Source code for capytaine.bodies.bodies

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Floating bodies to be used in radiation-diffraction problems."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging
import copy
from itertools import chain, accumulate, product, zip_longest

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from import silently_import_optional_dependency
meshio = silently_import_optional_dependency("meshio")

from capytaine.meshes.geometry import Abstract3DObject, Plane, inplace_transformation
from capytaine.meshes.meshes import Mesh
from capytaine.meshes.symmetric import build_regular_array_of_meshes
from capytaine.meshes.collections import CollectionOfMeshes
from capytaine.bodies.dofs import RigidBodyDofsPlaceholder

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TRANSLATION_DOFS_DIRECTIONS = {"surge": (1, 0, 0), "sway": (0, 1, 0), "heave": (0, 0, 1)}
ROTATION_DOFS_AXIS = {"roll": (1, 0, 0), "pitch": (0, 1, 0), "yaw": (0, 0, 1)}

[docs]class FloatingBody(Abstract3DObject): """A floating body described as a mesh and some degrees of freedom. The mesh structure is stored as a Mesh from capytaine.mesh.mesh or a CollectionOfMeshes from capytaine.mesh.meshes_collection. The degrees of freedom (dofs) are stored as a dict associating a name to a complex-valued array of shape (nb_faces, 3). To each face of the body (as indexed in the mesh) corresponds a complex-valued 3d vector, which defines the displacement of the center of the face in frequency domain. Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes, optional the mesh describing the geometry of the floating body. If none is given, a empty one is created. dofs : dict, optional the degrees of freedom of the body. If none is given, a empty dictionary is initialized. mass : float or None, optional the mass of the body in kilograms. Required only for some hydrostatics computation. If None, the mass is implicitly assumed to be the mass of displaced water. center_of_mass: 3-element array, optional the position of the center of mass. Required only for some hydrostatics computation. name : str, optional a name for the body. If none is given, the one of the mesh is used. """ def __init__(self, mesh=None, dofs=None, mass=None, center_of_mass=None, name=None): if mesh is None: self.mesh = Mesh(name="dummy_mesh") elif meshio is not None and isinstance(mesh, meshio._mesh.Mesh): from import load_from_meshio self.mesh = load_from_meshio(mesh) elif isinstance(mesh, Mesh) or isinstance(mesh, CollectionOfMeshes): self.mesh = mesh else: raise TypeError("Unrecognized `mesh` object passed to the FloatingBody constructor.") if name is None and mesh is None: = "dummy_body" elif name is None: = else: = name self.mass = mass self.center_of_mass = center_of_mass if dofs is None: self.dofs = {} elif isinstance(dofs, RigidBodyDofsPlaceholder): if dofs.rotation_center is not None: self.rotation_center = np.asarray(dofs.rotation_center) self.dofs = {} self.add_all_rigid_body_dofs() else: self.dofs = dofs self.full_body = None if self.mesh.nb_vertices == 0 or self.mesh.nb_faces == 0: LOG.warning(f"New floating body (with empty mesh!): {}.") else: self.mesh.heal_mesh()"New floating body: {}.")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_meshio(mesh, name=None) -> 'FloatingBody': """Create a FloatingBody from a meshio mesh object.""" from import load_from_meshio return FloatingBody(mesh=load_from_meshio(mesh, name), name=name)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(filename: str, file_format=None, name=None) -> 'FloatingBody': """Create a FloatingBody from a mesh file using meshmagick.""" from import load_mesh if name is None: name = filename mesh = load_mesh(filename, file_format, name=f"{name}_mesh") return FloatingBody(mesh, name=name)
