Source code for

"""Helper functions to compute some properties of the mesh.
Based on meshmagick <> by François Rongère.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin, based on the work of François Rongère
# See LICENSE file at <>

import numpy as np

[docs] def compute_faces_properties(mesh): """Compute the faces properties of the mesh""" # faces_areas, faces_normals, faces_centers = mm.get_all_faces_properties(mesh._vertices, mesh._faces) nf = mesh.nb_faces # triangle_mask = _faces[:, 0] == _faces[:, -1] # nb_triangles = np.sum(triangle_mask) # quads_mask = np.invert(triangle_mask) # nb_quads = nf - nb_triangles faces_areas = np.zeros(nf, dtype=float) faces_normals = np.zeros((nf, 3), dtype=float) faces_centers = np.zeros((nf, 3), dtype=float) # Collectively dealing with triangles # triangles = _faces[triangle_mask] triangles_id = mesh.triangles_ids triangles = mesh._faces[triangles_id] triangles_normals = np.cross(mesh._vertices[triangles[:, 1]] - mesh._vertices[triangles[:, 0]], mesh._vertices[triangles[:, 2]] - mesh._vertices[triangles[:, 0]]) triangles_normals_norm = np.linalg.norm(triangles_normals, axis=1) degenerate_triangle = np.abs(triangles_normals_norm) < 1e-12 triangles_id = triangles_id[~degenerate_triangle] triangles_normals = triangles_normals[~degenerate_triangle, :] triangles_normals_norm = triangles_normals_norm[~degenerate_triangle] triangles = triangles[~degenerate_triangle, :] # Now, continue the computations without the degenerate triangles faces_normals[triangles_id] = triangles_normals / triangles_normals_norm[:, np.newaxis] faces_areas[triangles_id] = triangles_normals_norm / 2. faces_centers[triangles_id] = np.sum(mesh._vertices[triangles[:, :3]], axis=1) / 3. # Collectively dealing with quads quads_id = mesh.quadrangles_ids quads = mesh._faces[quads_id] # quads = _faces[quads_mask] quads_normals = np.cross(mesh._vertices[quads[:, 2]] - mesh._vertices[quads[:, 0]], mesh._vertices[quads[:, 3]] - mesh._vertices[quads[:, 1]]) quads_normals_norm = np.linalg.norm(quads_normals, axis=1) degenerate_quad = np.abs(quads_normals_norm) < 1e-12 quads_id = quads_id[~degenerate_quad] quads_normals = quads_normals[~degenerate_quad] quads_normals_norm = quads_normals_norm[~degenerate_quad] quads = quads[~degenerate_quad, :] # Now, continue the computations without the degenerate quads faces_normals[quads_id] = quads_normals / quads_normals_norm[:, np.newaxis] a1 = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(mesh._vertices[quads[:, 1]] - mesh._vertices[quads[:, 0]], mesh._vertices[quads[:, 2]] - mesh._vertices[quads[:, 0]]), axis=1) * 0.5 a2 = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(mesh._vertices[quads[:, 3]] - mesh._vertices[quads[:, 0]], mesh._vertices[quads[:, 2]] - mesh._vertices[quads[:, 0]]), axis=1) * 0.5 faces_areas[quads_id] = a1 + a2 c1 = np.sum(mesh._vertices[quads[:, :3]], axis=1) / 3. c2 = (np.sum(mesh._vertices[quads[:, 2:4]], axis=1) + mesh._vertices[quads[:, 0]]) / 3. faces_centers[quads_id] = (np.array(([a1, ] * 3)).T * c1 + np.array(([a2, ] * 3)).T * c2) faces_centers[quads_id] /= np.array(([faces_areas[quads_id], ] * 3)).T faces_radiuses = compute_radiuses(mesh, faces_centers) return {'faces_areas': faces_areas, 'faces_normals': faces_normals, 'faces_centers': faces_centers, 'faces_radiuses': faces_radiuses, }
[docs] def compute_radiuses(mesh, faces_centers): """Compute the radiuses of the faces of the mesh. The radius is defined here as the maximal distance between the center of mass of a cell and one of its points.""" # Coordinates of all the vertices grouped by face faces_vertices = mesh.vertices[mesh.faces, :] # faces_vertices.shape == (nb_faces, 4, 3) # Reorder the axes for array broadcasting below faces_vertices = np.moveaxis(faces_vertices, 0, 1) # faces_vertices.shape == (4, nb_faces, 3) # Get all the vectors between the center of faces and their vertices. radial_vector = faces_centers - faces_vertices # radial_vector.shape == (4, nb_faces, 3) # Keep the maximum length faces_radiuses = np.max(np.linalg.norm(radial_vector, axis=2), axis=0) # faces_radiuses.shape = (nb_faces) return faces_radiuses
