Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Functions to load meshes from different file formats.
Based on meshmagick <> by François Rongère.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin, based on the work of François Rongère
# See LICENSE file at <>

import os
import logging
import numpy as np

from capytaine.meshes.meshes import Mesh
from capytaine.meshes.symmetric import ReflectionSymmetricMesh
from capytaine.meshes.geometry import xOz_Plane, yOz_Plane
from import import_optional_dependency

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

real_str = r'[+-]?(?:\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?'  # Regex for floats

def _check_file(filename, name=None):
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise IOError("file %s not found" % filename)

[docs]def load_mesh(filename, file_format=None, name=None): """Driver function that loads every mesh file format known by meshmagick. Dispatch to one of the other function depending on file_format. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk file_format: str, optional format of the mesh defined in the extension_dict dictionary name: str, optional name for the created mesh object Returns ------- Mesh or SymmetricMesh the loaded mesh """ _check_file(filename) if file_format is None: _, file_format = os.path.splitext(filename) file_format = file_format.strip('.') if file_format not in extension_dict: raise IOError('Extension ".%s" is not known' % file_format) loader = extension_dict[file_format] if name is None: name = filename return loader(filename, name)
[docs]def load_RAD(filename, name=None): """Loads RADIOSS mesh files. This export file format may be chosen in ICEM meshing program. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- RAD files have a 1-indexing """ import re _check_file(filename) ifile = open(filename, 'r') data = ifile.close() # node_line = r'\s*\d+(?:\s*' + real_str + '){3}' node_line = r'\s*\d+\s*(' + real_str + r')\s*(' + real_str + r')\s*(' + real_str + ')' node_section = r'((?:' + node_line + ')+)' elem_line = r'^\s*(?:\d+\s+){6}\d+\s*[\r\n]+' elem_section = r'((?:' + elem_line + '){3,})' pattern_node_line = re.compile(node_line, re.MULTILINE) # pattern_node_line_group = re.compile(node_line, re.MULTILINE) pattern_elem_line = re.compile(elem_line, re.MULTILINE) pattern_node_section = re.compile(node_section, re.MULTILINE) pattern_elem_section = re.compile(elem_section, re.MULTILINE) vertices = [] node_section = for node in pattern_node_line.finditer(node_section): vertices.append(list(map(float, list(node.groups())))) vertices = np.asarray(vertices, dtype=float) faces = [] elem_section = for elem in pattern_elem_line.findall(elem_section): faces.append(list(map(int, elem.strip().split()[3:]))) faces = np.asarray(faces, dtype=int) - 1 return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_HST(filename, name=None): """Loads HYDROSTAR (Bureau Veritas (c)) mesh files. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- HST files have a 1-indexing """ _check_file(filename) with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() optional_keywords = ['PROJECT', 'SYMMETRY'] not_implemented_optional_keywords = ['USER', 'REFLENGTH', 'GRAVITY', 'RHO', 'NBBODY'] vertices = [] faces = [] optional_data = {kw: None for kw in optional_keywords} current_context = None ignored_lines = [] for i_line, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.lstrip() if line == '': continue elif line.startswith("COORDINATES"): current_context = 'vertices' elif current_context == 'vertices' and line.startswith("ENDCOORDINATES"): current_context = None elif line.startswith("PANEL"): panels_type = int(line[10:]) current_context = ('panels', panels_type) elif (current_context == ('panels', 0) or current_context == ('panels', 1)) and line.startswith("ENDPANEL"): current_context = None elif current_context == 'vertices': # parse vertex coordinates numbers = line.split() if len(numbers) == 4: i_vertex, x, y, z = numbers if int(i_vertex) != len(vertices) + 1: raise ValueError( f"HST mesh reader expected the next vertex to be indexed as {len(vertices)+1}, " f"but it was actually indexed as {i_vertex} (line {i_line+1} of {filename}).") elif len(numbers) == 3: x, y, z = numbers vertices.append([x, y, z]) elif current_context == ('panels', 0): # parse face definition (no index given) numbers = line.split() if len(numbers) == 3: v1, v2, v3 = numbers v4 = v3 elif len(numbers) == 4: v1, v2, v3, v4 = numbers faces.append([v1, v2, v3, v4]) elif current_context == ('panels', 1): # parse face definition numbers = line.split() if len(numbers) == 4: i_face, v1, v2, v3 = numbers v4 = v3 elif len(numbers) == 5: i_face, v1, v2, v3, v4 = numbers if int(i_face) != len(faces) + 1: ii = len(faces) + 1 raise ValueError(f"HST mesh reader expected the next face to be indexed {ii},\n" f"but it was actually indexed with {i_face} (line {i_line+1} of file {filename}).") faces.append([v1, v2, v3, v4]) elif line.startswith("ENDFILE"): break else: for keyword in optional_data: if line.startswith(keyword): optional_data[keyword] = line[len(keyword)+1:].lstrip(':').strip() break else: ignored_lines.append((i_line+1, line)) if len(ignored_lines) > 0: formatted_ignored_lines = ["{: 4} | {}".format(i, line.strip('\n')) for (i, line) in ignored_lines] LOG.warning(f"HST mesh reader ignored the following lines from file {filename}:\n" + "\n".join(formatted_ignored_lines)) vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=float) faces = np.array(faces, dtype=int) - 1 if name is None: name = optional_data['PROJECT'] if optional_data['SYMMETRY'] == '1': return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(Mesh(vertices, faces, f"half_of_{name}"), xOz_Plane, name) elif optional_data['SYMMETRY'] == '2': return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(ReflectionSymmetricMesh(Mesh(vertices, faces, f"quarter_of_{name}"), yOz_Plane, f"half_of_{name}"), xOz_Plane, name) else: return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_DAT(filename, name=None): """Not implemented. Intended to load .DAT files used in DIODORE (PRINCIPIA (c)) """ _check_file(filename) raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def load_INP(filename, name=None): """Loads DIODORE (PRINCIPIA (c)) configuration file format. It parses the .INP file and extracts meshes defined in subsequent .DAT files using the different information contained in the .INP file. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- INP/DAT files use a 1-indexing """ _check_file(filename) import re with open(filename, 'r') as f: text = # Retrieving frames into a dictionary frames pattern_frame_str = r'^\s*\*FRAME,NAME=(.+)[\r\n]+(.*)' pattern_frame = re.compile(pattern_frame_str, re.MULTILINE) frames = {} for match in pattern_frame.finditer(text): frame_name = frame_vector = re.split(r'[, ]', frames[frame_name] = np.asarray(list(map(float, frame_vector))) # Storing the inp layout into a list of dictionary pattern_node_elements = re.compile(r'^\s*\*(NODE|ELEMENT),(.*)', re.MULTILINE) layout = [] mesh_files = {} for match in pattern_node_elements.finditer(text): field_dict = dict() field_dict['type'] = if field_dict['type'] == 'NODE': field_dict['INCREMENT'] = 'NO' opts =',') for opt in opts: key, pair = opt.split('=') field_dict[key] = pair.strip() # Retrieving information on mesh files and their usage file = field_dict['INPUT'] if file in mesh_files: mesh_files[file][field_dict['type'] + '_CALL_INP'] += 1 else: mesh_files[file] = {} mesh_files[file]['NODE_CALL_INP'] = 0 mesh_files[file]['ELEMENT_CALL_INP'] = 0 mesh_files[file][field_dict['type'] + '_CALL_INP'] += 1 layout.append(field_dict) # RETRIEVING DATA SECTIONS FROM MESHFILES # patterns for recognition of sections node_line = r'\s*\d+(?:\s+' + real_str + '){3}' node_section = r'((?:' + node_line + ')+)' elem_line = r'^ +\d+(?: +\d+){3,4}[\r\n]+' # 3 -> triangle, 4 -> quadrangle elem_section = r'((?:' + elem_line + ')+)' pattern_node_line = re.compile(node_line, re.MULTILINE) pattern_elem_line = re.compile(elem_line, re.MULTILINE) pattern_node_section = re.compile(node_section, re.MULTILINE) pattern_elem_section = re.compile(elem_section, re.MULTILINE) for file in mesh_files: try: meshfile = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), file + '.DAT'), 'r') except: raise IOError('File {0:s} not found'.format(file + '.DAT')) data = meshfile.close() node_section = pattern_node_section.findall(data) if len(node_section) > 1: raise IOError("""Several NODE sections into a .DAT file is not supported by meshmagick as it is considered as bad practice""") node_array = [] idx_array = [] for node in pattern_node_line.findall(node_section[0]): node = node.split() node[0] = int(node[0]) idx_array.append(node[0]) node[1:] = list(map(float, node[1:])) node_array.append(node[1:]) mesh_files[file]['NODE_SECTION'] = node_array # Detecting renumberings to do real_idx = 0 # renumberings = [] id_new = - np.ones(max(idx_array) + 1, dtype=int) # FIXME: cette partie est tres buggee !!! for i, idx in enumerate(idx_array): id_new[idx] = i+1 mesh_files[file]['ELEM_SECTIONS'] = [] for elem_section in pattern_elem_section.findall(data): elem_array = [] for elem in pattern_elem_line.findall(elem_section): elem = list(map(int, elem.split())) # for node in elem[1:]: elem = id_new[elem[1:]].tolist() if len(elem) == 3: # Case of a triangle, we repeat the first node at the last position elem.append(elem[0]) elem_array.append(list(map(int, elem))) mesh_files[file]['ELEM_SECTIONS'].append(elem_array) mesh_files[file]['nb_elem_sections'] = len(mesh_files[file]['ELEM_SECTIONS']) mesh_files[file]['nb_elem_sections_used'] = 0 nb_nodes = 0 nb_elems = 0 for field in layout: file = field['INPUT'] if field['type'] == 'NODE': nodes = np.asarray(mesh_files[file]['NODE_SECTION'], dtype=float) # Translation of nodes according to frame option id any nodes += frames[field['FRAME']] # TODO: s'assurer que frame est une options obligatoire... if nb_nodes == 0: vertices = nodes.copy() nb_nodes = vertices.shape[0] increment = False continue if field['INCREMENT'] == 'NO': vertices[idx, :] = nodes.copy() increment = False else: vertices = np.concatenate((vertices, nodes)) nb_nodes = vertices.shape[0] increment = True else: # this is an ELEMENT section elem_section = np.asarray(mesh_files[file]['ELEM_SECTIONS'][mesh_files[file]['nb_elem_sections_used']], dtype=int) mesh_files[file]['nb_elem_sections_used'] += 1 if mesh_files[file]['nb_elem_sections_used'] == mesh_files[file]['nb_elem_sections']: mesh_files[file]['nb_elem_sections_used'] = 0 # Updating to new id of nodes elems = elem_section if increment: elems += nb_nodes if nb_elems == 0: faces = elems.copy() nb_elems = faces.shape[0] continue else: faces = np.concatenate((faces, elems)) nb_elems = faces.shape[0] return Mesh(vertices, faces-1, name)
[docs]def load_TEC(filename, name=None): """Loads TECPLOT (Tecplot (c)) mesh files. It relies on the tecplot file reader from the VTK library. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- TEC files have a 1-indexing """ import re _check_file(filename) data_pattern = re.compile( r'ZONE.*\s*N\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*E=\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*F\s*=\s*FEPOINT\s*,\s*ET\s*=\s*QUADRILATERAL\s+' + r'(^(?:\s*' + real_str + r'){3,})\s+' + r'(^(?:\s*\d+)*)', re.MULTILINE) with open(filename, 'r') as f: data = nv, nf, vertices, faces = nv = int(nv) nf = int(nf) vertices = np.asarray(list(map(float, vertices.split())), dtype=float).reshape((nv, -1))[:, :3] faces = np.asarray(list(map(int, faces.split())), dtype=int).reshape((nf, 4))-1 return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_VTU(filename, name=None): """Loads VTK file format in the new XML format (vtu file extension for unstructured meshes). It relies on the reader from the VTK library. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- VTU files have a 0-indexing """ _check_file(filename) vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk") reader = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader() reader.SetFileName(str(filename)) reader.Update() vtk_mesh = reader.GetOutput() vertices, faces = _dump_vtk(vtk_mesh) return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_VTP(filename, name=None): """Loads VTK file format in the new XML format (vtp file extension for polydata meshes). It relies on the reader from the VTK library. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- VTP files have a 0-indexing """ _check_file(filename) vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk") reader = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataReader() reader.SetFileName(str(filename)) reader.Update() vtk_mesh = reader.GetOutput() vertices, faces = _dump_vtk(vtk_mesh) return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_VTK(filename, name=None): """Loads VTK file format in the legacy format (vtk file extension). It relies on the reader from the VTK library. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- VTU files have a 0-indexing """ _check_file(filename) vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk") reader = vtk.vtkPolyDataReader() reader.SetFileName(str(filename)) reader.Update() vtk_mesh = reader.GetOutput() vertices, faces = _dump_vtk(vtk_mesh) return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
def _dump_vtk(vtk_mesh): """Internal driver function that uses the VTK library to read VTK polydata or vtk unstructured grid data structures Returns ------- vertices: ndarray numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes faces: ndarray numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities """ nv = vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints() vertices = np.zeros((nv, 3), dtype=float) for k in range(nv): vertices[k] = np.array(vtk_mesh.GetPoint(k)) nf = vtk_mesh.GetNumberOfCells() faces = np.zeros((nf, 4), dtype=int) for k in range(nf): cell = vtk_mesh.GetCell(k) nv_facet = cell.GetNumberOfPoints() for l in range(nv_facet): faces[k][l] = cell.GetPointId(l) if nv_facet == 3: faces[k][3] = faces[k][0] return vertices, faces
[docs]def load_STL(filename, name=None): """Loads STL file format. It relies on the reader from the VTK library. As STL file format maintains a redundant set of vertices for each faces of the mesh, it returns a merged list of nodes and connectivity array by using the merge_duplicates function. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- STL files have a 0-indexing """ vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk") from capytaine.meshes.quality import merge_duplicate_rows _check_file(filename) reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader() reader.SetFileName(str(filename)) reader.Update() data = reader.GetOutputDataObject(0) nv = data.GetNumberOfPoints() vertices = np.zeros((nv, 3), dtype=float) for k in range(nv): vertices[k] = np.array(data.GetPoint(k)) nf = data.GetNumberOfCells() faces = np.zeros((nf, 4), dtype=int) for k in range(nf): cell = data.GetCell(k) if cell is not None: for l in range(3): faces[k][l] = cell.GetPointId(l) faces[k][3] = faces[k][0] # always repeating the first node as stl is triangle only # Merging duplicates nodes vertices, new_id = merge_duplicate_rows(vertices) faces = new_id[faces] return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_NAT(filename, name=None): """This function loads natural file format for meshes. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Notes ----- The file format is as follow:: xsym ysym n m x1 y1 z1 . . . xn yn zn i1 j1 k1 l1 . . . im jm km lm where : n : number of nodes m : number of cells x1 y1 z1 : cartesian coordinates of node 1 i1 j1 k1 l1 : counterclock wise Ids of nodes for cell 1 if cell 1 is a triangle, i1==l1 Note ---- NAT files have a 1-indexing """ _check_file(filename) ifile = open(filename, 'r') ifile.readline() nv, nf = list(map(int, ifile.readline().split())) vertices = [] for i in range(nv): vertices.append(list(map(float, ifile.readline().split()))) vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=float) faces = [] for i in range(nf): faces.append(list(map(int, ifile.readline().split()))) faces = np.array(faces, dtype=int) ifile.close() return Mesh(vertices, faces-1, name)
