
New in version 2.2 (2024-07-08)

Major changes

  • New feature: lid-based irregular frequencies removal. Add lid_mesh argument to FloatingBody for irregular frequencies removal (PR 521). Add generate_lid() method to generate lids (PR 477) and extract_lid() method to extract lids from exernally defined meshes (PR 559). Add a warning to the user if irregular frequencies can be expected (PR 564).

  • The compiled Fortran extension is not split into a Delhommeau and a XieDelhommeau version anymore. The same effect is now achieved by the run-time parameter gf_singularities of the class Delhommeau (PR 475). (The class XieDelhommeau is kept for backward compatibility.). The new default method in infinite depth is gf_singularities="low_freq" (formerly XieDelhommeau) instead of gf_singularities="high_freq". The new one is expected to be more accurate near the surface and at low frequency (PR 566) The finite depth Green function is always computed using the low_freq variant, so the gf_singularities parameter has no effect in finite depth. (PR 507). The tabulation stores the data of both variants and is thus slightly longer to initialize and slightly larger to store in memory (PR 543).

  • Experimental support for panels on the free surface, when using gf_singularities="low_freq". (PR 419)

Minor changes

  • Remove mesh resolution warning when the frequency is infinite (or the wavelength is zero) (PR 511).

  • When computing without a tabulation (tabulation_nr=0 or tabulation_nz=0), the value of tabulation_nb_integration_points is actually used to compute Guével-Delhommeau exact formulation of the Green function. Previously, it was only used when precomputing a tabulation (PR 514).

  • Add a new variant of the Green function integration gf_singularities="low_freq_with_rankine_part" as an experimental more accurate version of the low_freq variant (PR 510).

  • Add a tabulation_cache_dir parameter to Delhommeau to choose the directory in which the tabulation is saved on disk. If None is provided instead, the tabulation is not saved on disk and is recomputed at each initialization of the class. Also, if this parameter is not set, look for the CAPYTAINE_CACHE_DIR environment variable and use it to save the tabulation if it exists. (PR 516).

  • Meshio objects can be directly passed to load_mesh() to get a Capytaine mesh (PR 555).

  • Load gmsh v4 format .msh file using cpt.load_mesh() (when meshio is installed) (PR 556)

Bug fixes

  • Always use an odd number of points for integration with Simpson rule (PR 515). This bug was partly responsible for some high-frequency inaccuracy (GH 298).

  • mesh_vertical_cylinder() used to return only half of the mesh when called with reflection_symmetry=True (GH 529 and PR 530).

  • Providing the frequency as a scalar coordinate in the test matrix does not result in the value being ignored anymore (GH 547 and PR 548).

  • Improve exception message when giving an unknown radiating_dof to a RadiationProblem (PR 549).

  • Fix issue due to breaking change in linear solver broadcasting in Numpy 2.0 (GH 550).

  • Remove warning mentioning missing divergence for rigid body dofs when computing hydrostatics (PR 487 and PR 570)


New in version 2.1 (2024-04-08)

Major changes

  • New feature: Approximate forward speed for single rigid body. A forward_speed parameter can now be provided to LinearPotentialFlowProblem (or to the test matrix when using fill_dataset()) to compute the excitation force, added mass and radiation damping with forward speed of the body in the \(x\) direction. Note that the RadiationProblem now accept a wave_direction parameter, which is only used when forward_speed is non zero to compute the encounter frequency. See the theory manual for references. (PR 376)

  • Add rich as a dependency and improve formatting of the console output. Add set_logging() function to quickly set up logging with rich. solve_all() and fill_dataset() now display a progress bar (unless turn off by the progress_bar argument). (PR 382)

  • Reimplement computation of added mass and radiation damping in infinite depth with zero or infinite frequency. (PR 385 and PR 485) When using forward speed, the added mass and radiation damping are undefined, but the forces can still be computed. (PR 483)

  • Implement direct method (source-and-dipole formulation) in obtaining velocity potential solutions. The direct method can be used instead of the default indirect method by setting the method argument of solve(), solve_all() or fill_dataset() (PR 420)

  • Add new shape for the grid used for the tabulation, based on the one used in Nemoh version 3. User can choose to use the Nemoh 3 grid shape (by default) or the former one by setting the tabulation_method parameter of Delhommeau. The new grid shape allows to set both the number of points (with tabulation_nr and tabulation_nz) and the extent of the tabulation (with tabulation_rmax and tabulation_zmin). The new default tabulation might lead to slightly different results, which are likely more accurate in the new version. (PR 439)

Minor changes

  • Support passing FloatingBody or FreeSurface objects to post-processing methods such as compute_potential() and compute_free_surface_elevation(). (PR 379)

  • Add top_light_intensity optional arguments to run() and save() to illuminate the scene from top. (PR 380)

  • Clean up __str__ and __repr__ representation of many objects. Also rich.print now return even nicer representations. (PR 384)

  • Always automatically compute and store the excitation_force next to the Froude_Krylov_force and diffraction_force in the dataset (PR 406).

