Source code for capytaine.bodies.predefined.spheres

"""Generate spherical bodies."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging

import numpy as np

from capytaine.meshes import Mesh
from capytaine.meshes.predefined import mesh_sphere
from capytaine.bodies.bodies import FloatingBody

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Sphere(FloatingBody): """Sphere Deprecated: please prefer capytaine.meshes.predefined.mesh_sphere() Parameters ---------- radius : float radius of the sphere center : 3-ple or array of shape (3,) position of the geometric center of the sphere ntheta : int number of panels along a meridian (or number of parallels-1) nphi : int number of panels along a parallel (or number of meridians-1) axial_symmetry : bool if True, use the axial symmetry to build the mesh (default: True) clip_free_surface : bool if True, only mesh the part of the sphere where z < 0 (default: False), can be used with center to obtain any clipped sphere, if True, then ntheta is the number of parallel below the free surface. name : string a name identifying the sphere (default: "sphere_id" where id is an unique integer). """ def __init__(self, *, radius=1.0, center=(0, 0, 0), ntheta=10, nphi=10, clip_free_surface=False, axial_symmetry=True, clever=None, name=None): LOG.warning("Deprecation warning: The class Sphere() is deprecated. " "Please prefer the function capytaine.meshes.predefined.mesh_sphere()") if clever is not None: LOG.warning("Deprecation warning: `clever` argument for Sphere is deprecated. " "Use `axial_symmetry` instead.") if name is None: name = f"sphere_{next(Mesh._ids)}" if clip_free_surface: if center[2] < -radius: # fully immersed pass elif center[2] < radius: ntheta = int(ntheta*np.pi/np.arccos(center[2]/radius)) else: raise ValueError("Impossible to mesh the immersed hull of a sphere completely out of the water") mesh = mesh_sphere(radius=radius, center=center, resolution=(ntheta, nphi), axial_symmetry=axial_symmetry, name=f"{name}_mesh") if clip_free_surface: mesh.keep_immersed_part() self.radius = radius self.geometric_center = np.array(center, dtype=float) FloatingBody.__init__(self, mesh=mesh, name=name)