[docs]def load_GDF(filename, name=None): """Loads WAMIT (Wamit INC. (c)) GDF mesh files. As GDF file format maintains a redundant set of vertices for each faces of the mesh, it returns a merged list of nodes and connectivity array by using the merge_duplicates function. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh or ReflectionSymmetricMesh the loaded mesh Note ---- GDF files have a 1-indexing """ _check_file(filename) with open(str(filename)) as gdf_file: title = gdf_file.readline() ulen, grav = map(float, gdf_file.readline().split()[:2]) isx, isy = map(int, gdf_file.readline().split()[:2]) npan = int(gdf_file.readline().split()[0]) faces_vertices = np.genfromtxt(gdf_file) vertices, indices = np.unique(faces_vertices, axis=0, return_inverse=True) faces = indices.reshape(-1, 4) if faces.shape[0] != npan: raise ValueError( f"In {filename} npan value: {npan} is not equal to face count: \ {faces.shape[0]}." ) if isx == 1 and isy == 1: return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(ReflectionSymmetricMesh(Mesh(vertices, faces, f"quarter_of_{name}"), yOz_Plane, f"half_of_{name}"), xOz_Plane, name) elif isx == 1: return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(Mesh(vertices, faces, f"half_of_{name}"), yOz_Plane, name) elif isy == 1: return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(Mesh(vertices, faces, f"half_of_{name}"), xOz_Plane, name) else: return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_MAR(filename, name=None): """Loads Nemoh (Ecole Centrale de Nantes) mesh files. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh or ReflectionSymmetry the loaded mesh Note ---- MAR files have a 1-indexing """ _check_file(filename) ifile = open(filename, 'r') header = ifile.readline() _, symmetric_mesh = header.split() vertices = [] while 1: line = ifile.readline() line = line.split() if line[0] == '0': break vertices.append(list(map(float, line[1:]))) vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=float) faces = [] while 1: line = ifile.readline() line = line.split() if line[0] == '0': break faces.append(list(map(int, line))) faces = np.array(faces, dtype=int) ifile.close() if int(symmetric_mesh) == 1: if name is None: half_mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces-1) return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(half_mesh, plane=xOz_Plane) else: half_mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces-1, name=f"half_of_{name}") return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(half_mesh, plane=xOz_Plane, name=name) else: return Mesh(vertices, faces-1, name)
[docs]def load_MSH(filename, name=None): """Loads .MSH mesh files generated by GMSH by C. Geuzaine and J.F. Remacle. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- MSH files have a 1-indexing """ import re _check_file(filename) with open(filename, 'r') as file: data = nb_nodes, nodes_data ='\$Nodes\n(\d+)\n(.+)\$EndNodes', data, re.DOTALL).groups() nb_elts, elts_data ='\$Elements\n(\d+)\n(.+)\$EndElements', data, re.DOTALL).groups() vertices = np.asarray(list(map(float, nodes_data.split())), dtype=float).reshape((-1, 4))[:, 1:] vertices = np.ascontiguousarray(vertices) faces = [] # Triangles for tri_elt in re.findall(r'(^\d+\s2(?:\s\d+)+?$)', elts_data, re.MULTILINE): tri_elt = list(map(int, tri_elt.split())) triangle = tri_elt[-3:] triangle.append(triangle[0]) faces.append(triangle) for quad_elt in re.findall(r'(^\d+\s3(?:\s\d+)+?$)', elts_data, re.MULTILINE): quad_elt = list(map(int, quad_elt.split())) quadrangle = quad_elt[-4:] faces.append(quadrangle) faces = np.asarray(faces, dtype=int) - 1 return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_MED(filename, name=None): """Loads MED mesh files generated by SALOME MECA. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- MED files have a 1-indexing """ try: import h5py except ImportError: raise ImportError('MED file format reader needs h5py module to be installed') _check_file(filename) file = h5py.File(filename) list_of_names = [] file.visit(list_of_names.append) nb_quadrangles = nb_triangles = 0 for item in list_of_names: if '/NOE/COO' in item: vertices = file[item][:].reshape((3, -1)).T nv = vertices.shape[0] if '/MAI/TR3/NOD' in item: triangles = file[item][:].reshape((3, -1)).T - 1 nb_triangles = triangles.shape[0] if '/MAI/QU4/NOD' in item: quadrangles = file[item][:].reshape((4, -1)).T - 1 nb_quadrangles = quadrangles.shape[0] file.close() if nb_triangles == 0: triangles = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=int) else: triangles = np.column_stack((triangles, triangles[:, 0])) if nb_quadrangles == 0: quadrangles = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=int) faces = np.row_stack([triangles, quadrangles]) return Mesh(vertices, faces, name=name)
