"""Special meshes with symmetries, useful to speed up the computations."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <https://github.com/mancellin/capytaine>
import logging
import reprlib
from typing import Union, Callable, Iterable
import numpy as np
from capytaine.meshes.meshes import Mesh
from capytaine.meshes.collections import CollectionOfMeshes
from capytaine.meshes.geometry import Axis, Plane, Oz_axis, inplace_transformation
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SymmetricMesh(CollectionOfMeshes):
def __repr__(self):
reprer = reprlib.Repr()
reprer.maxstring = 90
reprer.maxother = 90
slice_name = reprer.repr(self._meshes[0])
if self.name is not None:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({slice_name}, name={self.name})"
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({slice_name})"
class ReflectionSymmetricMesh(SymmetricMesh):
"""A mesh with one vertical symmetry plane.
half : Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes
a mesh describing half of the body
plane : Plane
the symmetry plane across which the half body is mirrored
name :str, optional
a name for the mesh
def __init__(self, half: Union[Mesh, CollectionOfMeshes], plane: Plane, name=None):
assert isinstance(half, Mesh) or isinstance(half, CollectionOfMeshes)
assert isinstance(plane, Plane)
assert plane.normal[2] == 0, "Only vertical reflection planes are supported in ReflectionSymmetry classes."
other_half = half.mirrored(plane, name=f"mirrored_of_{half.name}")
if name is None:
name = f"reflection_of_{half.name}"
self.plane = plane.copy()
super().__init__((half, other_half), name=name)
if self.name is not None:
LOG.debug(f"New mirror symmetric mesh: {self.name}.")
LOG.debug(f"New mirror symmetric mesh.")
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.half.__short_str__()}, plane={self.plane}, name=\"{self.name}\")"
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.half}, plane={self.plane}, name=\"{self.name}\")"
def __rich_repr__(self):
yield self.half
yield "plane", self.plane
yield "name", self.name
def half(self):
return self[0]
def tree_view(self, fold_symmetry=True, **kwargs):
if fold_symmetry:
return (self.__short_str__() + '\n' + ' ├─' + self.half.tree_view().replace('\n', '\n │ ') + '\n'
+ f" └─mirrored copy of the above {self.half.__short_str__()}")
return CollectionOfMeshes.tree_view(self, **kwargs)
def __deepcopy__(self, *args):
return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(self.half.copy(), self.plane, name=self.name)
def join_meshes(*meshes, name=None):
assert all(isinstance(mesh, ReflectionSymmetricMesh) for mesh in meshes), \
"Only meshes with the same symmetry can be joined together."
assert all(meshes[0].plane == mesh.plane for mesh in meshes), \
"Only reflection symmetric meshes with the same reflection plane can be joined together."
half_mesh = CollectionOfMeshes([mesh.half for mesh in meshes], name=f"half_of_{name}" if name is not None else None)
return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(half_mesh, plane=meshes[0].plane, name=name)
def translate(self, vector):
CollectionOfMeshes.translate(self, vector)
return self
def rotate(self, axis: Axis, angle: float):
self.plane.rotate(axis, angle)
CollectionOfMeshes.rotate(self, axis, angle)
return self
def mirror(self, plane: Plane):
CollectionOfMeshes.mirror(self, plane)
return self
class TranslationalSymmetricMesh(SymmetricMesh):
"""A mesh with a repeating pattern by translation.
mesh_slice : Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes
the pattern that will be repeated to form the whole body
translation : array(3)
the vector of the translation
nb_repetitions : int, optional
the number of repetitions of the pattern (excluding the original one, default: 1)
name : str, optional
a name for the mesh
def __init__(self, mesh_slice: Union[Mesh, CollectionOfMeshes], translation, nb_repetitions=1, name=None):
assert isinstance(mesh_slice, Mesh) or isinstance(mesh_slice, CollectionOfMeshes)
assert isinstance(nb_repetitions, int)
assert nb_repetitions >= 1
translation = np.asarray(translation).copy()
assert translation.shape == (3,)
assert translation[2] == 0 # Only horizontal translation are supported.
slices = [mesh_slice]
for i in range(1, nb_repetitions+1):
slices.append(mesh_slice.translated(vector=i*translation, name=f"repetition_{i}_of_{mesh_slice.name}"))
if name is None:
name = f"translation_of_{mesh_slice.name}"
self.translation = translation
super().__init__(slices, name=name)
if self.name is not None:
LOG.debug(f"New translation symmetric mesh: {self.name}.")
