"""Functions to write mesh to different file formats.
Based on meshmagick <https://github.com/LHEEA/meshmagick> by François Rongère.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin, based on the work of François Rongère
# See LICENSE file at <https://github.com/mancellin/capytaine>
import os
import time
import numpy as np
from capytaine.tools.optional_imports import import_optional_dependency
def write_mesh(filename, vertices, faces, file_format):
"""Driver function that writes every mesh file file_format known by meshmagick
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
file_format: str
file_format of the mesh defined in the extension_dict dictionary
if file_format not in extension_dict:
raise IOError('Extension "%s" is not known' % file_format)
writer = extension_dict[file_format]
writer(filename, vertices, faces)
def write_DAT(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes .DAT file format for the DIODORE (PRINCIPA (c)) software.
It also displays suggestions for inclusion into the .INP configuration
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
root_filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
filename = root_filename + ext.upper()
ofile = open(filename, 'w')
ofile.write('$\n$ Data for DIODORE input file : {0}\n'.format(root_filename.upper()))
ofile.write('$ GENERATED BY MESHMAGICK ON {0}\n$\n'.format(time.strftime('%c')))
ofile.write('$ NODE\n')
vertex_block = \
''.join('{:13.5E}'.format(elt) for elt in node)
) for (idx, node) in enumerate(vertices)
quad_block = '$\n$ ELEMENT,TYPE=Q4C000,ELSTRUCTURE={0}'.format(root_filename.upper())
tri_block = '$\n$ ELEMENT,TYPE=T3C000,ELSTRUCTURE={0}'.format(root_filename.upper())
nq = 0
nt = 0
for (idx, cell) in enumerate(faces+1):
if cell[0] != cell[-1]:
# quadrangle
nq += 1
quad_block = ''.join(
''.join('{:8d}'.format(node_id) for node_id in cell)
# Triangle
nt += 1
tri_block = ''.join(
''.join('{:8d}'.format(node_id) for node_id in cell[:3])
print('Suggestion for .inp DIODORE input file :')
if nq > 0:
quad_block = ''.join((quad_block, '\n*RETURN\n'))
if nt > 0:
tri_block = ''.join((tri_block, '\n*RETURN\n'))
def write_HST(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes .HST file format for the HYDROSTAR (Bureau Veritas (c)) software.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
# TODO: allow many bodies
ofile = open(filename, 'w')
'USERS: meshmagick\n\n'
'NBODY 1\n'
'RHO 1025.0\n'
'GRAVITY 9.81\n\n'
coordinates_block = ''.join(( # block
'\n'.join( # line
'{:10d}'.format(idx+1), # index
''.join('{:16.6E}'.format(elt) for elt in node) # node coordinates
) for (idx, node) in enumerate(vertices)
cells_coordinates = ''.join(( # block
'\n'.join( # line
'{:10d}'.format(node_idx) for node_idx in cell
) for cell in faces + 1
def write_TEC(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes .TEC file format for the TECPLOT (Tecplot (c)) visualisation software.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
ofile = open(filename, 'w')
nv = vertices.shape[0]
nf = faces.shape[0]
ofile.write('TITLE = \" THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY MESHMAGICK - FICHIER : {} \" \n'.format(filename))
ofile.write('VARIABLES = \"X\",\"Y\",\"Z\" \n')
ofile.write('ZONE T=\"MESH\" \n')
ofile.write('N={nv:10d} ,E={nf:10d} , F=FEPOINT, ET=QUADRILATERAL\n'.format(nv=nv, nf=nf))
node_block = '\n'.join( # block
''.join('{:16.6E}'.format(elt) for elt in node)
) for node in vertices
) + '\n'
cells_block = '\n'.join( # block
''.join('{:10d}'.format(node_id) for node_id in cell)
) for cell in faces + 1
) + '\n'
return 1
def write_VTU(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes .vtu file format for the paraview (Kitware (c)) visualisation software.
It relies on the VTK library for its writer. VTU files use the last XML file format of the VTK library.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk")
writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter()
unstructured_grid = _build_vtkUnstructuredGrid(vertices, faces)
def write_VTP(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes .vtp file format for the Paraview (Kitware (c)) visualisation software.
It relies on the VTK library for its writer. VTP files use the last XML file format of the VTK library and
correspond to polydata.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk")
writer = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataWriter()
polydata = _build_vtkPolyData(vertices, faces)
def write_VTK(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes .vtk file format for the Paraview (Kitware (c)) visualisation software.