[docs]def load_WRL(filename, name=None): """Loads VRML 2.0 mesh files. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh """ import re vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk") _check_file(filename) # Checking version with open(filename, 'r') as f: line = f.readline() ver ='#VRML\s+V(\d.\d)', line).group(1) if not ver == '2.0': raise NotImplementedError('VRML loader only supports VRML 2.0 format (version %s given)' % ver) importer = vtk.vtkVRMLImporter() importer.SetFileName(str(filename)) importer.Update() actors = importer.GetRenderer().GetActors() actors.InitTraversal() dataset = actors.GetNextActor().GetMapper().GetInput() return _dump_vtk(dataset)
[docs]def load_NEM(filename, name=None): """Loads mesh files that are used by the ``Mesh`` tool included in Nemoh. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh the loaded mesh Note ---- This format is different from that is used directly by Nemoh software. It is only dedicated to the Mesh tool. """ _check_file(filename) ifile = open(filename, 'r') nv = int(ifile.readline()) nf = int(ifile.readline()) vertices = [] for ivertex in range(nv): vertices.append(list(map(float, ifile.readline().split()))) vertices = np.asarray(vertices, dtype=float) faces = [] for iface in range(nf): faces.append(list(map(int, ifile.readline().split()))) faces = np.asarray(faces, dtype=int) faces -= 1 return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
[docs]def load_PNL(filename, name=None): """Load mesh using HAMS file format. Parameters ---------- filename: str name of the mesh file on disk Returns ------- Mesh or ReflectionSymmetricMesh the loaded mesh """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: # Skip 3 title lines f.readline() f.readline() f.readline() # Read header data nb_faces, nb_vertices, x_sym, y_sym = map(int, f.readline().split()) # Skip 2 more lines f.readline() f.readline() vertices = np.genfromtxt((f.readline() for _ in range(nb_vertices)), usecols=(1, 2, 3)) # Skip 3 more lines f.readline() f.readline() f.readline() faces = np.zeros((nb_faces, 4), dtype=int) for i in range(nb_faces): index, nb_corners, *data = map(int, f.readline().split()) assert i+1 == index if nb_corners == 3: # Triangle assert len(data) == 3 faces[i, 0:3] = data faces[i, 3] = faces[i, 2] # Convention for triangles in Capytaine: repeat last vertex elif int(nb_corners) == 4: # Quadrangle assert len(data) == 4 faces[i, :] = data faces = faces - 1 # Going from Fortran 1-based indices to Numpy 0-based indices if x_sym == 1 and y_sym == 0: half_mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces, name=(f"half_of_{name}" if name is not None else None)) return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(half_mesh, plane=yOz_Plane, name=name) elif x_sym == 0 and y_sym == 1: half_mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces, name=(f"half_of_{name}" if name is not None else None)) return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(half_mesh, plane=xOz_Plane, name=name) elif x_sym == 1 and y_sym == 1: quarter_mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces, name=(f"quarter_of_{name}" if name is not None else None)) half_mesh = ReflectionSymmetricMesh(quarter_mesh, plane=xOz_Plane, name=(f"half_of_{name}" if name is not None else None)) return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(half_mesh, plane=yOz_Plane, name=name) else: return Mesh(vertices, faces, name)
extension_dict = { # keyword, reader 'dat': load_MAR, 'mar': load_MAR, 'nemoh': load_MAR, 'wamit': load_GDF, 'gdf': load_GDF, 'diodore-inp': load_INP, 'inp': load_INP, 'diodore-dat': load_DAT, 'hydrostar': load_HST, 'hst': load_HST, 'natural': load_NAT, 'nat': load_NAT, 'gmsh': load_MSH, 'msh': load_MSH, 'rad': load_RAD, 'radioss': load_RAD, 'stl': load_STL, 'vtu': load_VTU, 'vtp': load_VTP, 'paraview-legacy': load_VTK, 'vtk': load_VTK, 'tecplot': load_TEC, 'tec': load_TEC, 'med': load_MED, 'salome': load_MED, 'vrml': load_WRL, 'wrl': load_WRL, 'nem': load_NEM, 'nemoh_mesh': load_NEM, 'pnl': load_PNL, 'hams': load_PNL, }