capytaine.bem.airy_waves module

Computing the potential and velocity of Airy wave.

capytaine.bem.airy_waves.airy_waves_free_surface_elevation(points, pb)[source]

Compute the free surface elevation at points of the undisturbed Airy waves

  • points (array of shape (3) or (N × 3) or (2) or (N × 2)) – coordinates of the points in which to evaluate the potential. If only two coordinates are passed, the last one is filled with zeros.

  • pb (DiffractionProblem) – problem with the environmental conditions (g, rho, …) of interest


the free surface elevations

Return type:

complex-valued array of shape (1,) or (N,)

capytaine.bem.airy_waves.airy_waves_potential(points, pb)[source]

Compute the potential for Airy waves at a given point (or array of points).

  • points (array of shape (3) or (N x 3)) – coordinates of the points in which to evaluate the potential.

  • pb (DiffractionProblem) – problem with the environmental conditions (g, rho, …) of interest


The potential

Return type:

array of shape (1) or (N x 1)

capytaine.bem.airy_waves.airy_waves_pressure(points, pb)[source]
capytaine.bem.airy_waves.airy_waves_velocity(points, pb)[source]

Compute the fluid velocity for Airy waves at a given point (or array of points).

  • points (array of shape (3) or (N x 3)) – coordinates of the points in which to evaluate the potential.

  • pb (DiffractionProblem) – problem with the environmental conditions (g, rho, …) of interest


the velocity vectors

Return type:

array of shape (3) or (N x 3)
