"""This module is used for the handling of zero and infinite frequencies.
In this cases, the magnitudes that the solver has to manipulate are in the form of ω times a non-zero term.
Instead of evaluating this multiplication as zero of infinity, we keep it symbolic using the class defined here.
The frequency can be provided to the solver as something like
`SymbolicMultiplication("0", 1.0)` (that is zero) and the solver will return an
output of the form `SymbolicMultiplication("0", np.array(...))`
(that is also actually zero, except we may be intested in the non-zero array).
import numpy as np
from functools import wraps, total_ordering
class SymbolicMultiplication:
def __init__(self, symbol, value=1.0):
self.symbol = symbol
self.value = value
def __format__(self, format_spec):
return f"{self.symbol}×{self.value.__format__(format_spec)}"
__array_priority__ = 1.0
def __array_function__(self, func, types, *args, **kwargs):
if func in {np.real, np.imag, np.sum}:
return SymbolicMultiplication(self.symbol, func(self.value))
return NotImplemented
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.symbol}×{self.value}"
def __repr__(self):
return f"SymbolicMultiplication(\"{self.symbol}\", {repr(self.value)})"
def __add__(self, x):
return self._concretize() + x
def __radd__(self, x):
return x + self._concretize()
def __mul__(self, x):
return SymbolicMultiplication(self.symbol, self.value * x)
def __rmul__(self, x):
return SymbolicMultiplication(self.symbol, x * self.value)
def __pow__(self, n):
if n == 2:
return self * self
raise NotImplementedError
def __truediv__(self, x):
if hasattr(x, 'symbol') and self.symbol == x.symbol:
return self.value / x.value
return SymbolicMultiplication(self.symbol, self.value / x)
def __rtruediv__(self, x):
if hasattr(x, 'symbol') and self.symbol == x.symbol:
return x.value / self.value
elif self.symbol == "0":
return SymbolicMultiplication("∞", x/self.value)
elif self.symbol == "∞":
return SymbolicMultiplication("0", x/self.value)
raise NotImplementedError
def __matmul__(self, x):
return SymbolicMultiplication(self.symbol, self.value @ x)
def __rmatmul__(self, x):
return SymbolicMultiplication(self.symbol, x @ self.value)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return SymbolicMultiplication(self.symbol, self.value[item])
def __eq__(self, x):
return float(self) == x
def __lt__(self, x):
return float(self) < x
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.symbol, self.value))
def _concretize(self):
if isinstance(self.value, np.ndarray):
if self.symbol == "0":
return np.zeros_like(self.value)
elif self.symbol == "∞":
return np.full_like(self.value, np.inf)
return float(self)
def __float__(self):
if self.symbol == "0":
return 0.0 * float(self.value)
elif self.symbol == "∞":
return np.inf * float(self.value)
raise NotImplementedError
def reshape(self, *args):
return SymbolicMultiplication(self.symbol, self.value.reshape(*args))
def supporting_symbolic_multiplication(f):
When this decorator is applied to a function, this function can now take
as input a `SymbolicMultiplication` object. The function is applied on the
`value` part of the `SymbolicMultiplication` without modifying the
def wrapped_f(a, x):
if hasattr(x, 'symbol'):
return SymbolicMultiplication(x.symbol, f(a, x.value))
return f(a, x)
return wrapped_f