LOG.debug(f"New translation symmetric mesh.")
def first_slice(self):
return self[0]
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.first_slice.__short_str__()}, translation={self.translation}, nb_repetitions={len(self)-1}, name=\"{self.name}\")"
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.first_slice}, translation={self.translation}, nb_repetitions={len(self)-1}, name=\"{self.name}\")"
def __rich_repr__(self):
yield self.first_slice
yield "translation", self.translation
yield "nb_repetitions", len(self)-1
yield "name", self.name
def tree_view(self, fold_symmetry=True, **kwargs):
if fold_symmetry:
return (self.__short_str__() + '\n' + ' ├─' + self.first_slice.tree_view().replace('\n', '\n │ ') + '\n'
+ f" └─{len(self)-1} translated copies of the above {self.first_slice.__short_str__()}")
return CollectionOfMeshes.tree_view(self, **kwargs)
def __deepcopy__(self, *args):
return TranslationalSymmetricMesh(self.first_slice.copy(), self.translation, nb_repetitions=len(self) - 1, name=self.name)
def translate(self, vector):
CollectionOfMeshes.translate(self, vector)
return self
def rotate(self, axis: Axis, angle: float):
self.translation = axis.rotate_vectors([self.translation], angle)[0, :]
CollectionOfMeshes.rotate(self, axis, angle)
return self
def mirror(self, plane: Plane):
self.translation -= 2 * (self.translation @ plane.normal) * plane.normal
CollectionOfMeshes.mirror(self, plane)
return self
def join_meshes(*meshes, name=None):
assert all(isinstance(mesh, TranslationalSymmetricMesh) for mesh in meshes), \
"Only meshes with the same symmetry can be joined together."
assert all(np.allclose(meshes[0].translation, mesh.translation) for mesh in meshes), \
"Only translation symmetric meshes with the same translation vector can be joined together."
assert all(len(meshes[0]) == len(mesh) for mesh in meshes), \
"Only symmetric meshes with the same number of elements can be joined together."
mesh_strip = CollectionOfMeshes([mesh.first_slice for mesh in meshes], name=f"strip_of_{name}" if name is not None else None)
return TranslationalSymmetricMesh(mesh_strip, translation=meshes[0].translation, nb_repetitions=len(meshes[0]) - 1, name=name)
def build_regular_array_of_meshes(base_mesh, distance, nb_bodies):
"""Create an array of objects using TranslationalSymmetries.
base_mesh : Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes or SymmetricMesh
The mesh to duplicate to create the array
distance : float
Center-to-center distance between objects in the array
nb_bodies : couple of ints
Number of objects in the x and y directions.
if nb_bodies[0] == 1:
line = base_mesh
line = TranslationalSymmetricMesh(base_mesh, translation=(distance, 0.0, 0.0), nb_repetitions=nb_bodies[0] - 1,
if nb_bodies[1] == 1:
array = line
array = TranslationalSymmetricMesh(line, translation=(0.0, distance, 0.0), nb_repetitions=nb_bodies[1] - 1,
return array
class AxialSymmetricMesh(SymmetricMesh):
"""A mesh with a repeating pattern by rotation.
mesh_slice : Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes
the pattern that will be repeated to form the whole body
axis : Axis, optional
symmetry axis
nb_repetitions : int, optional
the number of repetitions of the pattern (excluding the original one, default: 1)
name : str, optional
a name for the mesh
def __init__(self, mesh_slice: Union[Mesh, CollectionOfMeshes], axis: Axis=Oz_axis, nb_repetitions: int=1, name=None):
assert isinstance(mesh_slice, Mesh) or isinstance(mesh_slice, CollectionOfMeshes)
assert isinstance(nb_repetitions, int)
assert nb_repetitions >= 1
assert isinstance(axis, Axis)
slices = [mesh_slice]
for i in range(1, nb_repetitions+1):
slices.append(mesh_slice.rotated(axis, angle=2*i*np.pi/(nb_repetitions+1),
if name is None:
name = f"rotation_of_{mesh_slice.name}"
self.axis = axis.copy()
super().__init__(slices, name=name)
if not axis.is_parallel_to(Oz_axis):
LOG.warning(f"{self.name} is an axi-symmetric mesh along a non vertical axis.")
if self.name is not None:
LOG.debug(f"New rotation symmetric mesh: {self.name}.")
