""" This module contains a class to describe the 2D mesh of the surface of a body in a 3D space.
Based on meshmagick <https://github.com/LHEEA/meshmagick> by François Rongère.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin, based on the work of François Rongère
# See LICENSE file at <https://github.com/mancellin/capytaine>
import logging
from itertools import count
import numpy as np
from capytaine.meshes.geometry import Abstract3DObject, ClippableMixin, Plane, inplace_transformation, xOy_Plane
from capytaine.meshes.properties import compute_faces_properties, connected_components, connected_components_of_waterline
from capytaine.meshes.surface_integrals import SurfaceIntegralsMixin
from capytaine.meshes.quality import (merge_duplicates, heal_normals, remove_unused_vertices,
heal_triangles, remove_degenerated_faces)
from capytaine.tools.optional_imports import import_optional_dependency
from capytaine.meshes.quadratures import compute_quadrature_on_faces
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Mesh(ClippableMixin, SurfaceIntegralsMixin, Abstract3DObject):
"""A class to handle unstructured 2D meshes in a 3D space.
vertices : array_like of shape (nv, 3)
Array of mesh vertices coordinates.Each line of the array represents one vertex
faces : array_like of shape (nf, 4)
Arrays of mesh connectivities for faces. Each line of the array represents indices of
vertices that form the face, expressed in counterclockwise order to ensure outward normals
name : str, optional
The name of the mesh. If None, the mesh is given an automatic name based on its internal ID.
quadrature_method: None or str or Quadpy quadrature, optional
The method used to compute quadrature points in each cells.
By default: None, that is a one-point first order scheme is used.
_ids = count(0) # A counter for automatic naming of new meshes.
def __init__(self, vertices=None, faces=None, name=None, *, quadrature_method=None):
if vertices is None or len(vertices) == 0:
vertices = np.zeros((0, 3))
if faces is None or len(faces) == 0:
faces = np.zeros((0, 4))
if name is None:
self.name = f'mesh_{next(Mesh._ids)}'
self.name = str(name)
self.__internals__ = dict()
self.vertices = vertices # Not a direct assignment, goes through the setter method below.
self.faces = faces # Not a direct assignment, goes through the setter method below.
LOG.debug(f"New mesh: {repr(self)}")
self.quadrature_method = quadrature_method
def __short_str__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(..., name=\"{self.name}\")")
def __str__(self):
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(vertices=[[... {self.nb_vertices} vertices ...]], "
f"faces=[[... {self.nb_faces} faces ...]], name=\"{self.name}\")")
def __repr__(self):
# shift = len(self.__class__.__name__) + 1
# vert_str = np.array_repr(self.vertices).replace('\n', '\n' + (shift + 9)*' ')
# faces_str = np.array_repr(self.faces).replace('\n', '\n' + (shift + 6)*' ')
# return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(\n{' '*shift}vertices={vert_str},\n{' '*shift}faces={faces_str}\n{' '*shift}name=\"{self.name}\"\n)"
return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(vertices=[[... {self.nb_vertices} vertices ...]], "
f"faces=[[... {self.nb_faces} faces ...]], name=\"{self.name}\")")
def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):
def __rich_repr__(self):
class CustomRepr:
def __init__(self, n, kind):
self.n = n
self.kind = kind
def __repr__(self):
return "[[... {} {} ...]]".format(self.n, self.kind)
yield "vertices", CustomRepr(self.nb_vertices, "vertices")
yield "faces", CustomRepr(self.nb_faces, "faces")
yield "name", self.name
def nb_vertices(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of vertices in the mesh."""
return self._vertices.shape[0]
def vertices(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the vertices array coordinate of the mesh."""
return self._vertices
def vertices(self, value) -> None:
self._vertices = np.array(value, dtype=float)
assert self._vertices.shape[1] == 3, \
"Vertices of a mesh should be provided as a sequence of 3-ple."
def nb_faces(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of faces in the mesh."""
return self._faces.shape[0]
def faces(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the faces connectivity array of the mesh."""
return self._faces
def faces(self, faces):
faces = np.array(faces, dtype=int)
assert np.all(faces >= 0), \
"Faces of a mesh should be provided as positive integers (ids of vertices)"
assert faces.shape[1] == 4, \
"Faces of a mesh should be provided as a sequence of 4-ple."
assert len(faces) == 0 or faces.max()+1 <= self.nb_vertices, \
"The array of faces should only reference vertices that are in the mesh."
