Source code for capytaine.bem.problems_and_results

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Definition of the problems to solve with the BEM solver, and the results of this resolution."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import newton

from capytaine.meshes.collections import CollectionOfMeshes
from capytaine.bem.airy_waves import airy_waves_velocity, froude_krylov_force

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_default_parameters = {'rho': 1000.0, 'g': 9.81, 'omega': 1.0,
                      'free_surface': 0.0, 'water_depth': np.infty,
                      'convention': "nemoh"}

[docs]class LinearPotentialFlowProblem: """General class of a potential flow problem. Parameters ---------- body: FloatingBody, optional The body interacting with the waves free_surface: float, optional The position of the free surface (accepted values: 0 and np.infty) sea_bottom: float, optional The position of the sea bottom omega: float, optional The frequency of the waves in rad/s rho: float, optional The density of water in kg/m3 (default: 1000.0) g: float, optional The acceleration of gravity in m/s2 (default: 9.81) boundary_condition: np.ndarray of shape (body.mesh.nb_faces,) The Neumann boundary condition on the floating body TODO: more consistent use of free_surface and sea_bottom vs. water_depth """ def __init__(self, *, body=None, free_surface=_default_parameters['free_surface'], sea_bottom=-_default_parameters['water_depth'], omega=_default_parameters['omega'], rho=_default_parameters['rho'], g=_default_parameters['g'], boundary_condition=None): self.body = body self.free_surface = free_surface self.sea_bottom = sea_bottom = omega self.rho = rho self.g = g self.boundary_condition = boundary_condition self._check_data() def _check_data(self): """Sanity checks on the data.""" if self.free_surface not in [0.0, np.infty]: raise NotImplementedError( f"Free surface is {self.free_surface}. " "Only z=0 and z=∞ are accepted values for the free surface position." ) if self.free_surface == np.infty and self.sea_bottom != -np.infty: raise NotImplementedError( "Problems with a sea bottom but no free surface have not been implemented." ) if self.free_surface < self.sea_bottom: raise ValueError("Sea bottom is above the free surface.") if in {0, np.infty} and self.depth != np.infty: raise NotImplementedError( f"omega={} is only implemented for infinite depth." ) if self.body is not None: if ((isinstance(self.body.mesh, CollectionOfMeshes) and len(self.body.mesh) == 0) or len(self.body.mesh.faces) == 0): raise ValueError(f"The mesh of the body {} is empty.") if (any(self.body.mesh.faces_centers[:, 2] >= self.free_surface) or any(self.body.mesh.faces_centers[:, 2] <= self.sea_bottom)): LOG.warning( f"The mesh of the body {} is not inside the domain.\n" "Check the position of the free_surface and the sea_bottom\n" "or use body.keep_immersed_part() to clip the mesh." ) if self.wavelength < 8*self.body.mesh.faces_radiuses.max(): LOG.warning(f"Mesh resolution for {self}:\n" f"The resolution of the mesh '{}' of the body '{}' " f"might be insufficient for the wavelength λ={self.wavelength:.2e}.\n" f"This warning appears because the largest panel of this mesh has radius {self.body.mesh.faces_radiuses.max():.2e} > λ/8." ) if self.boundary_condition is not None: if len(self.boundary_condition.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("Expected a 1-dimensional array as boundary_condition") if self.boundary_condition.shape[0] != self.body.mesh.nb_faces: raise ValueError( f"The shape of the boundary condition ({self.boundary_condition.shape})" f"does not match the number of faces of the mesh ({self.body.mesh.nb_faces})." ) @property def body_name(self): return if self.body is not None else 'None' def _asdict(self): return {"body_name": self.body_name, "water_depth": self.water_depth, "omega":, "rho": self.rho, "g": self.g} @staticmethod def _group_for_parallel_resolution(problems): """Given a list of problems, returns a list of groups of problems, such that each group should be executed in the same process