def __lt__(self, other: 'FloatingBody') -> bool: """Arbitrary order. The point is to sort together the problems involving the same body.""" return < ########## # Dofs # ########## @property def nb_dofs(self) -> int: """Number of degrees of freedom.""" return len(self.dofs)
[docs] def add_translation_dof(self, direction=None, name=None, amplitude=1.0) -> None: """Add a new translation dof (in place). If no direction is given, the code tries to infer it from the name. Parameters ---------- direction : array of shape (3,), optional the direction of the translation name : str, optional a name for the degree of freedom amplitude : float, optional amplitude of the dof (default: 1.0 m/s) """ if direction is None: if name is not None and name.lower() in TRANSLATION_DOFS_DIRECTIONS: direction = TRANSLATION_DOFS_DIRECTIONS[name.lower()] else: raise ValueError("A direction needs to be specified for the dof.") if name is None: name = f"dof_{self.nb_dofs}_translation" direction = np.asarray(direction) assert direction.shape == (3,) motion = np.empty((self.mesh.nb_faces, 3)) motion[:, :] = direction self.dofs[name] = amplitude * motion
[docs] def add_rotation_dof(self, axis=None, name=None, amplitude=1.0) -> None: """Add a new rotation dof (in place). If no axis is given, the code tries to infer it from the name. Parameters ---------- axis: Axis, optional the axis of the rotation name : str, optional a name for the degree of freedom amplitude : float, optional amplitude of the dof (default: 1.0) """ if axis is None: if name is not None and name.lower() in ROTATION_DOFS_AXIS: axis_direction = ROTATION_DOFS_AXIS[name.lower()] for point_attr in ('rotation_center', 'center_of_mass', 'geometric_center'): if hasattr(self, point_attr) and getattr(self, point_attr) is not None: axis_point = getattr(self, point_attr)"The rotation dof {name} has been initialized around the point: " f"{}.{point_attr} = {getattr(self, point_attr)}") break else: axis_point = np.array([0, 0, 0]) LOG.warning(f"The rotation dof {name} has been initialized " f"around the origin of the domain (0, 0, 0).") else: raise ValueError("A direction needs to be specified for the dof.") else: axis_point = axis.point axis_direction = axis.vector if name is None: name = f"dof_{self.nb_dofs}_rotation" if self.mesh.nb_faces == 0: self.dofs[name] = np.empty((self.mesh.nb_faces, 3)) else: motion = np.cross(axis_point - self.mesh.faces_centers, axis_direction) self.dofs[name] = amplitude * motion
[docs] def add_all_rigid_body_dofs(self) -> None: """Add the six degrees of freedom of rigid bodies (in place).""" self.add_translation_dof(name="Surge") self.add_translation_dof(name="Sway") self.add_translation_dof(name="Heave") self.add_rotation_dof(name="Roll") self.add_rotation_dof(name="Pitch") self.add_rotation_dof(name="Yaw")
[docs] def integrate_pressure(self, pressure): forces = {} for dof_name in self.dofs: # Scalar product on each face: normal_dof_amplitude_on_face = - np.sum(self.dofs[dof_name] * self.mesh.faces_normals, axis=1) # The minus sign in the above line is because we want the force of the fluid on the body and not the force of the body on the fluid. # Sum over all faces: forces[dof_name] = np.sum(pressure * normal_dof_amplitude_on_face * self.mesh.faces_areas) return forces
@inplace_transformation def keep_only_dofs(self, dofs): for dof in list(self.dofs.keys()): if dof not in dofs: del self.dofs[dof] if hasattr(self, 'inertia_matrix'): self.inertia_matrix = self.inertia_matrix.sel(radiating_dof=dofs, influenced_dof=dofs) if hasattr(self, 'hydrostatic_stiffness'): self.hydrostatic_stiffness = self.hydrostatic_stiffness.sel(radiating_dof=dofs, influenced_dof=dofs) return self
[docs] def add_dofs_labels_to_vector(self, vector): """Helper function turning a bare vector into a vector labelled by the name of the dofs of the body, to be used for instance for the computation of RAO.""" return xr.DataArray(data=np.asarray(vector), dims=['influenced_dof'], coords={'influenced_dof': list(self.dofs)}, )
