Source code for capytaine.bem.engines

"""Definition of the methods to build influence matrices, using possibly some sparse structures."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lu_factor
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from scipy.sparse import linalg as ssl

from capytaine.meshes.collections import CollectionOfMeshes
from capytaine.meshes.symmetric import ReflectionSymmetricMesh, TranslationalSymmetricMesh, AxialSymmetricMesh

from capytaine.matrices import linear_solvers
from capytaine.matrices.block import BlockMatrix
from capytaine.matrices.low_rank import LowRankMatrix, NoConvergenceOfACA
from capytaine.matrices.block_toeplitz import BlockSymmetricToeplitzMatrix, BlockToeplitzMatrix, BlockCirculantMatrix
from import lru_cache_with_strict_maxsize

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] class MatrixEngine(ABC): """Abstract method to build a matrix."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_matrices(self, mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer): pass
[docs] def build_S_matrix(self, *args, **kwargs): """Similar to :code:`build_matrices`, but returning only :math:`S`""" S, _ = self.build_matrices(*args, **kwargs) # Could be optimized... return S
################## # BASIC ENGINE # ##################
[docs] class BasicMatrixEngine(MatrixEngine): """ Simple engine that assemble a full matrix (except for one reflection symmetry). Basically only calls :code:`green_function.evaluate`. Parameters ---------- linear_solver: str or function, optional Setting of the numerical solver for linear problems Ax = b. It can be set with the name of a preexisting solver (available: "direct" and "gmres", the former is the default choice) or by passing directly a solver function. matrix_cache_size: int, optional number of matrices to keep in cache """ available_linear_solvers = {'direct': linear_solvers.solve_directly, 'lu_decomposition': linear_solvers.LUSolverWithCache().solve, 'gmres': linear_solvers.solve_gmres, } def __init__(self, *, linear_solver='lu_decomposition', matrix_cache_size=1): if linear_solver in self.available_linear_solvers: self.linear_solver = self.available_linear_solvers[linear_solver] else: self.linear_solver = linear_solver if matrix_cache_size > 0: self.build_matrices = lru_cache_with_strict_maxsize(maxsize=matrix_cache_size)(self.build_matrices) self.exportable_settings = { 'engine': 'BasicMatrixEngine', 'matrix_cache_size': matrix_cache_size, 'linear_solver': str(linear_solver), } def __str__(self): params = f"linear_solver=\'{self.exportable_settings['linear_solver']}\'" params += f", matrix_cache_size={self.exportable_settings['matrix_cache_size']}" if self.exportable_settings['matrix_cache_size'] != 1 else "" return f"BasicMatrixEngine({params})" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(self.__str__())
[docs] def build_matrices(self, mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=True): r"""Build the influence matrices between mesh1 and mesh2. Parameters ---------- mesh1: Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes mesh of the receiving body (where the potential is measured) mesh2: Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes mesh of the source body (over which the source distribution is integrated) free_surface: float position of the free surface (default: :math:`z = 0`) water_depth: float position of the sea bottom (default: :math:`z = -\infty`) wavenumber: float wavenumber (default: 1.0) green_function: AbstractGreenFunction object with an "evaluate" method that computes the Green function. adjoint_double_layer: bool, optional compute double layer for direct method (F) or adjoint double layer for indirect method (T) matrices (default: True) Returns ------- tuple of matrix-like the matrices :math:`S` and :math:`K` """ if (isinstance(mesh1, ReflectionSymmetricMesh) and isinstance(mesh2, ReflectionSymmetricMesh) and mesh1.plane == mesh2.plane): S_a, V_a = self.build_matrices( mesh1[0], mesh2[0], free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function) S_b, V_b = self.build_matrices( mesh1[0], mesh2[1], free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function) return BlockSymmetricToeplitzMatrix([[S_a, S_b]]), BlockSymmetricToeplitzMatrix([[V_a, V_b]]) else: return green_function.evaluate( mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer )
################################### # HIERARCHIAL TOEPLITZ MATRICES # ###################################