to benefit from caching. """ problems_params = pd.DataFrame([pb._asdict() for pb in problems]) groups_of_indices = problems_params.groupby(["body_name", "water_depth", "omega", "rho", "g"]).groups.values() groups_of_problems = [[problems[i] for i in grp] for grp in groups_of_indices] return groups_of_problems def __str__(self): """Do not display default values in str(problem).""" parameters = [f"body={self.body_name}", f"omega={}", f"depth={self.depth}"] try: parameters.extend(self._str_other_attributes()) except AttributeError: pass if not self.free_surface == _default_parameters['free_surface']: parameters.append(f"free_surface={self.free_surface}") if not self.g == _default_parameters['g']: parameters.append(f"g={self.g}") if not self.rho == _default_parameters['rho']: parameters.append(f"rho={self.rho}") return self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + ', '.join(parameters) + ")" def _astuple(self): return (self.body, self.free_surface, self.sea_bottom,, self.rho, self.g) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, LinearPotentialFlowProblem): return self._astuple() == other._astuple() else: return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): # Arbitrary order. Used for ordering of problems: problems with same body are grouped together. if isinstance(other, LinearPotentialFlowProblem): return self._astuple()[:6] < other._astuple()[:6] # Not the whole tuple, because when using inheriting classes, # "radiating_dof" cannot be compared with "wave_direction" else: return NotImplemented @property def water_depth(self): return self.free_surface - self.sea_bottom @property def depth(self): return self.water_depth @property def wavenumber(self): if self.depth == np.infty or**2*self.depth/self.g > 20: return**2/self.g else: return newton(lambda x: x*np.tanh(x) -**2*self.depth/self.g, x0=1.0)/self.depth @property def wavelength(self): if self.wavenumber == 0.0: return np.infty else: return 2*np.pi/self.wavenumber @property def period(self): if == 0.0: return np.infty else: return 2*np.pi/ @property def dimensionless_omega(self): if self.depth != np.infty: return**2*self.depth/self.g else: raise AttributeError("Dimensionless omega is defined only for finite depth problems.") @property def dimensionless_wavenumber(self): if self.depth != np.infty: return self.wavenumber*self.depth else: raise AttributeError("Dimensionless wavenumber is defined only for finite depth problems.") @property def influenced_dofs(self): # TODO: let the user choose the influenced dofs return self.body.dofs if self.body is not None else set()
[docs] def make_results_container(self): return LinearPotentialFlowResult(self)
[docs]class DiffractionProblem(LinearPotentialFlowProblem): """Particular LinearPotentialFlowProblem with boundary conditions computed from an incoming Airy wave.""" def __init__(self, *, body=None, free_surface=_default_parameters['free_surface'], sea_bottom=-_default_parameters['water_depth'], omega=_default_parameters['omega'], rho=_default_parameters['rho'], g=_default_parameters['g'], wave_direction=0.0, convention=_default_parameters['convention']): self.wave_direction = wave_direction self.convention = convention super().__init__(body=body, free_surface=free_surface, sea_bottom=sea_bottom, omega=omega, rho=rho, g=g) if not (-2*np.pi-1e-3 <= self.wave_direction <= 2*np.pi+1e-3): LOG.warning(f"The value {self.wave_direction} has been provided for the wave direction, and it does not look like an angle in radians. " "The wave direction in Capytaine is defined in radians and not in degrees, so the result might not be what you expect. " "If you were actually giving an angle in radians, use the modulo operator to give a value between -2π and 2π to disable this warning.") if self.body is not None: self.boundary_condition = -( airy_waves_velocity(self.body.mesh.faces_centers, self, convention=self.convention) * self.body.mesh.faces_normals ).sum(axis=1) if len(self.body.dofs) == 0: LOG.warning(f"The body {} used in diffraction problem has no dofs!") def _astuple(self): return super()._astuple() + (self.wave_direction,) def _asdict(self): d = super()._asdict() d["wave_direction"] = self.wave_direction d["convention"] = self.convention return d def _str_other_attributes(self): return [f"wave_direction={self.wave_direction:.3f}"]
