
Tools to use xarray Datasets as inputs and outputs.


This module could be tidied up a bit and some methods merged or uniformized., omega=True, wavenumber=True, wavelength=True, period=True, mesh=False, hydrostatics=True, attrs=None) Dataset[source]

Transform a list of LinearPotentialFlowResult into a xarray.Dataset.


The mesh option to store information on the mesh could be improved. It could store the full mesh in the dataset to ensure the reproducibility of the results.

  • results (list of LinearPotentialFlowResult) – The results that will be read.

  • omega (bool, optional) – If True, the coordinate ‘omega’ will be added to the output dataset.

  • wavenumber (bool, optional) – If True, the coordinate ‘wavenumber’ will be added to the output dataset.

  • wavelength (bool, optional) – If True, the coordinate ‘wavelength’ will be added to the output dataset.

  • period (bool, optional) – If True, the coordinate ‘period’ will be added to the output dataset.

  • mesh (bool, optional) – If True, store some infos on the mesh in the output dataset.

  • hydrostatics (bool, optional) – If True, store the hydrostatic data in the output dataset if they exist.

  • attrs (dict, optional) – Attributes that should be added to the output dataset.[source] Sequence[FloatingBody]) Dataset[source]

Create a dataset by looking for ‘inertia_matrix’ and ‘hydrostatic_stiffness’ for each of the bodies in the list passed as argument. Sequence[LinearPotentialFlowResult], theta_range: Sequence[float], **kwargs) Dataset[source]

Compute the Kochin function for a list of results and fills a dataset.

See also


The present function is just a wrapper around compute_kochin. Dataset) Dataset[source]

Return a new Dataset where real-valued arrays of shape (2, …) have been replaced by complex-valued arrays of shape (…).

See also


The invert operation Dataset, bodies: FloatingBody | Sequence[FloatingBody]) List[LinearPotentialFlowProblem][source]

Generate a list of problems from a test matrix.

  • dataset (xarray Dataset) – Test matrix containing the problems parameters.

  • bodies (FloatingBody or list of FloatingBody) – The bodies on which the computations of the test matrix will be applied. They should all have different names.

Return type:

list of LinearPotentialFlowProblem


ValueError – if required fields are missing in the dataset Dataset) Dataset[source]

Return a new Dataset where complex-valued arrays of shape (…) have been replaced by real-valued arrays of shape (2, …).

See also


The invert operation