  • Computing the RAO with rao() is not restricted to a single wave direction (or a single value of any other extra parameter) at the time anymore. (GH 405 and PR 406)

  • New computation of quadrature schemes without relying on Quadpy. (PR 416)

  • Add a new function run_cal_file() to solve the problems defined by a file, exactly as the command-line interface is doing (PR 422).

  • Rephrase mesh resolution warnings and group several of them together in a single warning. (PR 423)

  • Add block-Jacobi/coarse-correction preconditioner for large arrays of bodies. (PR 436)

  • The tabulation is saved on disk in a cache directory instead of being recomputed at each initialization of the solver. (PR 454)

  • Add a faces_max_radius argument to the predefined geometries from predefined to set up the resolution by giving a length scale for the panels (PR 459).

  • Automatically clip the mesh (and display a warning) when a problem is initialized with a mesh above the free surface or below the sea bottom (PR 486).

Bug fixes

  • When initializing a body with a mesh having degenerate panels, the initialization of the dofs used to happen before the degenerate panels were removed, leading to an inconsistency between the number of panels in the mesh and in the dof definition. (GH 367 and PR 375)

  • Fix the single precision Green function (cpt.Delhommeau(floating_point_precision="float32")) that was broken in v2.0. (GH 377 and PR 378)

  • Update the BEMIO import feature to work with Pandas 2.0 and output periods as now done in Capytaine 2.0. A version of BEMIO that works in recent version of Python and Numpy can be found at (PR 381)

  • Fix compute_pressure() that was broken. (PR 394)

  • Fix error message when computing hydrostatic stiffness of non-neutrally-buoyant body that is not a single rigid body. (GH 413 and PR 414)

  • Fix bug causing the quadrature method of a mesh to be forgotten when the mesh was put in a body. quadrature_method can now be passed as argument when initializing a new mesh. (PR 417)

  • The function load_mesh() more robustly detects filetype using file extension even when the file extension is not lowercase. (PR 441)

  • Fix bug with bodies translation or rotation when the rotation center or the center of mass had been defined as list or tuples instead of array (PR 472).


  • Add tentative build file for the Guix package manager (PR 339).

  • Fix badly named variables VSP2_SYM and VSP2_ANTISYM in libDelhommeau (PR 391)

  • Remove dependency to hypothesis for testing (PR 391).

  • Change how forces are stored in result objects. Added mass and radiation damping can now be queried with added_mass and radiation_damping and not only the plural forms that were used nowhere else in the code. (PR 393)

  • Use nox to test the code in isolated virtual environments. (PR 401)

  • Fortran source files are not included in wheel anymore (PR 360).

  • The delete_first_lru_cache decorator has been renamed lru_cache_with_strict_maxsize() and now supports keyword arguments in the memoized function (PR 442).

  • Fix Xarray future warning about Dataset.dims (GH 450 and PR 451).

  • Improve some warnings and error messages.

New in version 2.0 (2023-06-21)

Major changes

  • User can specify a period, a wavelength or a wavenumber instead of an angular frequency omega when setting up a problem or a test matrix. If several types of frequency data are provided, an error is raised (PR 283).

  • Breaking The normalization of radiation problems has been changed to use the same normalization as diffraction problems. Added mass and radiation dampings are unchanged, but other outputs of radiation problem (free surface elevation, kochin functions, etc.) may differ from previous version by a factor \(-j \omega\). (GH 173 and PR 348)

  • Breaking The above two points interfered with the handling of \(\omega = 0\) and \(\omega = \infty\) cases. They have been temporarily disabled and will return in a future release.

  • Add methods compute_potential(), compute_velocity() and compute_free_surface_elevation() and compute_pressure() to compute the value of some fields in the domain in post-processing. Their signature has been uniformized with the airy_waves_potential() and airy_waves_velocity() functions (PR 288, PR 326). New functions airy_waves_free_surface_elevation() and airy_waves_pressure() have also been added (PR 293).