It relies on the VTK library for its writer. VTK files use the legagy ASCII file format of the VTK library.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
nv = vertices.shape[0]
nf = faces.shape[0]
triangle_mask = (faces[:, 0] == faces[:, -1])
quadrangles_mask = np.invert(triangle_mask)
nb_triangles = len(np.where(triangle_mask)[0])
nb_quandrangles = len(np.where(quadrangles_mask)[0])
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write('# vtk DataFile Version 4.0\n')
f.write('vtk file generated by meshmagick on %s\n' % time.strftime('%c'))
f.write('POINTS %u float\n' % nv)
for vertex in vertices:
f.write('%f %f %f\n' % (vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2]))
f.write('POLYGONS %u %u\n' % (nf, 4*nb_triangles+5*nb_quandrangles))
for face in faces:
if face[0] == face[-1]: # Triangle
f.write('3 %u %u %u\n' % (face[0], face[1], face[2]))
else: # Quadrangle
f.write('4 %u %u %u %u\n' % (face[0], face[1], face[2], face[3]))
def _build_vtkUnstructuredGrid(vertices, faces):
"""Internal function that builds a VTK object for manipulation by the VTK library.
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk")
nv = max(np.shape(vertices))
nf = max(np.shape(faces))
vtk_mesh = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()
vtk_mesh.Allocate(nf, nf)
# Building the vtkPoints data structure
vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints()
for idx, vertex in enumerate(vertices):
vtk_points.SetPoint(idx, vertex)
vtk_mesh.SetPoints(vtk_points) # Storing the points into vtk_mesh
# Building the vtkCell data structure
for cell in faces:
if cell[-1] in cell[:-1]:
vtk_cell = vtk.vtkTriangle()
nc = 3
# #print 'quadrangle'
vtk_cell = vtk.vtkQuad()
nc = 4
for k in range(nc):
vtk_cell.GetPointIds().SetId(k, cell[k])
vtk_mesh.InsertNextCell(vtk_cell.GetCellType(), vtk_cell.GetPointIds())
return vtk_mesh
def _build_vtkPolyData(vertices, faces):
"""Builds a vtkPolyData object from vertices and faces"""
vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk")
# Create a vtkPoints object and store the points in it
points = vtk.vtkPoints()
for point in vertices:
# Create a vtkCellArray to store faces
cell_array = vtk.vtkCellArray()
for face_ids in faces:
if face_ids[0] == face_ids[-1]:
# Triangle
curface = face_ids[:3]
vtk_face = vtk.vtkTriangle()
# Quadrangle
curface = face_ids[:4]
vtk_face = vtk.vtkQuad()
for idx, id in enumerate(curface):
vtk_face.GetPointIds().SetId(idx, id)
polydata_mesh = vtk.vtkPolyData()
return polydata_mesh
def write_NAT(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes .nat file format as defined into the load_NAT function.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
See Also
ofile = open(filename, 'w')
nv = max(np.shape(vertices))
nf = max(np.shape(faces))
ofile.write('%6u%6u\n' % (0, 0)) # lire les symmetries dans args...
ofile.write('%6u%6u\n' % (nv, nf))
for vertex in vertices:
ofile.write('%15.6E%15.6E%15.6E\n' % (vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2]))
for cell in faces+1:
ofile.write('%10u%10u%10u%10u\n' % (cell[0], cell[1], cell[2], cell[3]))
def write_NEM(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes mesh files used by the Mesh tool included in Nemoh
filename : str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
This file format is different from that used by Nemoh itself. It is only used by the Mesh tool.
ofile = open(filename, 'w')
ofile.write('%u\n' % vertices.shape[0])
ofile.write('%u\n' % faces.shape[0])
for vertex in vertices:
ofile.write('%15.6f\t%15.6f\t%15.6f\n' % (vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2]))
for face in faces+1:
ofile.write('%10u\t%10u\t%10u\t%10u\n' % (face[0], face[1], face[2], face[3]))
def write_GDF(filename, vertices, faces, ulen=100.0, gravity=9.81, isx=0, isy=0):
"""Writes .gdf file format for the WAMIT (Wamit INC. (c)) BEM software.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
ulen: float, optional
length scale. The default is 100.0
gravity: float, optional
acceleration of gravity. The default is 9.81
isx: {0, 1}, optional
symmetry in x-axis. The default is 0
isy: {0, 1}, optional
symmetry in y-axis. The default is 0
nf = max(np.shape(faces))
ofile = open(filename, 'w')
ofile.write('GDF file generated by meshmagick on %s\n' % time.strftime('%c'))
ofile.write('%16.6f%16.6f\n' % (ulen, gravity))
ofile.write('%12u%12u\n' % (isx, isy)) # TODO : mettre les symetries en argument
ofile.write('%12u\n' % nf)
for cell in faces:
for k in range(4):
cur_vertices = vertices[cell[k], :]
ofile.write('%16.6E%16.6E%16.6E\n' % (cur_vertices[0], cur_vertices[1], cur_vertices[2]))
def write_MAR(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes mesh files to be used with Nemoh BEM software (Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
# TODO: detect symmetry in Oxz plane
ofile = open(filename, 'w')
ofile.write('{0:6d}{1:6d}\n'.format(2, 0)) # TODO : mettre les symetries en argument
for (idx, vertex) in enumerate(vertices):
ofile.write('{0:6d}{1:16.6f}{2:16.6f}{3:16.6f}\n'.format(idx+1, vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2]))
ofile.write('{0:6d}{1:6d}{2:6d}{3:6d}{4:6d}\n'.format(0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
cell_block = '\n'.join(
''.join('{0:10d}'.format(elt) for elt in cell)
for cell in faces + 1
) + '\n'
ofile.write('%6u%6u%6u%6u\n' % (0, 0, 0, 0))
print('WARNING: if you described only one part of the mesh using symmetry for Nemoh, you may manually modify the ' \
'file header accordingly')
def write_RAD(filename, vertices, faces):
raise NotImplementedError
def write_STL(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Writes .stl file format. It relies on the VTK library for its writer.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
# TODO : replace this implementation by using the vtk functionalities
# Triangulating quads
t1 = (0, 1, 2)
t2 = (0, 2, 3)
quads_ids = np.where(faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1])[0]
new_faces = faces[quads_ids].copy()
new_faces[:, :3] = new_faces[:, t1]
new_faces[:, -1] = new_faces[:, 0]
faces[quads_ids, :3] = faces[:, t2][quads_ids]
faces[quads_ids, -1] = faces[quads_ids, 0]
faces = np.concatenate((faces, new_faces))
# Writing file
ofile = open(filename, 'w')
ofile.write('solid meshmagick\n')
for face in faces:
if face[0] != face[3]:
raise RuntimeError("""Only full triangle meshes are accepted in STL files.