self._faces = faces
def copy(self, name=None) -> 'Mesh':
"""Get a copy of the current mesh instance.
name : string, optional
a name for the new mesh
mesh instance copy
from copy import deepcopy
new_mesh = deepcopy(self)
if name is not None:
new_mesh.name = name
return new_mesh
def merged(self):
"""Dummy method to be generalized for collections of meshes."""
return self
def tree_view(self, **kwargs):
"""Dummy method to be generalized for collections of meshes."""
return self.__short_str__()
def path_to_leaf(self):
"""Dummy method to be generalized for collection of meshes."""
return [[]]
def to_meshmagick(self):
"""Convert the Mesh object as a Mesh object from meshmagick.
Mostly for debugging."""
from meshmagick.mesh import Mesh
meshmagick_mesh = Mesh(self.vertices, self.faces, name=self.name)
return meshmagick_mesh
# Extract face #
def get_face(self, face_id):
"""Get the face described by its vertices connectivity.
face_id : int
Face id
If the face is a triangle, the array has 3 components, else it has 4 (quadrangle)
if self.is_triangle(face_id):
return self._faces[face_id, :3]
return self._faces[face_id]
def sliced_by_plane(self, plane: Plane):
from capytaine.meshes.collections import CollectionOfMeshes
faces_ids_on_one_side = np.where(plane.distance_to_point(self.faces_centers) < 0)[0]
if len(faces_ids_on_one_side) == 0 or len(faces_ids_on_one_side) == self.nb_faces:
return self.copy()
mesh_part_1 = self.extract_faces(faces_ids_on_one_side)
mesh_part_2 = self.extract_faces(list(set(range(self.nb_faces)) - set(faces_ids_on_one_side)))
return CollectionOfMeshes([mesh_part_1, mesh_part_2],
# Mean and radius #
def center_of_mass_of_nodes(self):
"""(Non-weighted) center of mass of the nodes of the mesh."""
if 'center_of_mass_of_nodes' not in self.__internals__:
center_of_mass_of_nodes = np.mean(self.vertices, axis=0)
self.__internals__['center_of_mass_of_nodes'] = center_of_mass_of_nodes
return center_of_mass_of_nodes
return self.__internals__['center_of_mass_of_nodes']
def diameter_of_nodes(self):
"""Maximum distance between two nodes of the mesh."""
if 'diameter_of_nodes' not in self.__internals__:
diameter_of_nodes = 2*np.max(
np.linalg.norm(self.vertices - self.center_of_mass_of_nodes, axis=-1)
self.__internals__['diameter_of_nodes'] = diameter_of_nodes
return diameter_of_nodes
return self.__internals__['diameter_of_nodes']
# Faces properties #
def faces_areas(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the array of faces areas of the mesh."""
if 'faces_areas' not in self.__internals__:
return self.__internals__['faces_areas']
def faces_centers(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the array of faces centers of the mesh."""
if 'faces_centers' not in self.__internals__:
return self.__internals__['faces_centers']
def faces_normals(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the array of faces normals of the mesh."""
if 'faces_normals' not in self.__internals__:
return self.__internals__['faces_normals']
def faces_radiuses(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the array of faces radiuses of the mesh."""
if 'faces_radiuses' not in self.__internals__:
return self.__internals__['faces_radiuses']
def quadrature_points(self):
if 'quadrature' not in self.__internals__:
return self.__internals__['quadrature']
def compute_quadrature(self, method):
all_faces = self.vertices[self.faces[:, :], :]
if method is None:
points = self.faces_centers.reshape((self.nb_faces, 1, 3))
weights = self.faces_areas.reshape((self.nb_faces, 1))
points, weights = compute_quadrature_on_faces(all_faces, method)
self.__internals__['quadrature'] = (points, weights)
self.quadrature_method = method
return points, weights
# Triangles and quadrangles #
def is_triangle(self, face_id) -> bool:
"""Returns if a face is a triangle
face_id : int
Face id
assert 0 <= face_id < self.nb_faces
return self._faces[face_id, 0] == self._faces[face_id, -1]
def _compute_triangles_quadrangles(self):
triangle_mask = (self._faces[:, 0] == self._faces[:, -1])
quadrangles_mask = np.invert(triangle_mask)
triangles_quadrangles = {'triangles_ids': np.where(triangle_mask)[0],
'quadrangles_ids': np.where(quadrangles_mask)[0]}
def triangles_ids(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the array of ids of triangle shaped faces."""