  • Breaking The problems can now be initialized by setting a water_depth instead of the sea_bottom (which is still available for user-facing functions). This change is meant to uniformize notations in the code and use water_depth wherever possible (PR 340). Besides the sea_bottom argument of many internal routines has been completely replaced by water_depth. Migrating then requires changing the sign of the float (PR 347).

  • Add Github Actions workflow to build wheels. Precompiled packages will now be available with pip and not only with conda.

Minor changes

  • Support the new format of file from Nemoh v3 (GH 278 and PR 280).

  • Breaking Remove the convention parameter to compute excitation force with WAMIT conventions (GH 133 and PR 281). Changing the convention to compare the outputs of different codes is better done by a dedicated software such as BEMRosetta or BEMIO.

  • Add nicer display for Capytaine objects in IPython shell (GH 227 and PR 287).

  • Support exporting hydrostatics data in original Nemoh-format files - Hydrostatics.dat and KH.dat (PR 285).

  • Add nicer display for Capytaine objects in IPython shell (GH 227 and PR 287)

  • Add functions load_PNL() and write_PNL() to load and write meshes in HAMS .pnl format (PR 289).

  • Breaking Remove cpt.Nemoh() class that was replaced by BEMSolver in version 1.1 (PR 291)

  • Breaking Remove full_body attribute from FloatingBody that used to keep a copy of the body before clipping in-place (PR 302).

  • Breaking Remove dimensionless_wavenumber and dimensionless_omega attributes from LinearPotentialFlowProblem as they are not used in the code and can be easily recomputed by users if necessary (PR 306).

  • Add minimal_computable_wavelength() to estimate the wavelengths computable with the mesh resolution (PR 341).

  • Slightly increase default tabulation size to avoid some high-frequency issues such as GH 157 (PR 353).

Bug fixes

  • Fix immersed_part() (PR 307).

  • compute_hydrostatics() used to fail for non-rigid bodies because it could not compute the rigid-body inertia. The rigid-body inertia is now just skipped for bodies with no rigid-body dofs (PR 308).

  • Reduce the default tolerance of the mesh clipper for points just above the free surface (GH 320 and PR 322).

  • Convert center_of_mass and rotation_center to arrays in FloatingBody constructor to avoid a few issues (GH 319 and PR 325).

  • Fix bug (leading to either RuntimeError or wrong output) when clipping with plane that does not contain the origin. (PR 344)

  • Instances of BEMSolver initialized with default parameters do not share the same engine, hence they do not share the same cache. This minor issue was causing minor interferences in some benchmarks (GH 295 and PR 350).


  • Major update of the compilation toolchain because of the upcoming deprecation of numpy.distutils. Capytaine is now built with meson-python.

  • The method evaluate() (and its counterparts for other Green functions) now accepts a list of points as first argument instead of a mesh. It has now an optional boolean argument early_dot_product to return the integrals of the gradient of the Green function and not only the normal derivative (PR 288).

  • Remove warnings due to 0/0 divisions in compute_faces_properties() (PR 310)

  • Breaking Remove unused and undocumented code about meshes, including mesh.min_edge_length, mesh.mean_edge_length, mesh.max_edge_length, mesh.get_surface_integrals, mesh.volume, mesh.vv, mesh.vf, mesh.ff, mesh.boundaries, mesh.nb_boundaries, compute_faces_integrals, SingleFace. (PR 334)

  • Add analytics to the documentation using ``_ (PR 290).

New in version 1.5 (2022-12-13)

Major changes

  • The XieDelhommeau implementation of the Green function has been improved. The implementation used to be almost the same as the default Delhommeau method. A missing key element has been added and the XieDelhommeau is now actually more accurate near the free surface. (PR 180 and PR 216)

  • New default linear solver LUSolverWithCache: the LU decomposition of the matrix is now cached to be reused for other similar problems, diminishing the total computation time up to 40%. (PR 235)

  • New functions to generate simple geometric meshes have been implemented in capytaine.meshes.predefined. They are similar to the former geometric bodies (Sphere, HorizontalCylinder, etc.), except that they return a mesh and do not create a FloatingBody. The geometric body classes are considered deprecated, although they should still work as expected. (PR 233)

  • Changed the behavior of compute_hydrostatics(). The mesh is not silently modified anymore. The stiffness and inertia matrices are stored in the body for inclusion in the output dataset. The inertia matrix is now computed on the full mesh (GH 197, GH 249, GH 258 and PR 262).

