Source code for

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import newton

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#  Import from Bemio  #

[docs] def dataframe_from_bemio(bemio_obj, wavenumber, wavelength): """Transform a :class:`bemio.data_structures.bem.HydrodynamicData` into a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Parameters ---------- bemio_obj: Bemio data_stuctures.bem.HydrodynamicData class Loaded NEMOH, AQWA, or WAMIT data created using ``, ``, or `` functions, respectively. wavenumber: bool If True, the coordinate 'wavenumber' will be added to the output dataset. wavelength: bool If True, the coordinate 'wavelength' will be added to the output dataset. """ dofs = np.array(['Surge', 'Sway', 'Heave', 'Roll', 'Pitch', 'Yaw']) for i in range(bemio_obj.body[0].num_bodies): difr_dict = [] rad_dict = [] rho = bemio_obj.body[0].rho g = bemio_obj.body[0].g if bemio_obj.body[i].water_depth == 'infinite': bemio_obj.body[i].water_depth = np.inf if bemio_obj.body[i].bem_code == 'WAMIT': # WAMIT coefficients need to be dimensionalized from_wamit = True for omega_idx, omega in enumerate(np.sort(bemio_obj.body[i].w)): # DiffractionProblem variable equivalents for dir_idx, dir in enumerate(bemio_obj.body[i].wave_dir): temp_dict = {} temp_dict['body_name'] = bemio_obj.body[i].name temp_dict['water_depth'] = bemio_obj.body[i].water_depth temp_dict['omega'] = omega temp_dict['period'] = 2*np.pi/omega temp_dict['rho'] = rho temp_dict['g'] = g temp_dict['forward_speed'] = 0.0 temp_dict['wave_direction'] = np.radians(dir) temp_dict['influenced_dof'] = dofs if wavenumber or wavelength: if temp_dict['water_depth'] == np.inf or omega**2*temp_dict['water_depth']/temp_dict['g'] > 20: k = omega**2/temp_dict['g'] else: k = newton(lambda x: x*np.tanh(x) - omega**2*temp_dict['water_depth']/temp_dict['g'], x0=1.0)/temp_dict['water_depth'] if wavenumber: temp_dict['wavenumber'] = k if wavelength: if k == 0.0: temp_dict['wavelength'] = np.inf else: temp_dict['wavelength'] = 2*np.pi/k Fexc = np.empty(shape=bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx].shape, dtype=np.complex128) if from_wamit: Fexc.real = bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx] * rho * g Fexc.imag = bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx] * rho * g else: Fexc.real = bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx] Fexc.imag = bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx] temp_dict['diffraction_force'] = Fexc.flatten() try: Fexc_fk = np.empty(shape=bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx].shape, dtype=np.complex128) if from_wamit: Fexc_fk.real = bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx] * rho * g Fexc_fk.imag = bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx] * rho * g else: Fexc_fk.real = bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx] Fexc_fk.imag = bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx] temp_dict['Froude_Krylov_force'] = Fexc_fk.flatten() except AttributeError: # LOG.warning('\tNo Froude-Krylov forces found for ' + bemio_obj.body[i].name + ' at ' + str(dir) + \ # ' degrees (omega = ' + str(omega) + '), replacing with zeros.') temp_dict['Froude_Krylov_force'] = np.zeros((bemio_obj.body[i][:, dir_idx, omega_idx].size,), dtype=np.complex128) difr_dict.append(temp_dict) # RadiationProblem + Hydrostatics variable equivalents for radiating_dof_idx, radiating_dof in enumerate(dofs): temp_dict = {} temp_dict['body_name'] = bemio_obj.body[i].name temp_dict['water_depth'] = bemio_obj.body[i].water_depth temp_dict['omega'] = omega temp_dict['rho'] = rho temp_dict['g'] = g temp_dict['forward_speed'] = 0.0 temp_dict['wave_direction'] = 0.0 temp_dict['influenced_dof'] = dofs temp_dict['radiating_dof'] = radiating_dof temp_dict['added_mass'] = bemio_obj.body[i].am.all[radiating_dof_idx, :, omega_idx].flatten() temp_dict['radiation_damping'] = bemio_obj.body[i].rd.all[radiating_dof_idx, :, omega_idx].flatten() if from_wamit: temp_dict['added_mass'] = temp_dict['added_mass'] * rho temp_dict['radiation_damping'] = temp_dict['radiation_damping'] * rho * omega if wavenumber or wavelength: if temp_dict['water_depth'] == np.inf or omega**2*temp_dict['water_depth']/temp_dict['g'] > 20: k = omega**2/temp_dict['g'] else: k = newton(lambda x: x*np.tanh(x) - omega**2*temp_dict['water_depth']/temp_dict['g'], x0=1.0)/temp_dict['water_depth'] if wavenumber: temp_dict['wavenumber'] = k if wavelength: if k == 0.0: temp_dict['wavelength'] = np.inf else: temp_dict['wavelength'] = 2*np.pi/k rad_dict.append(temp_dict) df = pd.concat([ pd.DataFrame.from_dict(difr_dict).explode(['influenced_dof', 'diffraction_force', 'Froude_Krylov_force']), pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rad_dict).explode(['influenced_dof', 'added_mass', 'radiation_damping']) ]) df = df.astype({'added_mass': np.float64, 'radiation_damping': np.float64, 'diffraction_force': np.complex128, 'Froude_Krylov_force': np.complex128}) return df