LOG.debug(f"New rotation symmetric mesh.")
def from_profile(profile: Union[Callable, Iterable[float]],
z_range: Iterable[float]=np.linspace(-5, 0, 20),
axis: Axis=Oz_axis,
nphi: int=20,
"""Return a floating body using the axial symmetry.
The shape of the body can be defined either with a function defining the profile as [f(z), 0, z] for z in z_range.
Alternatively, the profile can be defined as a list of points.
The number of vertices along the vertical direction is len(z_range) in the first case and profile.shape[0] in the second case.
profile : function(float → float) or array(N, 3)
define the shape of the body either as a function or a list of points.
z_range: array(N), optional
used only if the profile is defined as a function.
axis : Axis
symmetry axis
nphi : int, optional
number of vertical slices forming the body
name : str, optional
name of the generated body (optional)
the generated mesh
if name is None:
name = "axisymmetric_mesh"
if callable(profile):
z_range = np.asarray(z_range)
x_values = [profile(z) for z in z_range]
profile_array = np.stack([x_values, np.zeros(len(z_range)), z_range]).T
profile_array = np.asarray(profile)
assert len(profile_array.shape) == 2
assert profile_array.shape[1] == 3
n = profile_array.shape[0]
angle = 2 * np.pi / nphi
nodes_slice = np.concatenate([profile_array, axis.rotate_points(profile_array, angle)])
faces_slice = np.array([[i, i+n, i+n+1, i+1] for i in range(n-1)])
body_slice = Mesh(nodes_slice, faces_slice, name=f"slice_of_{name}")
return AxialSymmetricMesh(body_slice, axis=axis, nb_repetitions=nphi - 1, name=name)
def first_slice(self):
return self[0]
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.first_slice.__short_str__()}, axis={self.axis}, nb_repetitions={len(self)-1}, name=\"{self.name}\")"
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.first_slice}, axis={self.axis}, nb_repetitions={len(self)-1}, name=\"{self.name}\")"
def __rich_repr__(self):
yield self.first_slice
yield "axis", self.axis
yield "nb_repetitions", len(self)-1
yield "name", self.name
def tree_view(self, fold_symmetry=True, **kwargs):
if fold_symmetry:
return (self.__short_str__() + '\n' + ' ├─' + self.first_slice.tree_view().replace('\n', '\n │ ') + '\n'
+ f" └─{len(self)-1} rotated copies of the above {self.first_slice.__short_str__()}")
return CollectionOfMeshes.tree_view(self, **kwargs)
def __deepcopy__(self, *args):
return AxialSymmetricMesh(self.first_slice.copy(), axis=self.axis.copy(), nb_repetitions=len(self) - 1, name=self.name)
def join_meshes(*meshes, name=None):
assert all(isinstance(mesh, AxialSymmetricMesh) for mesh in meshes), \
"Only meshes with the same symmetry can be joined together."
assert all(meshes[0].axis == mesh.axis for mesh in meshes), \
"Only axisymmetric meshes with the same symmetry axis can be joined together."
assert all(len(meshes[0]) == len(mesh) for mesh in meshes), \
"Only axisymmetric meshes with the same number of elements can be joined together."
mesh_slice = CollectionOfMeshes([mesh.first_slice for mesh in meshes], name=f"slice_of_{name}" if name is not None else None)
return AxialSymmetricMesh(mesh_slice, axis=meshes[0].axis, nb_repetitions=len(meshes[0]) - 1, name=name)
def translate(self, vector):
CollectionOfMeshes.translate(self, vector)
return self
def rotate(self, other_axis: Axis, angle: float):
self.axis.rotate(other_axis, angle)
CollectionOfMeshes.rotate(self, other_axis, angle)
return self
def mirror(self, plane: Plane):
CollectionOfMeshes.mirror(self, plane)
return self