Minor changes

  • Add floating_point_precision argument to Delhommeau() and XieDelhommeau() that accepts either "float32" for single precision computations or "float64" for double precision computations (the latter is the default). (PR 224).

  • Passing the argument tabulation_nr=0 or tabulation_nz=0 to Delhommeau or XieDelhommeau now allows to run the code without interpolating the Green function from a precomputed tabulation. This is meant as a tools for benchmarks and validation, since it decreases the performance of the code for often no accuracy gain. (PR 229)

  • load_mesh() is now exported by the main namespace: from capytaine import load_mesh. The documentation has been changed to recommend the use of this function instead of from_file(). (PR 231)

  • When initializing a FloatingBody, one can now pass directly a mesh object from meshio. The documentation has been changed to recommend this approach instead of from_meshio(). (GH 259 and PR 261)

  • When joining two bodies as e.g. body1 + body2, some hydrostatic properties are passed to the resulting body: if all the bodies have hydrostatic stiffness matrices or inertia matrices defined, then they are assigned to the joined body as a larger block diagonal matrix (PR 243).

  • Add immersed_part() method to clip the body without modifying it in place (PR 244).

  • Add rigid_body_dofs() method returning a placeholder that can be given at the creation of FloatingBody to initialize the six rigid body dofs (PR 245).

  • Custom classes from the capytaine.matrices module storing block matrices or data-sparse matrices can be transformed into full Numpy arrays with np.array(...) (PR 99)

  • Add Dockerfile and instructions to install with Docker (PR 137)

  • Add optional arguments to write_GDF() to write parameters ulen, grav, isx, isy to the mesh file (PR 241)

  • Fix bug with MED mesh file loading (GH 247 and PR 250).

  • Several surface integrals properties of FloatingBodies are also defined on meshes, such as volume or center_of_buoyancy (pull:263).


  • The integration of the pressure on the mesh of the body was implemented twice independently. It has been factored out in integrate_pressure() (PR 218)

  • __rmatmul__ has been implemented for low rank matrices (PR 222).

  • New implementation of the GDF mesh file reader load_GDF() (PR 241)

New in version 1.4.2 (2022-10-03)

Bug fixes


  • Miscellaneous improvements of the documentation (PR 205, PR 211, PR 219)

  • Clean up and fix animation example in the cookbook (PR 213).

  • The warning message for insufficient mesh resolution appears earlier and has been reworded to be clearer (PR 217).


  • Replace the Fortran core by a git submodule pointing to libDelhommeau (PR 208). Future developments of the Green function will take place there.

  • Move from Travis CI to Github Actions for continuous integration (PR 209)

New in version 1.4.1 (2022-09-05)

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug in hydrostatics of rigid bodies: the hydrostatic matrices were always assuming that the rotation dofs were defined around the \((0, 0, 0)\) point. The stiffness and inertia matrix are now invariant by horizontal translation of the body, as they should be. (GH 178 and PR 196).

  • Removed outdated volume/area methods from pre-defined bodies (PR 183).

  • Added symmetric realization and reflection to gdf mesh import (GH 186 and PR 187).

  • Fix some automatic mesh names (PR 195)

  • Fix ordering of the dofs when using assemble_regular_array() (GH 198 and PR 199)

  • Return more explicit error message when the center of mass is missing for the computation of rigid-body hydrostatics (PR 201).

  • Return error message when trying to animate a body with a dof that has not been defined. Previously, undefined dofs were silently ignored. (PR 202)

New in version 1.4 (2022-07-07)

Major changes

  • The function that used to be called impedance is now named rao_transfer_function(). The new function impedance() is the actual impedance matrix (PR 142, GH 147, PR 149).

  • The mass matrix of a floating body used to be denoted mass. It is now denote inertia_matrix. The attribute body.mass is now used instead for the (scalar) mass of the body. (PR 165)

  • Implementation of Sphere has changed. The use of symmetry is now controlled by the axial_symmetry keyword argument. The clever keyword argument is deprecated for Sphere and should be replaced by the more explicit keyword arguments axial_symmetry. Meanwhile, a bug has been fixed with its geometric_center (PR 150).

