capytaine.bodies.predefined.cylinders module

Legacy interfaces to predefined meshes

class capytaine.bodies.predefined.cylinders.Disk(radius=1.0, resolution=(3, 5), center=(0, 0, 0), normal=(1, 0, 0), reflection_symmetry=False, axial_symmetry=False, name=None)[source]

Bases: FloatingBody

(One-sided) disk. Deprecated: please prefer capytaine.meshes.predefined.mesh_disk()

  • radius (float, optional) – radius of the disk

  • resolution (2-ple of int, optional) – number of panels along a radius and around the disk

  • center (3-ple or array of shape (3,), optional) – position of the geometric center of the disk

  • normal (3-ple of floats, optional) – normal vector, default: along x axis

  • axial_symmetry (bool, optional) – if True, use the axial symmetry to speed up the computations

  • reflection_symmetry (bool, optional) – if True, use the reflection symmetry to speed up the computations

  • name (str, optional) – a string naming the floating body

class capytaine.bodies.predefined.cylinders.HorizontalCylinder(length=10.0, radius=1.0, center=(0, 0, 0), nx=10, ntheta=10, nr=2, reflection_symmetry=True, translation_symmetry=False, clever=None, name=None)[source]

Bases: FloatingBody

Horizontal cylinder Deprecated: please prefer capytaine.meshes.predefined.mesh_horizontal_cylinder()

  • length (float, optional) – length of the cylinder

  • radius (float, optional) – radius of the cylinder

  • center (3-ple or array of shape (3,), optional) – position of the geometric center of the cylinder

  • nx (int, optional) – number of circular slices

  • ntheta (int, optional) – number of panels along a circular slice of the cylinder

  • nr (int, optional) – number of panels along a radius on the extremities of the cylinder

  • reflection_symmetry (bool, optional) – if True, returns a ReflectionSymmetricMesh

  • translation_symmetry (bool, optional) – if True, uses a TranslationalSymmetricMesh internally for the main part of the cylinder

  • name (str, optional) – a string naming the floating body

class capytaine.bodies.predefined.cylinders.VerticalCylinder(length=10.0, radius=1.0, center=(0, 0, 0), nx=10, ntheta=10, nr=2, clever=True, name=None)[source]

Bases: FloatingBody

Vertical cylinder. Deprecated: please prefer capytaine.meshes.predefined.mesh_vertical_cylinder()

  • length (float, optional) – length of the cylinder

  • radius (float, optional) – radius of the cylinder

  • center (3-ple or array of shape (3,), optional) – position of the geometric center of the cylinder

  • nx (int, optional) – number of circular slices

  • ntheta (int, optional) – number of panels along a circular slice of the cylinder

  • nr (int, optional) – number of panels along a radius on the extremities of the cylinder

  • clever (bool, optional) – if True, uses the mesh symmetries

  • name (str, optional) – a string naming the floating body