if 'triangles_ids' not in self.__internals__:
return self.__internals__['triangles_ids']
def nb_triangles(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of triangles in the mesh."""
if 'triangles_ids'not in self.__internals__:
return len(self.__internals__['triangles_ids'])
def quadrangles_ids(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get the array of ids of quadrangle shaped faces."""
if 'triangles_ids' not in self.__internals__:
return self.__internals__['quadrangles_ids']
def nb_quadrangles(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of quadrangles in the mesh."""
if 'triangles_ids' not in self.__internals__:
return len(self.__internals__['quadrangles_ids'])
# Display #
def axis_aligned_bbox(self):
"""Get the axis aligned bounding box of the mesh.
(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
if self.nb_vertices > 0:
x, y, z = self._vertices.T
return (x.min(), x.max(),
y.min(), y.max(),
z.min(), z.max())
return tuple(np.zeros(6))
def squared_axis_aligned_bbox(self):
"""Get a squared axis aligned bounding box of the mesh.
(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
This method differs from `axis_aligned_bbox()` by the fact that
the bounding box that is returned is squared but have the same center as the `axis_aligned_bbox()`.
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = self.axis_aligned_bbox
(x0, y0, z0) = np.array([xmin+xmax, ymin+ymax, zmin+zmax]) * 0.5
d = (np.array([xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, zmax-zmin]) * 0.5).max()
return x0-d, x0+d, y0-d, y0+d, z0-d, z0+d
def show(self, **kwargs):
def show_vtk(self, **kwargs):
"""Shows the mesh in the vtk viewer"""
from capytaine.ui.vtk.mesh_viewer import MeshViewer
viewer = MeshViewer()
viewer.add_mesh(self, **kwargs)
def show_matplotlib(self, ax=None,
normal_vectors=False, scale_normal_vector=None,
saveas=None, color_field=None, cmap=None,
"""Poor man's viewer with matplotlib.
ax: matplotlib axis
The 3d axis in which to plot the mesh. If not provided, create a new one.
normal_vectors: bool
If True, print normal vector.
scale_normal_vector: array of shape (nb_faces, )
Scale separately each of the normal vectors.
saveas: str
File path where to save the image.
color_field: array of shape (nb_faces, )
Scalar field to be plot on the mesh (optional).
cmap: matplotlib colormap
Colormap to use for field plotting.
cbar_label: string
Label for colormap
Other parameters are passed to Poly3DCollection.
matplotlib = import_optional_dependency("matplotlib")
import importlib
plt = importlib.import_module("matplotlib.pyplot")
cm = importlib.import_module("matplotlib.cm")
mpl_toolkits = import_optional_dependency("mpl_toolkits", package_name="matplotlib")
Poly3DCollection = mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection
default_axis = ax is None
if default_axis:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
faces = []
for face in self.faces:
vertices = []
for index_vertex in face:
vertices.append(self.vertices[int(index_vertex), :])
if color_field is None:
if 'facecolors' not in kwargs:
kwargs['facecolors'] = "yellow"
if cmap is None:
cmap = matplotlib.colormaps['coolwarm']
m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap)
m.set_array([min(color_field), max(color_field)])
m.set_clim(vmin=min(color_field), vmax=max(color_field))
colors = m.to_rgba(color_field)
kwargs['facecolors'] = colors
if 'edgecolor' not in kwargs:
kwargs['edgecolor'] = 'k'
ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection(faces, **kwargs))
if color_field is not None:
cbar = plt.colorbar(m, ax=ax)
if cbar_label is not None:
# Plot normal vectors.
if normal_vectors:
if scale_normal_vector is not None:
vectors = (scale_normal_vector * self.faces_normals.T).T
vectors = self.faces_normals
ax.quiver(*zip(*self.faces_centers), *zip(*vectors), length=0.2)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = self.squared_axis_aligned_bbox
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)
if default_axis:
if saveas is not None:
# Transformation of the mesh #
def translate(self, vector) -> 'Mesh':
"""Translates the mesh in 3D giving the 3 distances along coordinate axes.
vector : array_like
translation vector
vector = np.asarray(vector, dtype=float)
assert vector.shape == (3,), "The translation vector should be given as a 3-ple of values."
self.vertices += vector
return self
def rotate(self, axis, angle) -> 'Mesh':
"""Rotate the mesh of a given angle around an axis.