  • The default linear solver is the direct solver and not the iterative solver GMRES, because it is more robust and more predictable. Nothing changes when users explicitly choose a linear solver. (PR 171)

Bug fixes

  • Fix major bug in impedance matrix and RAO computation: the sign of the dissipation matrix was wrong in previous versions (GH 102 and PR 140).

  • Fix major inaccuracy for deep panels or high frequencies, that is panels deeper than \(1.2\lambda\) below the free surface where \(\lambda\) is the wavelength (GH 38 and PR 156)

  • Wave directions in are interpreted as degrees as they should be (and then converted to radians to be handled by the rest of the code). (PR 141)

  • Fix bug in rotations around axis that does not pass by (0, 0, 0) (GH 151 and PR 152).

  • New implementation of the mesh importer for hst files. (PR 90) It should be more robust and support more variants of the hst mesh file format.

  • Support for quadratures from quadpy has been updated to support the version 0.16.16 of quadpy (PR 164).

New features

  • Add method to compute some of the hydrostatic parameters such as volume, buoyancy center, wet surface area, hydrostatic stiffness, inertia matrix etc. compute_hydrostatics method is created to return all hydrostatic parameters similar to meshmagick.hydrostatics.compute_hydrostatics (PR 106). By default, the hydrostatics are computed assuming a neutrally buoyant body (its mass is the displaced mass of water). Non-neutrally buoyant are partially supported, by setting the mass attribute of the body (PR 166)

  • Add new parallelization using the joblib library as a new optional dependency. The optional keyword-argument n_jobs in the solve_all() and fill_dataset() controls the number of processes running in parallel (PR 136). By default, this parallelisation is disabled (PR 172).

  • Refactor Delhommeau’s method for the Green function evaluation. The size of the tabulation is not hard-coded anymore and can be changed by users. (GH 20 and PR 157)

  • Method show_matplotlib can now colour mesh faces based on a specified scalar field (e.g. pressure) (PR 122).

  • The functions problems_from_dataset() and fill_dataset() accept a body alone as input. That is, one can use fill_dataset(test_matrix, body) and not only fill_dataset(test_matrix, [body]) (PR 144).

Documentation and error handling

  • Improve feedback to users:
    • Print a warning if the user provides a wave_direction that is not in the range [-2π, 2π]. (PR 141)

    • Raise an error when the Green function evaluation returns a NaN (PR 143).

    • Improve message when the GMRES did not converge (PR 143).

    • Raise an error when a body with an empty mesh is given to LinearPotentialFlowProblem (GH 128 and PR 145).

    • Print a warning when a key is unknown in the test matrix provided to fill_dataset() (PR 155).

    • Raise an error if neither radiating_dof (for radiation problems) nor wave_direction (for diffraction problems) is provided in the test matrix in fill_dataset() (PR 155).

  • A new example using Haskind’s relation has been added to the cookbook (PR 129).

  • Miscellaneous improvements of the documentation.

New in version 1.3 (2021-10-07)

Major changes

  • The mesh are always “healed” when a new FloatingBody is initialised (i.e. unused vertices are removed, degenerate triangles are removed, etc.). See for instance GH 46.

  • Implementation of symmetries for HorizontalCylinder has changed. The cylinder is now a reflection of two halves containing translational repetition of half rings, instead of a translational repetition of symmetric ring. By default, only reflection symmetry is used. (PR 91) The use of symmetries can be controlled with translation_symmetry and reflection_symmetry optional keyword arguments. The clever keyword argument is deprecated for HorizontalCylinder and should be replaced by the new more explicit keyword arguments above.

New features

  • Add method FloatingBody.from_meshio to import meshio and pygmsh mesh objects (PR 62)

  • Add method FloatingBody.assemble_arbitrary_array to make an array of bodies with arbitrary layout (PR 71).

  • Break out impedance from RAO to separate function (GH 61 and PR 63).

  • Method problems_from_dataset can now use a list of gravitational acceleration g values in the test matrix (PR 86).

  • Add example in cookbook for computing hydrostatics and mass properties with Meshmagick 2 (PR 70).

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug in free surface elevation computation when the number of faces in the free surface mesh is not a multiple of the chunk size, that is by default a multiple of 50 (PR 82).

  • The function assemble_dataset did not support well the problems without a free surface. In the new version, such problems are explicitly ignored and a warning message is displayed. (GH 88 and PR 89).

  • Fix bug in some of the mesh readers/writers when using pathlib path objects (PR 87).

