.0, 0.0)) else: coeffs = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) else: # Finite water_depth a_exp, lamda_exp = self.find_best_exponential_decomposition( wavenumber*water_depth*np.tanh(wavenumber*water_depth), wavenumber*water_depth, ) if wavenumber == 0.0: raise NotImplementedError elif wavenumber == np.infty: raise NotImplementedError else: coeffs = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) if isinstance(mesh1, Mesh) or isinstance(mesh1, CollectionOfMeshes): collocation_points = mesh1.faces_centers nb_collocation_points = mesh1.nb_faces early_dot_product_normals = mesh1.faces_normals elif isinstance(mesh1, np.ndarray) and mesh1.ndim ==2 and mesh1.shape[1] == 3: collocation_points = mesh1 nb_collocation_points = mesh1.shape[0] early_dot_product_normals = np.zeros((nb_collocation_points, 3)) # Hopefully unused else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized input for {self.__class__.__name__}.evaluate") S = np.empty((nb_collocation_points, mesh2.nb_faces), order="F", dtype="complex128") K = np.empty((nb_collocation_points, mesh2.nb_faces, 1 if early_dot_product else 3), order="F", dtype="complex128") # Main call to Fortran code self.fortran_core.matrices.build_matrices( collocation_points, early_dot_product_normals, mesh2.vertices, mesh2.faces + 1, mesh2.faces_centers, mesh2.faces_normals, mesh2.faces_areas, mesh2.faces_radiuses, *mesh2.quadrature_points, wavenumber, water_depth, coeffs, self.tabulated_r_range, self.tabulated_z_range, self.tabulated_integrals, lamda_exp, a_exp, mesh1 is mesh2, S, K ) if np.any(np.isnan(S)) or np.any(np.isnan(K)): raise RuntimeError("Green function returned a NaN in the interaction matrix.\n" "It could be due to overlapping panels.") if early_dot_product: K = K.reshape((nb_collocation_points, mesh2.nb_faces)) return S, K
[docs]class XieDelhommeau(Delhommeau): """Variant of Nemoh's Green function, more accurate near the free surface. Same arguments and methods as :class:`Delhommeau`. """ fortran_core_basename = "XieDelhommeau"