[docs] def compute_connectivity(mesh): """Compute the connectivities of the mesh. It concerns further connectivity than simple faces/vertices connectivities. It computes the vertices / vertices, vertices / faces and faces / faces connectivities. Note ---- * Note that if the mesh is not conformal, the algorithm may not perform correctly TODO: The computation of boundaries should be in the future computed with help of VTK """ nv = mesh.nb_vertices nf = mesh.nb_faces mesh_closed = True # Building connectivities # Establishing v_v and v_f connectivities v_v = dict([(i, set()) for i in range(nv)]) v_f = dict([(i, set()) for i in range(nv)]) for (iface, face) in enumerate(mesh._faces): if face[0] == face[-1]: face_w = face[:3] else: face_w = face for (index, iV) in enumerate(face_w): v_f[iV].add(iface) v_v[face_w[index - 1]].add(iV) v_v[iV].add(face_w[index - 1]) # Connectivity f_f boundary_edges = dict() f_f = dict([(i, set()) for i in range(nf)]) for ivertex in range(nv): set1 = v_f[ivertex] for iadj_v in v_v[ivertex]: set2 = v_f[iadj_v] intersection = list(set1 & set2) if len(intersection) == 2: f_f[intersection[0]].add(intersection[1]) f_f[intersection[1]].add(intersection[0]) elif len(intersection) == 1: boundary_face = mesh._faces[intersection[0]] if boundary_face[0] == boundary_face[-1]: boundary_face = boundary_face[:3] ids = np.where((boundary_face == ivertex) + (boundary_face == iadj_v))[0] if ids[1] != ids[0]+1: i_v_orig, i_v_target = boundary_face[ids] else: i_v_target, i_v_orig = boundary_face[ids] boundary_edges[i_v_orig] = i_v_target else: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected error while computing mesh connectivities') # Computing boundaries boundaries = list() # TODO: calculer des boundaries fermees et ouvertes (closed_boundaries et open_boundaries) et mettre dans dict while True: try: boundary = list() i_v0_init, i_v1 = boundary_edges.popitem() boundary.append(i_v0_init) boundary.append(i_v1) i_v0 = i_v1 while True: try: i_v1 = boundary_edges.pop(i_v0) boundary.append(i_v1) i_v0 = i_v1 except KeyError: if boundary[0] != boundary[-1]: print('Boundary is not closed !!!') else: boundaries.append(boundary) break except KeyError: break return {'v_v': v_v, 'v_f': v_f, 'f_f': f_f, 'boundaries': boundaries}
[docs] def connected_components(mesh): """Returns a list of meshes that each corresponds to the a connected component in the original mesh. Assumes the mesh is mostly conformal without duplicate vertices. """ from typing import Set, FrozenSet, List vertices_components: Set[FrozenSet[int]] = set() for set_of_v_in_face in map(frozenset, mesh.faces): intersecting_components = [c for c in vertices_components if len(c.intersection(set_of_v_in_face)) > 0] if len(intersecting_components) == 0: vertices_components.add(set_of_v_in_face) else: for c in intersecting_components: vertices_components.remove(c) vertices_components.add(frozenset.union(set_of_v_in_face, *intersecting_components)) # Verification for component in vertices_components: assert all(len(component.intersection(c)) == 0 for c in vertices_components if c != component) # The components are found. The rest is just about retrieving the faces in each components. vertices_components: List[FrozenSet[int]] = list(vertices_components) faces_components: List[List[int]] = [[] for _ in vertices_components] for i_face, v_in_face in enumerate(mesh.faces): for i_component, v_c in enumerate(vertices_components): if any(v in v_c for v in v_in_face): assert all(v in v_c for v in v_in_face) faces_components[i_component].append(i_face) break components = [mesh.extract_faces(f) for f in faces_components] return components
[docs] def connected_components_of_waterline(mesh, z=0.0): if np.any(mesh.vertices[:, 2] > z + 1e-8): mesh = mesh.immersed_part(free_surface=z) fs_vertices_indices = np.where(np.isclose(mesh.vertices[:, 2], z))[0] fs_faces_indices = np.where(np.any(np.isin(mesh.faces, fs_vertices_indices), axis=1))[0] crown_mesh = mesh.extract_faces(fs_faces_indices) return connected_components(crown_mesh)