[docs] def add_dofs_labels_to_matrix(self, matrix): """Helper function turning a bare matrix into a matrix labelled by the name of the dofs of the body, to be used for instance for the computation of RAO.""" return xr.DataArray(data=np.asarray(matrix), dims=['influenced_dof', 'radiating_dof'], coords={'influenced_dof': list(self.dofs), 'radiating_dof': list(self.dofs)}, )
################### # Hydrostatics # ###################
[docs] def surface_integral(self, data, **kwargs): """Returns integral of given data along wet surface area.""" return self.mesh.surface_integral(data, **kwargs)
[docs] def waterplane_integral(self, data, **kwargs): """Returns integral of given data along water plane area.""" return self.mesh.waterplane_integral(data, **kwargs)
@property def wet_surface_area(self): """Returns wet surface area.""" return self.mesh.wet_surface_area @property def volumes(self): """Returns volumes using x, y, z components of the FloatingBody.""" return self.mesh.volumes @property def volume(self): """Returns volume of the FloatingBody.""" return self.mesh.volume
[docs] def disp_mass(self, *, rho=1000): return self.mesh.disp_mass(rho=rho)
@property def center_of_buoyancy(self): """Returns center of buoyancy of the FloatingBody.""" return self.mesh.center_of_buoyancy @property def waterplane_area(self): """Returns water plane area of the FloatingBody.""" return self.mesh.waterplane_area @property def waterplane_center(self): """Returns water plane center of the FloatingBody. Note: Returns None if the FloatingBody is full submerged. """ return self.mesh.waterplane_center @property def transversal_metacentric_radius(self): """Returns transversal metacentric radius of the mesh.""" inertia_moment = -self.waterplane_integral(self.mesh.faces_centers[:,1]**2) return inertia_moment / self.volume @property def longitudinal_metacentric_radius(self): """Returns longitudinal metacentric radius of the mesh.""" inertia_moment = -self.waterplane_integral(self.mesh.faces_centers[:,0]**2) return inertia_moment / self.volume @property def transversal_metacentric_height(self): """Returns transversal metacentric height of the mesh.""" gb = self.center_of_mass - self.center_of_buoyancy return self.transversal_metacentric_radius - gb[2] @property def longitudinal_metacentric_height(self): """Returns longitudinal metacentric height of the mesh.""" gb = self.center_of_mass - self.center_of_buoyancy return self.longitudinal_metacentric_radius - gb[2]
[docs] def dof_normals(self, dof): """Returns dot product of the surface face normals and DOF""" return np.sum(self.mesh.faces_normals * dof, axis=1)
def _infer_rotation_center(self): """Hacky way to infer the point around which the rotation dofs are defined. (Assuming all three rotation dofs are defined around the same point). In the future, should be replaced by something more robust. """ if hasattr(self, "rotation_center"): return np.asarray(self.rotation_center) else: try: xc1 = self.dofs["Pitch"][:, 2] + self.mesh.faces_centers[:, 0] xc2 = -self.dofs["Yaw"][:, 1] + self.mesh.faces_centers[:, 0] yc1 = self.dofs["Yaw"][:, 0] + self.mesh.faces_centers[:, 1] yc2 = -self.dofs["Roll"][:, 2] + self.mesh.faces_centers[:, 1] zc1 = -self.dofs["Pitch"][:, 0] + self.mesh.faces_centers[:, 2] zc2 = self.dofs["Roll"][:, 1] + self.mesh.faces_centers[:, 2] # All items should be identical in a given vector assert np.isclose(xc1, xc1[0]).all() assert np.isclose(yc1, yc1[0]).all() assert np.isclose(zc1, zc1[0]).all() # Both vector should be identical assert np.allclose(xc1, xc2) assert np.allclose(yc1, yc2) assert np.allclose(zc1, zc2) return np.array([xc1[0], yc1[0], zc1[0]]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( f"Failed to infer the rotation center of {} to compute rigid body hydrostatics.\n" f"Possible fix: add a `rotation_center` attibute to {}.\n" "Note that rigid body hydrostatic methods currently assume that the three rotation dofs have the same rotation center." ) from e