Please consider using the --triangulate-quadrangles option (-tq) to
perform a prior triangulation of the mesh""")
# Computing normal
v0 = vertices[face[0], :]
v1 = vertices[face[1], :]
v2 = vertices[face[2], :]
n = np.cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0)
n /= np.linalg.norm(n)
block_facet = ''.join([' facet normal ', ''.join('%15.6e' % ni for ni in n) + '\n',
' outer loop\n',
' vertex', ''.join('%15.6e' % Vi for Vi in v0) + '\n',
' vertex', ''.join('%15.6e' % Vi for Vi in v1) + '\n',
' vertex', ''.join('%15.6e' % Vi for Vi in v2) + '\n',
' endloop\n',
' endfacet\n'])
ofile.write('endsolid meshmagick\n')
def write_INP(filename, vertices, faces):
raise NotImplementedError('INP writer is not implementer yet')
def write_MSH(filename, vertices, faces):
raise NotImplementedError('MSH writer is not implemented yet')
def write_MED(filename, vertices, faces):
raise NotImplementedError('MED writer is not implemented yet')
def write_WRL(filename, vertices, faces):
raise NotImplementedError('VRML writer is not implemented yet')
def write_PNL(filename, vertices, faces):
"""Write a mesh to a file using HAMS file format.
Took some inspiration from "nemohmesh_to_pnl" by Garett Barter
This writer does not support symmetries.
filename: str
name of the mesh file to be written on disk
vertices: ndarray
numpy array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes
faces: ndarray
numpy array of the faces' nodes connectivities
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write(' --------------Hull Mesh File---------------\n')
f.write(' # Number of Panels, Nodes, X-Symmetry and Y-Symmetry\n')
f.write(f' {faces.shape[0]} {vertices.shape[0]} 0 0\n')
f.write(' #Start Definition of Node Coordinates ! node_number x y z\n')
for i, vertex in enumerate(vertices):
f.write("{:>5}{:>18.6f}{:>18.6f}{:>18.6f}\n".format(i+1, *vertex))
f.write(' #End Definition of Node Coordinates\n')
f.write(' #Start Definition of Node Relations ! panel_number number_of_vertices Vertex1_ID Vertex2_ID Vertex3_ID (Vertex4_ID)\n')
for i, face in enumerate(faces):
face = face + 1
if face[2] == face[3]: # Triangle
f.write("{:>5}{:>5}{:>10}{:>10}{:>10}\n".format(i+1, 3, *face[:3]))
f.write("{:>5}{:>5}{:>10}{:>10}{:>10}{:>10}\n".format(i+1, 4, *face))
f.write(' #End Definition of Node Relations\n')
f.write(' --------------End Hull Mesh File---------------\n')
extension_dict = { # keyword, writer
'mar': write_MAR,
'nemoh': write_MAR,
'wamit': write_GDF,
'gdf': write_GDF,
'diodore-inp': write_INP,
'inp': write_INP,
'diodore-dat': write_DAT,
'hydrostar': write_HST,
'hst': write_HST,
'natural': write_NAT,
'nat': write_NAT,
'gmsh': write_MSH,
'msh': write_MSH,
'rad': write_RAD,
'radioss': write_RAD,
'stl': write_STL,
'vtu': write_VTU,
'vtp': write_VTP,
'paraview-legacy': write_VTK,
'vtk': write_VTK,
'tecplot': write_TEC,
'tec': write_TEC,
'med': write_MED,
'salome': write_MED,
'vrml': write_WRL,
'wrl': write_WRL,
'nem': write_NEM,
'nemoh_mesh': write_NEM,
'pnl': write_PNL,
'hams': write_PNL,