Source code for capytaine.meshes.clipper

"""This module implements a tools to clip meshes against a plane.
Based on meshmagick <> by François Rongère.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin, based on the work of François Rongère
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging

import numpy as np

from capytaine.meshes.geometry import Plane
from capytaine.meshes.meshes import Mesh

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def clip(source_mesh: Mesh, plane: Plane, vicinity_tol=1e-12, name=None): """Return a new mesh containing the source mesh clipped by the plane. Parameters ---------- source_mesh : Mesh The mesh to be clipped. plane : Plane, optional The clipping plane. vicinity_tol : float, optional The absolute tolerance to consider en vertex is on the plane. Default is 1e-12. name: string, optional A name for the new clipped mesh. """ vertices_data = _vertices_positions_wrt_plane(source_mesh, plane, vicinity_tol) nb_vertices_above_or_on_plane = np.count_nonzero( vertices_data['vertices_above_mask'] | vertices_data['vertices_on_mask'] ) nb_vertices_below_or_on_plane = np.count_nonzero( vertices_data['vertices_below_mask'] | vertices_data['vertices_on_mask'] ) if nb_vertices_above_or_on_plane == source_mesh.nb_vertices: LOG.warning(f"Clipping {} by {plane}: all vertices are removed.") clipped_mesh = Mesh(None, None) clipped_mesh._clipping_data = dict(faces_ids=[]) elif nb_vertices_below_or_on_plane == source_mesh.nb_vertices:"Clipping {} by {plane}: no action.") clipped_mesh = source_mesh.copy() clipped_mesh._clipping_data = dict(faces_ids=list(range(source_mesh.nb_faces))) else: upper_mesh, crown_mesh, lower_mesh = _partition_mesh(vertices_data, source_mesh) if crown_mesh.nb_faces > 0: clipped_crown_mesh = _clip_crown(crown_mesh, plane) clipped_mesh = lower_mesh + clipped_crown_mesh clipped_mesh._clipping_data = { 'faces_ids': np.concatenate((lower_mesh._clipping_data['faces_ids'], clipped_crown_mesh._clipping_data['faces_ids'])) } else: clipped_mesh = lower_mesh if name is None: = f'{}_clipped' clipped_mesh.remove_unused_vertices() return clipped_mesh
def _vertices_positions_wrt_plane(source_mesh, plane, vicinity_tol): """Classifies vertices with respect to the clipping plane.""" vertices_distances = plane.distance_to_point(source_mesh.vertices) vertices_data = {'vertices_distances': vertices_distances, 'vertices_above_mask': vertices_distances > vicinity_tol, 'vertices_on_mask': np.abs(vertices_distances) < vicinity_tol, 'vertices_below_mask': vertices_distances < -vicinity_tol } return vertices_data def _partition_mesh(vertices_data, source_mesh): """Partitions the mesh in 3 with respect to the plane: * upper_mesh: part entirely above the clipping plane * crown_mesh: part intersecting the clipping plane * lower_mesh: part entirely under the clipping plane """ nb_vertices_above_per_face = vertices_data['vertices_above_mask'][source_mesh.faces].sum(axis=1) nb_vertices_below_per_face = vertices_data['vertices_below_mask'][source_mesh.faces].sum(axis=1) # Simple criteria ensuring that _faces are totally above or below the plane (4 _vertices at the same side) # Works for both triangles and quadrangles above_faces_mask = nb_vertices_above_per_face == 4 below_faces_mask = nb_vertices_below_per_face == 4 crown_faces_mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(above_faces_mask, below_faces_mask)) faces_ids = { 'upper_mesh': np.where(above_faces_mask)[0], 'crown_mesh': np.where(crown_faces_mask)[0], 'lower_mesh': np.where(below_faces_mask)[0] } partition = [] for name in ['upper_mesh', 'crown_mesh', 'lower_mesh']: new_mesh, vertices_ids = source_mesh.extract_faces( id_faces_to_extract=faces_ids[name], return_index=True, name=name) new_mesh._clipping_data = { 'faces_ids': faces_ids[name], 'vertices_ids': vertices_ids, 'vertices_distances': vertices_data['vertices_distances'][vertices_ids], 'above_vertices_mask': vertices_data['vertices_above_mask'][vertices_ids], 'on_vertices_mask': vertices_data['vertices_on_mask'][vertices_ids], 'below_vertices_mask': vertices_data['vertices_below_mask'][vertices_ids], } partition.append(new_mesh) return partition def _clip_crown(crown_mesh, plane): """Performs the clipping operation of the crown_mesh and determines the obtained boundaries. This is the heart method of the class. """ vertices = crown_mesh.vertices above_vertices_mask = crown_mesh._clipping_data['above_vertices_mask'] below_vertices_mask = crown_mesh._clipping_data['below_vertices_mask'] on_vertices_mask = crown_mesh._clipping_data['on_vertices_mask'] # TODO: Vertices pre-projection to be done here vertices_distances = crown_mesh._clipping_data['vertices_distances'] # Init clipped_crown_mesh_faces = list() clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids = list() direct_boundary_edges = dict() inv_boundary_edges = dict() intersections_vertices = list() index_new_vertices = crown_mesh.nb_vertices for face_id in range(crown_mesh.nb_faces): face = crown_mesh.get_face(face_id) # # Determining the type of face clipping v_above_face = np.where(above_vertices_mask[face])[0] v_on_face = np.where(on_vertices_mask[face])[0] v_below_face = np.where(below_vertices_mask[face])[0] nb_above = len(v_above_face) nb_on = len(v_on_face) nb_below = len(v_below_face) face_type = str(nb_above) + str(nb_on) + str(nb_below) if face_type == '202': # 0*-----*3 # | | # ----o-----o---- # | | # 1*-----*2 if v_above_face[1] == v_above_face[0] + 1: face = np.roll(face, -v_above_face[1]) p0, p1, p2, p3 = vertices[face] ileft = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p1) iright = plane.get_edge_intersection(p2, p3) intersections_vertices += [ileft, iright] boundary_edge = [index_new_vertices, index_new_vertices + 1] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([index_new_vertices, face[1], face[2], index_new_vertices + 1]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) index_new_vertices += 2 elif face_type == '301': # *2 # / \ # / \ # / \ # 3* *1 # \ / # ---o---o--- # \ / # *0 face = np.roll(face, -v_below_face[0]) p0, p1, p3 = vertices[face[[0, 1, 3]]] ileft = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p3) iright = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p1) intersections_vertices += [ileft, iright] boundary_edge = [index_new_vertices, index_new_vertices + 1] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([index_new_vertices, face[0], index_new_vertices + 1, index_new_vertices]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) index_new_vertices += 2 elif face_type == '103': # *0 # / \ # ---o---o--- # / \ # 1* - - - *3 # \ / # \ / # \ / # *2 face = np.roll(face, -v_above_face[0]) p0, p1, p3 = vertices[face[[0, 1, 3]]] ileft = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p1) iright = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p3) intersections_vertices += [ileft, iright] boundary_edge = [index_new_vertices, index_new_vertices + 1] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([index_new_vertices, face[1], face[3], index_new_vertices + 1]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([face[1], face[2], face[3], face[1]]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) index_new_vertices += 2 elif face_type == '102': # *O # / \ # ---o---o--- # / \ # 1*-------*2 face = np.roll(face, -v_above_face[0]) p0, p1, p2 = vertices[face] ileft = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p1) iright = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p2) intersections_vertices += [ileft, iright] boundary_edge = [index_new_vertices, index_new_vertices + 1] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([index_new_vertices, face[1], face[2], index_new_vertices + 1]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) index_new_vertices += 2 elif face_type == '201': # done # 2*-------*1 # \ / # ---o---o--- # \ / # *0 face = np.roll(face, -v_below_face[0]) p0, p1, p2 = vertices[face] ileft = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p2) iright = plane.get_edge_intersection(p0, p1) intersections_vertices += [ileft, iright] boundary_edge = [index_new_vertices, index_new_vertices + 1] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([index_new_vertices, face[0], index_new_vertices + 1, index_new_vertices]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) index_new_vertices += 2 elif face_type == '211': # *3 *1 # / \ / \ # / *2 or 2* \ # 0/ / \ \0 # ---*---o--- ---o---*--- # \ / \ / # *1 *3 # face = np.roll(face, -v_on_face[0]) if vertices_distances[face[1]] < 0.: p1, p2 = vertices[face[[1, 2]]] iright = plane.get_edge_intersection(p1, p2) intersections_vertices.append(iright) boundary_edge = [face[0], index_new_vertices] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([face[0], face[1], index_new_vertices, face[0]]) else: p2, p3 = vertices[face[[2, 3]]] ileft = plane.get_edge_intersection(p2, p3) intersections_vertices.append(ileft) boundary_edge = [index_new_vertices, face[0]] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([index_new_vertices, face[3], face[0], index_new_vertices]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) index_new_vertices += 1 elif face_type == '112': # *3 *1 # / \ / \ # ---*---o--- or ---o---*--- # 0\ \ / /0 # \ *2 2* / # \ / \ / # *1 *3 face = np.roll(face, -v_on_face[0]) if vertices_distances[face[1]] < 