  • Function load_GDF has been rewritten to accept any GDF file format (PR 97).

Internal and development

  • Easier installation of optional dependencies via pip install -e .[extra] and pip install -e .[develop] (PR 96).

  • Use pytest skipif to skip tests if optional dependencies are not installed (PR 68).

New in version 1.2.1 (2021-04-14)

  • Minor bug fixes, including GH 37 and GH 56 (thanks to Ryan Coe).

  • Add a warning when a panel is on the free surface (see GH 29 and GH 50)

New in version 1.2 (2020-04-24)

  • Experimental implementation of higher order quadratures for the integration of the Green function on the mesh. Default behavior is still the first order integration as in Nemoh.

  • Add method FloatingBody.animate to quickly visualize the motion of a body and add method Animation.embed_in_notebook to embed animations in Jupyter notebooks.

  • Keep the order of the dofs in xarray’s Datasets. This patch uses the CategoricalIndex feature of xarray which was buggy before version 0.15.1 of xarray. Thus this minimal version is now required.

  • Add missing Kochin function for the diffraction. (See GH 22.) In previous version the variable named kochin in the dataset was only the Kochin function for the radiated waves. A new variable names kochin_diffraction has been added. The existing variable kochin has not been renamed, for backward compatibility, but might be in a future release of Capytaine.

  • Improvement of caching to limit RAM usage for large problems.

  • Make optional the dependency to graphical packages (matplotlib and vtk). They were causing issues to some users.

  • has been rewritten to be slightly more readable and remove the dependency to attrs.

New in version 1.1 (2019-09-24)

Major changes

  • Refactoring of the implementation of the solver. The new implementation separates the solver itself from the evaluation of the Green function and the matrix building engine. This more modular structure allows user to choose separately the Green function and the matrix engine that they want to use.

    The former API (Nemoh() object) has been kept for backward compatibility. In most cases, replacing Nemoh() by BEMSolver() is sufficient to migrate to the new structure.

    See Resolution for the full documentation of the new structure and Cookbook for examples.

  • Add Xie’s variant of Delhommeau’s Green function XieDelhommeau [X18].

  • The option cache_rankine_matrices has been removed. It was impeding the performance and modularity of the code for a very low gain. It might be reimplemented in a future version if there is really a need for it.

Minor changes

  • Minor performance improvements.

  • Fix Github issue #18.

  • Improve test suite.

New in version 1.0.1 (2019-03-28)

Minor changes

  • Fix compilation flags for OpenMP

  • Minor corrections in the documentation.

New in version 1.0 (2019-03-14)

Major changes

  • The angle parameter has been renamed to the more accurate name wave_direction.

  • Most of the modules have been reorganized in several packages. See the Overview of the modules for some details.

  • Test compatibility of the code with Python 3.7 and numpy 1.16.

  • Remove a couple of unmaintained or unfinished submodules.

Minor changes


  • Many improvements of the documentation.

  • Reorganization of some of the tests.

  • Various small performance improvement.

Mesh and bodies

  • Rename center into either geometric_center or center_of_mass depending of the case.

  • New method for geometric bodies rotate_around_center_to_align_vectors replacing rotate_to_align_axes.

  • Add methods sliced_by_plane and minced for hierarchical decomposition of the mesh.

  • Symmetric meshes classes have been renamed:

    ReflectionSymmetry -> ReflectionSymmetricMesh
  • Plane are now oriented: they are equal only if their normal point in the same direction.


  • Store solver settings in output dataset.

  • Rename setting use_symmetries into hierarchical_toeplitz_matrices.

  • Fix bugs and improve implementation of the Adaptive Cross Approximation.

New in version 0.6 (2019-02-11)

Major changes

  • Full rewrite of the matrices and linear solvers implementation. All the relevant code is now in the submodule capytaine.matrices.

  • Refactored implementation of block Toeplitz matrices, block symmetric Toeplitz matrices and block circulant matrices. Refactoring of the block diagonalization of block circulant matrices through FFT.

  • Low rank approximation of the matrices with Adaptive Cross Approximation for the use of hierarchical matrices.

  • Option to solve the linear system with GMRES instead of a direct solver.

  • Refactoring of the 3D animation module for animation of the body motions, animated colormap of the pressure, free-surface elevation and export as a video. See cookbook for an example of the new API.

Minor changes


  • Reorganization of the pytest directory.