axis : Axis
angle : float
self._vertices = axis.rotate_points(self._vertices, angle)
return self
def flip_normals(self) -> 'Mesh':
"""Flips every normals of the mesh."""
self._faces = np.fliplr(self._faces)
return self
def mirror(self, plane) -> 'Mesh':
"""Flip the mesh with respect to a plane.
plane : Plane
The mirroring plane
self.vertices -= 2 * np.outer(np.dot(self.vertices, plane.normal) - plane.c, plane.normal)
return self
def symmetrized(self, plane):
from capytaine.meshes.symmetric import ReflectionSymmetricMesh
half = self.clipped(plane, name=f"{self.name}_half")
return ReflectionSymmetricMesh(half, plane=plane, name=f"symmetrized_of_{self.name}")
def clip(self, plane) -> 'Mesh':
from capytaine.meshes.clipper import clip
clipped_self = clip(self, plane=plane)
self.vertices = clipped_self.vertices
self.faces = clipped_self.faces
self._clipping_data = clipped_self._clipping_data
return self
def triangulate_quadrangles(self) -> 'Mesh':
"""Triangulates every quadrangles of the mesh by simple splitting.
Each quadrangle gives two triangles.
No checking on the triangle quality is done.
# Defining both triangles id lists to be generated from quadrangles
t1 = (0, 1, 2)
t2 = (0, 2, 3)
faces = self._faces
# Triangulation
new_faces = faces[self.quadrangles_ids].copy()
new_faces[:, :3] = new_faces[:, t1]
new_faces[:, -1] = new_faces[:, 0]
faces[self.quadrangles_ids, :3] = faces[:, t2][self.quadrangles_ids]
faces[self.quadrangles_ids, -1] = faces[self.quadrangles_ids, 0]
faces = np.concatenate((faces, new_faces))
LOG.info('\nTriangulating quadrangles')
if self.nb_quadrangles != 0:
LOG.info('\t-->{:d} quadrangles have been split in triangles'.format(self.nb_quadrangles))
self._faces = faces
return self
# Combine meshes #
def join_meshes(*meshes, name=None):
from capytaine.meshes.collections import CollectionOfMeshes
return CollectionOfMeshes(meshes, name=name).merged()
def __add__(self, mesh_to_add) -> 'Mesh':
return self.join_meshes(mesh_to_add)
# Compare meshes #
# The objective is to write a mesh as a set of faces in order to check for equality or to
# compute differences of meshes. Each face can be represented as a 4x3 array (4 triplets of
# coordinates).
# However, it is tricky on several aspects:
# * The builtin set class compares the hashes of its objects. Since numpy ndarray are not
# hashable, the 4x3 array can be transformed into a tuple of tuples (which is hashable).
# * Two faces with different numbering of the faces (but the same ordering) are recorded as
# different.
# * Two vertices equal up to machine precision can be recorded as different, due to rounding
# errors.
# A possible solution is to define a Face class and a Vertex class with the appropriate __eq__
# and __hash__.
# The current implementation below is a rough draft.
# However, the equality shall still be use for testing.
def as_set_of_faces(self):
return frozenset(frozenset(tuple(vertex) for vertex in face) for face in self.vertices[self.faces])
def from_set_of_faces(set_of_faces):
faces = []
vertices = []
for face in set_of_faces:
ids_of_vertices_in_face = []
for vertex in face:
if vertex not in vertices:
i = len(vertices)
i = vertices.index(vertex)
if len(ids_of_vertices_in_face) == 3:
# Add a fourth node identical to the first one
return Mesh(vertices=vertices, faces=faces)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Mesh):
return NotImplemented
return self.as_set_of_faces() == other.as_set_of_faces()
def __hash__(self):
if 'hash' not in self.__internals__:
self.__internals__['hash'] = hash(self.as_set_of_faces())
return self.__internals__['hash']
# Mesh quality #
def merge_duplicates(self, **kwargs):
return merge_duplicates(self, **kwargs)
def heal_normals(self, **kwargs):
return heal_normals(self, **kwargs)
def remove_unused_vertices(self, **kwargs):
return remove_unused_vertices(self, **kwargs)
def heal_triangles(self, **kwargs):
return heal_triangles(self, **kwargs)
def remove_degenerated_faces(self, **kwargs):
return remove_degenerated_faces(self, **kwargs)
def heal_mesh(self, closed_mesh=True):
"""Heals the mesh for different tests available.