0.: p2, p3 = vertices[face[[2, 3]]] iright = plane.get_edge_intersection(p2, p3) intersections_vertices.append(iright) boundary_edge = [face[0], index_new_vertices] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([face[0], face[1], face[2], index_new_vertices]) else: p1, p2 = vertices[face[[1, 2]]] ileft = plane.get_edge_intersection(p1, p2) intersections_vertices.append(ileft) boundary_edge = [index_new_vertices, face[0]] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([index_new_vertices, face[2], face[3], face[0]]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) index_new_vertices += 1 elif face_type == '013': # -----*----- # / \ # / \ # * * # \ / # \ / # * boundary_edge = None clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append(list(face)) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) elif face_type == '210' or face_type == '310': # *-------* * # \ 210 / / \ 310 # \ / * * # \ / \ / # ----*---- ----*---- boundary_edge = None elif face_type == '111': # *2 *1 # /| |\ # / | | \ # ---*--o--- or ---o--*--- # 0\ | | /0 # \| |/ # *1 *2 face = np.roll(face, -v_on_face[0]) p1, p2 = vertices[face[[1, 2]]] if vertices_distances[face[1]] < 0.: iright = plane.get_edge_intersection(p1, p2) intersections_vertices.append(iright) boundary_edge = [face[0], index_new_vertices] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([face[0], face[1], index_new_vertices, face[0]]) else: ileft = plane.get_edge_intersection(p1, p2) intersections_vertices.append(ileft) boundary_edge = [index_new_vertices, face[0]] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([index_new_vertices, face[2], face[0], index_new_vertices]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) index_new_vertices += 1 elif face_type == '120': # *O # / \ # / \ # 1/ \2 # ----*-------*---- # face = np.roll(face, -v_above_face[0]) # boundary_edge = [face[1], face[2]] # FIXME: quick fix here : robust ? boundary_edge = None elif face_type == '021': # ----*-------*---- # 2\ /1 # \ / # \ / # *0 face = np.roll(face, -v_below_face[0]) boundary_edge = [face[2], face[1]] face = list(face) face.append(face[0]) clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append(face) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) elif face_type == '022': # ----*-----*---- # 0| |3 # | | # 1*-----*2 if v_on_face[1] == v_on_face[0] + 1: face = np.roll(face, -v_on_face[1]) boundary_edge = [face[0], face[3]] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append(list(face)) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) elif face_type == '012': # ------*------ # / \ # / \ # / \ # *-------* boundary_edge = None face = list(face) face.append(face[0]) clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append(face) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) elif face_type == '220': # 0*-----*3 # | | # 1| |2 # ----*-----*---- # if v_above_face[1] == v_above_face[0] + 1: # face = np.roll(face, -v_above_face[1]) # boundary_edge = [face[1], face[2]] # FIXME: quick fix here : robust ? boundary_edge = None elif face_type == '121': # *0 # / \ # / \ # ---*-----*--- # 1\ /3 # \ / # *2 face = np.roll(face, -v_above_face[0]) boundary_edge = [face[1], face[3]] clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append([face[1], face[2], face[3], face[1]]) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) elif face_type == '300' or face_type == '400': # * *-----* # / \ | | # /300\ or | 400 | # *-----* *-----* # ____________ ______________ boundary_edge = None elif face_type == '003': # ----------- # * # / \ # / \ # *-----* boundary_edge = None face = list(face) face.append(face[0]) clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append(face) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) elif face_type == '004': # --------------- # *-----* # | | # | | # *-----* boundary_edge = None clipped_crown_mesh_faces.append(list(face)) clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids.append(face_id) elif face_type == '030' or face_type == '040': # Face is totally on the plane --> rare case... boundary_edge = None else: raise Exception("Face %u clipping case %s not known." % (face_id, face_type)) # Building boundary connectivity if boundary_edge is not None: direct_boundary_edges[boundary_edge[0]] = boundary_edge[1] inv_boundary_edges[boundary_edge[1]] = boundary_edge[0] if len(intersections_vertices) > 0: vertices = np.concatenate((vertices, intersections_vertices)) clipped_crown_mesh = Mesh(vertices, clipped_crown_mesh_faces) clipped_crown_mesh._clipping_data = { 'faces_ids': crown_mesh._clipping_data['faces_ids'][clipped_crown_mesh_relative_faces_ids] } return clipped_crown_mesh