Source code for capytaine.meshes.predefined.spheres

"""Generate spherical bodies."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>
import logging

import numpy as np
from numpy import pi

from capytaine.meshes.geometry import Axis
from capytaine.meshes.meshes import Mesh
from capytaine.meshes.symmetric import AxialSymmetricMesh

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def mesh_sphere(*, radius=1.0, center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), resolution=(10, 10), axial_symmetry=False, name=None): """Sphere Parameters ---------- radius : float radius of the sphere center : 3-ple or array of shape (3,) position of the geometric center of the sphere resolution : couple of ints number of panels along a meridian (or number of parallels-1) and along a parallel (or number of meridians-1) axial_symmetry : bool if True, use the axial symmetry to build the mesh (default: False) name : string a name identifying the sphere (default: "sphere_id" where id is an unique integer). """ if name is None: name = f"sphere_{next(Mesh._ids)}" ntheta, nphi = resolution theta = np.linspace(0.0, pi, ntheta+1) points_on_a_meridian = radius * np.stack([np.sin(theta), np.zeros_like(theta), -np.cos(theta)], axis=1) symmetry_axis = Axis(vector=[0, 0, 1], point=[0, 0, 0]) mesh = AxialSymmetricMesh.from_profile(points_on_a_meridian, axis=symmetry_axis, nphi=nphi, name=name) if not axial_symmetry: mesh = mesh.merged() mesh.heal_mesh() mesh.translate(center) mesh.geometric_center = np.asarray(center, dtype=float) return mesh