Source code for capytaine.post_pro.kochin

"""Computation of the Kochin function."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging
import numpy as np

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def compute_kochin(result, theta, ref_point=(0.0, 0.0)): """Compute the far field coefficient Parameters ---------- result: LinearPotentialFlowResult solved potential flow problem theta: float or 1-dim array of floats angles at which the coefficient is computed ref_point: couple of float, optional point of reference around which the far field coefficient is computed Returns ------- H: same type as theta values of the Kochin function """ if result.forward_speed != 0.0: LOG.warning("Kochin functions with forward speed have never been validated.") if result.sources is None: raise Exception(f"""The values of the sources of {result} cannot been found. They probably have not been stored by the solver because the option keep_details=True have not been set. Please re-run the resolution with this option.""") k = result.wavenumber h = result.water_depth # omega_bar.shape = (nb_faces, 2) @ (2, nb_theta) omega_bar = (result.body.mesh.faces_centers[:, 0:2] - ref_point) @ (np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)) if 0 <= k*h < 20: cih = np.cosh(k*(result.body.mesh.faces_centers[:, 2]+h))/np.cosh(k*h) else: cih = np.exp(k*result.body.mesh.faces_centers[:, 2]) # cih.shape = (nb_faces,) # omega_bar.T.shape = (nb_theta, nb_faces) # result.body.mesh.faces_areas.shape = (nb_faces,) zs = cih * np.exp(-1j * k * omega_bar.T) * result.body.mesh.faces_areas # zs.shape = (nb_theta, nb_faces) # result.sources.shape = (nb_faces,) return zs @ result.sources/(4*np.pi)