[docs] class HierarchicalToeplitzMatrixEngine(MatrixEngine): """An experimental matrix engine that build a hierarchical matrix with some block-Toeplitz structure. Parameters ---------- ACA_distance: float, optional Above this distance, the ACA is used to approximate the matrix with a low-rank block. ACA_tol: float, optional The tolerance of the ACA when building a low-rank matrix. matrix_cache_size: int, optional number of matrices to keep in cache """ def __init__(self, *, ACA_distance=8.0, ACA_tol=1e-2, matrix_cache_size=1): if matrix_cache_size > 0: self.build_matrices = lru_cache_with_strict_maxsize(maxsize=matrix_cache_size)(self.build_matrices) self.ACA_distance = ACA_distance self.ACA_tol = ACA_tol self.linear_solver = linear_solvers.solve_gmres self.exportable_settings = { 'engine': 'HierarchicalToeplitzMatrixEngine', 'ACA_distance': ACA_distance, 'ACA_tol': ACA_tol, 'matrix_cache_size': matrix_cache_size, } def __str__(self): params = f"ACA_distance={self.ACA_distance}" params += f", ACA_tol={self.ACA_tol}" params += f", matrix_cache_size={self.exportable_settings['matrix_cache_size']}" if self.exportable_settings['matrix_cache_size'] != 1 else "" return f"HierarchicalToeplitzMatrixEngine({params})" def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): p.text(self.__str__())
[docs] def build_matrices(self, mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=True): return self._build_matrices( mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer, _rec_depth=1)
def _build_matrices(self, mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer, _rec_depth=1): """Recursively builds a hierarchical matrix between mesh1 and mesh2. Same arguments as :func:`BasicMatrixEngine.build_matrices`. :code:`_rec_depth` keeps track of the recursion depth only for pretty log printing. """ if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log_entry = ( "\t" * (_rec_depth+1) + "Build the S and K influence matrices between {mesh1} and {mesh2}" .format(, mesh2=( if mesh2 is not mesh1 else 'itself')) ) else: log_entry = "" # will not be used # Distance between the meshes (for ACA). distance = np.linalg.norm(mesh1.center_of_mass_of_nodes - mesh2.center_of_mass_of_nodes) # I) SPARSE COMPUTATION # I-i) BLOCK TOEPLITZ MATRIX if (isinstance(mesh1, ReflectionSymmetricMesh) and isinstance(mesh2, ReflectionSymmetricMesh) and mesh1.plane == mesh2.plane): LOG.debug(log_entry + " using mirror symmetry.") S_a, V_a = self._build_matrices( mesh1[0], mesh2[0], free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer, _rec_depth=_rec_depth+1) S_b, V_b = self._build_matrices( mesh1[0], mesh2[1], free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer, _rec_depth=_rec_depth+1) return BlockSymmetricToeplitzMatrix([[S_a, S_b]]), BlockSymmetricToeplitzMatrix([[V_a, V_b]]) elif (isinstance(mesh1, TranslationalSymmetricMesh) and isinstance(mesh2, TranslationalSymmetricMesh) and np.allclose(mesh1.translation, mesh2.translation) and mesh1.nb_submeshes == mesh2.nb_submeshes): LOG.debug(log_entry + " using translational symmetry.") S_list, V_list = [], [] for submesh in mesh2: S, V = self._build_matrices( mesh1[0], submesh, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer, _rec_depth=_rec_depth+1) S_list.append(S) V_list.append(V) for submesh in mesh1[1:][::-1]: S, V = self._build_matrices( submesh, mesh2[0], free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer, _rec_depth=_rec_depth+1) S_list.append(S) V_list.append(V) return BlockToeplitzMatrix([S_list]), BlockToeplitzMatrix([V_list]) elif (isinstance(mesh1, AxialSymmetricMesh) and isinstance(mesh2, AxialSymmetricMesh) and mesh1.axis == mesh2.axis and mesh1.nb_submeshes == mesh2.nb_submeshes): LOG.debug(log_entry + " using rotation symmetry.") S_line, V_line = [], [] for submesh in mesh2[:mesh2.nb_submeshes]: S, V = self._build_matrices( mesh1[0], submesh, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer, _rec_depth=_rec_depth+1) S_line.append(S) V_line.append(V) return BlockCirculantMatrix([S_line]), BlockCirculantMatrix([V_line]) # I-ii) LOW-RANK MATRIX WITH ACA elif distance > self.ACA_distance*mesh1.diameter_of_nodes or distance > self.ACA_distance*mesh2.diameter_of_nodes: LOG.debug(log_entry + " using ACA.") def get_row_func(i): s, v = green_function.evaluate( mesh1.extract_one_face(i), mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer ) return s.flatten(), v.flatten() def get_col_func(j): s, v = green_function.evaluate( mesh1, mesh2.extract_one_face(j), free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer ) return s.flatten(), v.flatten() try: return LowRankMatrix.from_rows_and_cols_functions_with_multi_ACA( get_row_func, get_col_func, mesh1.nb_faces, mesh2.nb_faces, nb_matrices=2, id_main=1, # Approximate V and get an approximation of S at the same time tol=self.ACA_tol, dtype=np.complex128) except NoConvergenceOfACA: pass # Continue with non sparse computation # II) NON-SPARSE COMPUTATIONS # II-i) BLOCK MATRIX if (isinstance(mesh1, CollectionOfMeshes) and isinstance(mesh2, CollectionOfMeshes)): LOG.debug(log_entry + " using block matrix structure.") S_matrix, V_matrix = [], [] for submesh1 in mesh1: S_line, V_line = [], [] for submesh2 in mesh2: S, V = self._build_matrices( submesh1, submesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer, _rec_depth=_rec_depth+1) S_line.append(S) V_line.append(V) S_matrix.append(S_line) V_matrix.append(V_line) return BlockMatrix(S_matrix), BlockMatrix(V_matrix) # II-ii) PLAIN NUMPY ARRAY else: LOG.debug(log_entry) S, V = green_function.evaluate( mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer ) return S, V
[docs] class HierarchicalPrecondMatrixEngine(HierarchicalToeplitzMatrixEngine): """An experimental matrix engine that build a hierarchical matrix with some block-Toeplitz structure. Parameters ---------- ACA_distance: float, optional Above this distance, the ACA is used to approximate the matrix with a low-rank block. ACA_tol: float, optional The tolerance of the ACA when building a low-rank matrix. matrix_cache_size: int, optional number of matrices to keep in cache """ def __init__(self, *, ACA_distance=8.0, ACA_tol=1e-2, matrix_cache_size=1): super().__init__(ACA_distance=ACA_distance, ACA_tol=ACA_tol, matrix_cache_size=matrix_cache_size) self.linear_solver = linear_solvers.solve_precond_gmres
[docs] def build_matrices(self, mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=True): """Recursively builds a hierarchical matrix between mesh1 and mesh2, and precomputes some of the quantities needed for the preconditioner. Same arguments as :func:`BasicMatrixEngine.build_matrices`, except for rec_depth """ # Build the matrices using the method of the parent class S, K = super().build_matrices(mesh1, mesh2, free_surface, water_depth, wavenumber, green_function, adjoint_double_layer=adjoint_double_layer) path_to_leaf = mesh1.path_to_leaf() n = len(path_to_leaf) N = K.shape[0] # Navigate to the diagonal blocks and compute their LU decompositions DLU = [] diag_shapes = [] for leaf in range(n): # Navigate to the block containing the one we need # (one layer above in the dendrogram) #upper_block = self.access_block_by_path(K, path_to_leaf[leaf][:-1]) upper_block = K.access_block_by_path(path_to_leaf[leaf][:-1]) # find the local index in the full path ind = path_to_leaf[leaf][-1] # compute the LU decomposition and add to the list DLU.append(lu_factor(upper_block.all_blocks[ind, ind])) diag_shapes.append(upper_block.all_blocks[ind, ind].shape[0]) # Build the restriction and precompute its multiplication by K R = np.zeros((n, N), dtype=complex) RA = np.zeros((n, N), dtype=complex) for ii in range(n): row_slice = slice(sum(diag_shapes[:ii]), sum(diag_shapes[:ii+1])) R[ii, row_slice] = 1 # Compute the multiplication using only the relevant slices of K # The slices are found by navigating the tree #RA[ii, :] = self.slice_rmatvec(R[ii, :], ii) Aloc = K v = R[ii, :] va = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex) free = [0, N] for lvl, jj in enumerate(path_to_leaf[ii]): Nrows = Aloc.all_blocks[jj, jj].shape[0] if jj==0: v = v[:Nrows] w = v @ Aloc.all_blocks[0,1] va[free[1]-len(w) : free[1]] = w free[1] = free[1] - len(w) else: v = v[-Nrows:] w = v @ Aloc.all_blocks[1, 0] va[free[0] : free[0]+len(w)] = w free[0] = free[0] + len(w) Aloc = Aloc.all_blocks[jj, jj] if lvl == len(path_to_leaf[ii])-1: w = v@Aloc va[free[0] : free[1]] = w free[0] = free[0] + len(w) RA[ii, :] = va Ac = RA @ R.T AcLU = lu_factor(Ac) # Now navigate again to the diagonal blocks and set them to zero for leaf in range(n): upper_block = K.access_block_by_path(path_to_leaf[leaf][:-1]) ind = path_to_leaf[leaf][-1] # turn the diagonal block into a zero sparse matrix upper_block.all_blocks[ind, ind] = coo_matrix(upper_block.all_blocks[ind, ind].shape) def PinvA_mv(v): v = v + 1j*np.zeros(N) return v - linear_solvers._block_Jacobi_coarse_corr( K, np.zeros(N, dtype=complex), v, R, RA, AcLU, DLU, diag_shapes, n) PinvA = ssl.LinearOperator((N, N), matvec=PinvA_mv) return S, (K, R, RA, AcLU, DLU, diag_shapes, n, PinvA)