It applies:
* Unused vertices removal
* Degenerate faces removal
* Duplicate vertices merging
* Triangles healing
* Normal healing
if closed_mesh:
return self
# Lids #
def lowest_lid_position(self, omega_max, *, g=9.81):
z_lid = 0.0
for comp in connected_components(self):
for ccomp in connected_components_of_waterline(comp):
x_span = ccomp.vertices[:, 0].max() - ccomp.vertices[:, 0].min()
y_span = ccomp.vertices[:, 1].max() - ccomp.vertices[:, 1].min()
p = np.hypot(1/x_span, 1/y_span)
z_lid_comp = -np.arctanh(np.pi*g*p/omega_max**2) / (np.pi * p)
z_lid = min(z_lid, z_lid_comp)
return 0.9*z_lid # Add a small safety margin
def generate_lid(self, z=0.0, faces_max_radius=None):
Return a mesh of the internal free surface of the body.
z: float
Vertical position of the lid. Default: 0.0
faces_max_radius: float
resolution of the mesh of the lid.
Default: mean of hull mesh resolution.
lid of internal surface
from capytaine.meshes.predefined.rectangles import mesh_rectangle
clipped_hull_mesh = self.clipped(Plane(normal=(0, 0, 1), point=(0, 0, z)))
# Alternatively: could keep only faces below z without proper clipping,
# and it would work similarly.
if clipped_hull_mesh.nb_faces == 0:
return Mesh(None, None, name="lid for {}".format(self.name))
x_span = clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[:, 0].max() - clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[:, 0].min()
y_span = clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[:, 1].max() - clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[:, 1].min()
x_mean = (clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[:, 0].max() + clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[:, 0].min())/2
y_mean = (clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[:, 1].max() + clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[:, 1].min())/2
if faces_max_radius is None:
faces_max_radius = np.mean(clipped_hull_mesh.faces_radiuses)
candidate_lid_mesh = mesh_rectangle(
size=(1.1*y_span, 1.1*x_span), # TODO Fix mesh_rectangle
center=(x_mean, y_mean, z),
normal=(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
candidate_lid_points = candidate_lid_mesh.vertices[:, 0:2]
hull_faces = clipped_hull_mesh.vertices[clipped_hull_mesh.faces, 0:2]
edges_of_hull_faces = hull_faces[:, [1, 2, 3, 0], :] - hull_faces[:, :, :] # Vectors between two consecutive points in a face
# edges_of_hull_faces.shape = (nb_full_faces, 4, 2)
lid_points_in_local_coords = candidate_lid_points[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] - hull_faces[:, :, :]
# lid_points_in_local_coords.shape = (nb_candidate_lid_points, nb_full_faces, 4, 2)
side_of_hull_edges = (lid_points_in_local_coords[..., 0] * edges_of_hull_faces[..., 1]
- lid_points_in_local_coords[..., 1] * edges_of_hull_faces[..., 0])
# side_of_hull_edges.shape = (nb_candidate_lid_points, nb_full_faces, 4)
point_is_above_panel = np.all(side_of_hull_edges <= 0, axis=-1) | np.all(side_of_hull_edges >= 0, axis=-1)
# point_is_above_panel.shape = (nb_candidate_lid_points, nb_full_faces)
# For all point in candidate_lid_points, and for all edges of all faces of
# the hull mesh, check on which side of the edge is the point by using a
# cross product.
# If a point on the same side of all edges of a face, then it is inside.
nb_panels_below_point = np.sum(point_is_above_panel, axis=-1)
needs_lid = (nb_panels_below_point % 2 == 1).nonzero()[0]
lid_faces = candidate_lid_mesh.faces[np.all(np.isin(candidate_lid_mesh.faces, needs_lid), axis=-1), :]
if len(lid_faces) == 0:
return Mesh(None, None, name="lid for {}".format(self.name))
lid_mesh = Mesh(candidate_lid_mesh.vertices, lid_faces, name="lid for {}".format(self.name))
return lid_mesh
def with_normal_vector_going_down(self):
# For lid meshes for irregular frequencies removal
if np.allclose(self.faces_normals[:, 2], np.ones((self.nb_faces,))):
# The mesh is horizontal with normal vectors going up
LOG.warning(f"Inverting the direction of the normal vectors of {self} to be downward.")
self.faces = self.faces[:, ::-1]
return self
def _face_on_plane(self, i_face, plane):
return (
self.faces_centers[i_face, :] in plane
and plane.is_orthogonal_to(self.faces_normals[i_face, :])