capytaine.meshes.surface_integrals module

Tools for surface integrals and hydrostatics.

class capytaine.meshes.surface_integrals.SurfaceIntegralsMixin[source]

Bases: ABC

property center_of_buoyancy

Returns center of buoyancy of the mesh.

disp_mass(*, rho=1000)[source]
surface_integral(data, **kwargs)[source]

Returns integral of given data along wet surface area.

property volume

Returns volume of the mesh.

property volumes

Returns volumes using x, y, z components of the mesh.

property waterplane_area

Returns water plane area of the mesh.

property waterplane_center

Returns water plane center of the mesh.

Note: Returns None if the mesh is full submerged.

waterplane_integral(data, **kwargs)[source]

Returns integral of given data along water plane area.

property wet_surface_area

Returns wet surface area.