Source code for capytaine.meshes.quality

"""Tools for mesh quality and mesh healing.
Based on meshmagick <> by François Rongère.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin, based on the work of François Rongère
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging

import numpy as np

from capytaine.meshes.geometry import inplace_transformation
from import compute_connectivity

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def merge_duplicates(mesh, atol=1e-8): """Merges the duplicate vertices of the mesh in place. Parameters ---------- atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance. default is 1e-8 Returns ------- new_id : ndarray Array of indices that merges the vertices. """ uniq, new_id = merge_duplicate_rows(mesh.vertices, atol=atol) nv_init = mesh.nb_vertices # Updating mesh data mesh.vertices = uniq mesh.faces = new_id[mesh.faces] # Faces vertices ids are updated here nv_final = mesh.nb_vertices LOG.debug("* Merging duplicate vertices that lie in an absolute proximity of %.1E...", atol) delta_n = nv_init - nv_final if delta_n == 0: LOG.debug("\t--> No duplicate vertices have been found") else: LOG.debug("\t--> Initial number of vertices : %u", nv_init) LOG.debug("\t--> Final number of vertices : %u", nv_final) LOG.debug("\t--> %u vertices have been merged", delta_n) # if mesh._has_connectivity(): # mesh._remove_connectivity() return new_id
[docs] def merge_duplicate_rows(arr, atol=1e-8): """Returns a new node array where close nodes have been merged into one node (following atol). Parameters ---------- arr : array_like array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes atol : float, optional the tolerance used to define nodes that are coincident and that have to be merged Returns ------- arr : ndarray array of the coordinates of the mesh's nodes where every node is different newID : ndarray array of the new new vertices IDs """ # This function is a bottleneck in the clipping routines # TODO: use np.unique to cluster groups --> acceleration !! # atol = pow(10, -decimals) arr = np.asarray(arr) nv, nbdim = arr.shape levels = [0, nv] iperm = np.arange(nv) for dim in range(nbdim): # Sorting the first dimension values = arr[:, dim].copy() if dim > 0: values = values[iperm] levels_tmp = [] for (ilevel, istart) in enumerate(levels[:-1]): istop = levels[ilevel+1] if istop-istart > 1: level_values = values[istart:istop] iperm_view = iperm[istart:istop] iperm_tmp = level_values.argsort() level_values[:] = level_values[iperm_tmp] iperm_view[:] = iperm_view[iperm_tmp] levels_tmp.append(istart) vref = values[istart] for idx in range(istart, istop): cur_val = values[idx] if np.abs(cur_val - vref) > atol: levels_tmp.append(idx) vref = cur_val else: levels_tmp.append(levels[ilevel]) if len(levels_tmp) == nv: # No duplicate rows # if verbose: # LOG.debug "\t -> No duplicate _vertices detected :)" newID = np.arange(nv) levels_tmp.append(nv) levels = levels_tmp else: # Building the new merged node list arr_tmp = [] newID = np.arange(nv) for (ilevel, istart) in enumerate(levels[:-1]): istop = levels[ilevel+1] arr_tmp.append(arr[iperm[istart]]) newID[iperm[list(range(istart, istop))]] = ilevel arr = np.array(arr_tmp, dtype=float) # Applying renumbering to cells # if F is not None: # for cell in F: # cell[:] = newID[cell] # if verbose: # nv_new = arr.shape[0] # LOG.debug "\t -> Initial number of nodes : {:d}".format(nv) # LOG.debug "\t -> New number of nodes : {:d}".format(nv_new) # LOG.debug "\t -> {:d} nodes have been merged".format(nv-nv_new) # if F is not None: # if return_index: # return arr, F, newID # else: # return arr, F # else: return arr, newID
@inplace_transformation def heal_normals(mesh): """Heals the mesh's normals orientations so that they have a consistent orientation and try to make them outward. """ # TODO: return the different groups of a mesh in case it is made of several unrelated groups nv = mesh.nb_vertices nf = mesh.nb_faces faces = mesh._faces # Building connectivities connectivities = compute_connectivity(mesh) v_v = connectivities["v_v"] v_f = connectivities["v_f"] f_f = connectivities["f_f"] boundaries = connectivities["boundaries"] if len(boundaries) > 0: mesh_closed = False else: mesh_closed = True # Flooding the mesh to find inconsistent normals type_cell = np.zeros(nf, dtype=np.int32) type_cell[:] = 4 type_cell[mesh.triangles_ids] = 3 f_vis = np.zeros(nf, dtype=bool) f_vis[0] = True stack = [0] nb_reversed = 0 while 1: if len(stack) == 0: if np.any(np.logical_not(f_vis)): iface = np.where(np.logical_not(f_vis))[0][0] stack.append(iface) f_vis[iface] = True else: break iface = stack.pop() face = faces[iface] s1 = set(face) for iadj_f in f_f[iface]: if f_vis[iadj_f]: continue f_vis[iadj_f] = True # Removing the other pointer f_f[iadj_f].remove(iface) # So as it won't go from iadj_f to iface in the future # Shared vertices adjface = faces[iadj_f] s2 = set(adjface) # try: common_vertices = list(s1 & s2) if len(common_vertices) == 2: i_v1, i_v2 = common_vertices else: LOG.warning('faces %u and %u have more than 2 vertices in common !', iface, iadj_f) continue # Checking normal consistency face_ref = np.roll(face[:type_cell[iface]], -np.where(face == i_v1)[0][0]) adj_face_ref = np.roll(adjface[:type_cell[iadj_f]], -np.where(adjface == i_v1)[0][0]) if face_ref[1] == i_v2: i = 1 else: i = -1 if adj_face_ref[i] == i_v2: # Reversing normal nb_reversed += 1 faces[iadj_f] = np.flipud(faces[iadj_f]) # Appending to the stack stack.append(iadj_f) LOG.debug("* Healing normals to make them consistent and if possible outward") if nb_reversed > 0: LOG.debug('\t--> %u faces have been reversed to make normals consistent across the mesh' % (nb_reversed)) else: LOG.debug("\t--> Normals orientations are consistent") mesh._faces = faces # Checking if the normals are outward if mesh_closed: zmax = np.max(mesh._vertices[:, 2]) areas = mesh.faces_areas normals = mesh.faces_normals centers = mesh.faces_centers # areas, normals, centers = get_all_faces_properties(vertices, faces) hs = (np.array([(centers[:, 2] - zmax) * areas, ] * 3).T * normals).sum(axis=0) tol = 1e-9 if np.fabs(hs[0]) > tol or np.fabs(hs[1]) > tol: LOG.warning("\t--> the mesh does not seem watertight although marked as closed...") if hs[2] < 0: flipped = True mesh.flip_normals() else: flipped = False if flipped: LOG.debug('\t--> Every normals have been reversed to be outward') else: LOG.debug("\t--> Mesh is not closed, Capytaine cannot test if the normals are outward") return mesh @inplace_transformation def remove_unused_vertices(mesh): """Removes unused vertices in the mesh in place. Those are vertices that are not used by any face connectivity. """ # TODO: implementer return_index !! nv = mesh.nb_vertices vertices, faces = mesh._vertices, mesh._faces used_v = np.zeros(nv, dtype=bool) used_v[sum(list(map(list, faces)), [])] = True nb_used_v = sum(used_v) if nb_used_v < nv: new_id__v = np.arange(nv) new_id__v[used_v] = np.arange(nb_used_v) faces = new_id__v[faces] vertices = vertices[used_v] mesh._vertices, mesh._faces = vertices, faces LOG.debug("* Removing unused vertices in the mesh:") if nb_used_v < nv: unused_v = np.where(np.logical_not(used_v))[0] vlist_str = '[' + ', '.join(str(iV) for iV in unused_v) + ']' LOG.debug("\t--> %u unused vertices have been removed" % (nv - nb_used_v)) else: LOG.debug("\t--> No unused vertices") return mesh @inplace_transformation def heal_triangles(mesh): """Makes the triangle connectivity consistent (in place). A general face is stored internally as a 4 integer array. It allows to describe indices of a quadrangle's vertices. For triangles, the first index should be equal to the last. This method ensures that this rule is applied everywhere and correct bad triangles description. """ faces = mesh._faces quads = faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1] nquads_init = sum(quads) faces[quads] = np.roll(faces[quads], 1, axis=1) quads = faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1] faces[quads] = np.roll(faces[quads], 1, axis=1) quads = faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1] faces[quads] = np.roll(faces[quads], 1, axis=1) quads = faces[:, 0] != faces[:, -1] nquads_final = sum(quads) mesh._faces = faces LOG.debug("* Ensuring consistent definition of triangles:") if nquads_final < nquads_init: LOG.debug("\t--> %u triangles were described the wrong way and have been corrected" % ( nquads_init - nquads_final)) else: LOG.debug("\t--> Triangle description is consistent") return mesh @inplace_transformation def remove_degenerated_faces(mesh, rtol=1e-5): """Removes tiny triangles from the mesh (in place). Tiny triangles are those whose area is lower than the mean triangle area in the mesh times the relative tolerance given. Parameters ---------- rtol : float, optional Positive relative tolerance """ assert 0 < rtol # TODO: implementer un retour d'index des faces extraites areas = mesh.faces_areas area_threshold = areas.mean() * float(rtol) # Detecting faces that have null area faces = mesh._faces[np.logical_not(areas < area_threshold)] nb_removed = mesh.nb_faces - faces.shape[0] LOG.debug('* Removing degenerated faces') if nb_removed > 0: LOG.debug('\t-->%u degenerated faces have been removed' % nb_removed) else: LOG.debug('\t--> No degenerated faces') mesh._faces = faces return mesh