[docs] def make_results_container(self, *args, **kwargs): return DiffractionResult(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class RadiationProblem(LinearPotentialFlowProblem): """Particular LinearPotentialFlowProblem whose boundary conditions have been computed from the degree of freedom of the body.""" def __init__(self, *, body=None, free_surface=_default_parameters['free_surface'], sea_bottom=-_default_parameters['water_depth'], omega=_default_parameters['omega'], rho=_default_parameters['rho'], g=_default_parameters['g'], radiating_dof=None): self.radiating_dof = radiating_dof super().__init__(body=body, free_surface=free_surface, sea_bottom=sea_bottom, omega=omega, rho=rho, g=g) if self.body is not None: if len(self.body.dofs) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Body {} does not have any degrees of freedom.") if self.radiating_dof is None: self.radiating_dof = next(iter(self.body.dofs)) if self.radiating_dof not in self.body.dofs: LOG.error(f"In {self}: the radiating degree of freedom {self.radiating_dof} is not one of" f"the degrees of freedom of the body.\n" f"The dofs of the body are {list(self.body.dofs.keys())}") raise ValueError("Unrecognized degree of freedom name.") dof = self.body.dofs[self.radiating_dof] self.boundary_condition = np.sum(dof * self.body.mesh.faces_normals, axis=1) def _astuple(self): return super()._astuple() + (self.radiating_dof,) def _asdict(self): d = super()._asdict() d["radiating_dof"] = self.radiating_dof return d def _str_other_attributes(self): return [f"radiating_dof={self.radiating_dof}"]
[docs] def make_results_container(self, *args, **kwargs): return RadiationResult(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class LinearPotentialFlowResult: def __init__(self, problem, forces=None, sources=None, potential=None, pressure=None): self.problem = problem self.sources = sources self.potential = potential self.pressure = pressure self.fs_elevation = {} # Copy data from problem self.body = self.problem.body self.free_surface = self.problem.free_surface self.sea_bottom = self.problem.sea_bottom = self.rho = self.problem.rho self.g = self.problem.g self.boundary_condition = self.problem.boundary_condition self.water_depth = self.problem.water_depth self.depth = self.problem.depth self.wavenumber = self.problem.wavenumber self.wavelength = self.problem.wavelength self.period = self.problem.period self.body_name = self.problem.body_name self.influenced_dofs = self.problem.influenced_dofs if forces is not None: for dof in self.influenced_dofs: self.store_force(dof, forces[dof])
[docs] def store_force(self, dof, force): pass # Implemented in sub-classes
__str__ = LinearPotentialFlowProblem.__str__
[docs]class DiffractionResult(LinearPotentialFlowResult): def __init__(self, problem, *args, **kwargs): self.forces = {} super().__init__(problem, *args, **kwargs) self.wave_direction = self.problem.wave_direction
[docs] def store_force(self, dof, force): self.forces[dof] = 1j**force
@property def records(self): params = self.problem._asdict() FK = froude_krylov_force(self.problem) return [dict(**params, influenced_dof=dof, diffraction_force=self.forces[dof], Froude_Krylov_force=FK[dof]) for dof in self.influenced_dofs]
[docs]class RadiationResult(LinearPotentialFlowResult): def __init__(self, problem, *args, **kwargs): self.added_masses = {} self.radiation_dampings = {} super().__init__(problem, *args, **kwargs) self.radiating_dof = self.problem.radiating_dof
[docs] def store_force(self, dof, force): self.added_masses[dof] = force.real if == np.infty: self.radiation_dampings[dof] = 0 else: self.radiation_dampings[dof] = * force.imag
@property def records(self): params = self.problem._asdict() return [dict(params, influenced_dof=dof, added_mass=self.added_masses[dof], radiation_damping=self.radiation_dampings[dof]) for dof in self.influenced_dofs]