  • Add an experimental module to compute Response Amplitude Operators.

  • Various bug fixes and improvements of the documentation.


  • More options to set the behavior of the solver at run time Nemoh (use of symmetries, use of caching, choice of the linear solver, …). See its docstring for details.

  • Change of default behavior: the solver stores the details in the Result container when using solve, not when using solve_all or fill_dataset.

  • The water density can be specified in the test matrix when using fill_dataset.

  • Function kochin_dataset to build a xarray of Kochin function.

  • Add the option chunk_size to the computation of the free surface elevation in order to limit the RAM consumption.

  • Minor refactoring of the solver and the computation of the Green function.

Meshes and bodies

  • CollectionOfMeshes is not a subclass of Tuple anymore.

  • New method assemble_regular_array to build an array of identical bodies.

  • Harmonize naming of functions that are not in-place: symmetrize -> symmetrized, merge -> merged

  • Refactoring of the internals of the mesh clipper. New clip and clipped methods for meshes and bodies. When a body is clipped with clip or keep_immersed_part, the dofs are updated.

  • Change naming of dof when bodies are joined: body_name__dof_name instead of body_name_dof_name.

  • The combination of bodies with + is associative with respect to the names of the dofs.

  • Minor improvements of meshes and bodies repr.

New in version 0.5.1 (2018-10-17)

  • Minor bugs fixes.

  • Small performance improvements.

  • Update documentation.

New in version 0.5 (2018-09-18)

Major changes

  • Experimental OpenMP parallelization of the computation of the influence matrices. The parallelization in solve_all has been removed.

  • Integration of a refactored subset of Meshmagick into Capytaine as the mesh submodule. Meshmagick is not a dependency any more.

  • Reorganization of the submodules:

capytaine.mesh_collection                  -> capytaine.mesh.meshes_collection
capytaine.symmetries                       -> capytaine.mesh.symmetries
capytaine.cli                              -> capytaine.ui.cli                        -> capytaine.ui.vtk -> capytaine.ui.mpl_free_surface_animation              ->                      ->
meshmagick.mmio                            -> and

Minor changes


  • Reorganization of the internals of the solver and NemohCore. The initialization options keep_matrices and max_stored_exponential_decompositions have been removed. The former has been replaced by a matrix_cache_size optional argument (default value: 1).

  • Support of \(\omega=0\) and \(\omega=\infty\) in the infinite depth case.

  • The wavenumber is not computed in Fortran anymore.


  • Some body properties are stored in xarray dataset if they are available. New functions add_wavenumber_coords and kochin_data_array allow the storage of wavenumbers and Kochin function in the dataset.

  • New functions separate_complex_values and merge_complex_values in to better handle complex values when saving datasets.

  • New function problems_from_dataset to generate a list of problems from the coordinates of a xarray dataset. New method fill_dataset in capytaine.Nemoh.Nemoh using the above.

  • New function write_dataset_as_tecplot_files() in for legacy Tecplot output.


  • Refactoring of the transformation methods (translate, rotate, mirror, …).

    • They are still in place by default, although they now return a reference to the modified object.

    • They can return a new object by passing the argument inplace=False or by using the variants translated, rotated, mirrored.

    • rotate and rotated requires an Axis object as argument. Old behavior can be found in rotate_angles and rotated_angles.

    • get_immersed_part is inplace by default. Use inplace=False to return a new object.

  • add_rotation_dof now requires an Axis object.

  • New method tree_view() for meshes to display the structure of hierarchical collections of meshes.

  • CollectionOfMeshes and SymmetricBodies are now subclasses from tuple. New methods join_meshes to merge several symmetric bodies with the same symmetries as a single symmetric body.

  • Various improvements in geometric_bodies submodule, especially for Rectangle and RectangularParallelepiped. They can now be generated with reflections symmetries instead of translation symmetries. New VerticalCylinder class.

  • Refactored mesh objects can be checked for equality and are hashable. The method is experimental and can be improved.

New in version 0.4 (2018-08-04)

New features

  • Documentation and new usage examples.

  • Computation of Kochin coefficients.

  • Cleverer helper functions to define degrees of freedom.

Major changes

  • Backward-incompatible change of the way the degrees of freedom are stored.

Minor changes

  • Double precision computations.

  • Improvement of assemble_dataset for parametric studies.

  • Support clipping of collections of meshes.

  • Fixes in geometrical bodies generation.