[docs] def each_hydrostatic_stiffness(self, influenced_dof_name, radiating_dof_name, *, influenced_dof_div=0.0, rho=1000.0, g=9.81): r""" Return the hydrostatic stiffness for a pair of DOFs. :math:`C_{ij} = \rho g\iint_S (\hat{n} \cdot V_j) (w_i + z D_i) dS` where :math:`\hat{n}` is surface normal, :math:`V_i = u_i \hat{n}_x + v_i \hat{n}_y + w_i \hat{n}_z` is DOF vector and :math:`D_i = \nabla \cdot V_i` is the divergence of the DOF. Parameters ---------- influenced_dof_name : str Name of influenced DOF vector of the FloatingBody radiating_dof_name: str Name of radiating DOF vector of the FloatingBody influenced_dof_div: np.ndarray (Face_count), optional Influenced DOF divergence of the FloatingBody, by default 0.0. rho: float, optional water density, by default 1000.0 g: float, optional Gravity acceleration, by default 9.81 Returns ------- hs_ij: xarray.variable hydrostatic_stiffness of ith DOF and jth DOF. Note ---- This function computes the hydrostatic stiffness assuming :math:`D_{i} = 0`. If :math:`D_i \neq 0`, input the divergence interpolated to face centers. General integral equations are used for the rigid body modes and Neumann (1994) method is used for flexible modes. References ---------- Newman, John Nicholas. "Wave effects on deformable bodies."Applied ocean research" 16.1 (1994): 47-59. """ # Newman (1994) formula is not 'complete' as recovering the rigid body # terms is not possible. # Alternative is to use the general equation of hydrostatic and # restoring coefficient for rigid modes and use Newman equation for elastic # modes. rigid_dof_names = ("Surge", "Sway", "Heave", "Roll", "Pitch", "Yaw") dof_pair = (influenced_dof_name, radiating_dof_name) if set(dof_pair).issubset(set(rigid_dof_names)): if self.center_of_mass is None: raise ValueError(f"Trying to compute rigid-body hydrostatic stiffness for {}, but no center of mass has been defined.\n" f"Suggested solution: define a `center_of_mass` attribute for the FloatingBody {}.") mass = self.disp_mass(rho=rho) if self.mass is None else self.mass xc, yc, zc = self._infer_rotation_center() if dof_pair == ("Heave", "Heave"): norm_hs_stiff = self.waterplane_area elif dof_pair in [("Heave", "Roll"), ("Roll", "Heave")]: norm_hs_stiff = -self.waterplane_integral(self.mesh.faces_centers[:,1] - yc) elif dof_pair in [("Heave", "Pitch"), ("Pitch", "Heave")]: norm_hs_stiff = self.waterplane_integral(self.mesh.faces_centers[:,0] - xc) elif dof_pair == ("Roll", "Roll"): norm_hs_stiff = ( -self.waterplane_integral((self.mesh.faces_centers[:,1] - yc)**2) + self.volume*(self.center_of_buoyancy[2] - zc) - mass/rho*(self.center_of_mass[2] - zc) ) elif dof_pair in [("Roll", "Pitch"), ("Pitch", "Roll")]: norm_hs_stiff = self.waterplane_integral((self.mesh.faces_centers[:,0] - xc) * (self.mesh.faces_centers[:,1] - yc)) elif dof_pair == ("Roll", "Yaw"): norm_hs_stiff = - self.volume*(self.center_of_buoyancy[0] - xc) + mass/rho*(self.center_of_mass[0] - xc) elif dof_pair == ("Pitch", "Pitch"): norm_hs_stiff = ( -self.waterplane_integral((self.mesh.faces_centers[:,0] - xc)**2) + self.volume*(self.center_of_buoyancy[2] - zc) - mass/rho*(self.center_of_mass[2] - zc) ) elif dof_pair == ("Pitch", "Yaw"): norm_hs_stiff = - self.volume*(self.center_of_buoyancy[1] - yc) + mass/rho*(self.center_of_mass[1] - yc) else: norm_hs_stiff = 0.0 else: if self.mass is not None and np.isclose(self.mass, self.disp_mass(rho), rtol=1e-4): raise NotImplementedError( f"Trying to compute the hydrostatic stiffness for dofs {radiating_dof_name} and {influenced_dof_name}" f"of body {}, which is not neutrally buoyant (mass={body.mass}, disp_mass={body.disp_mass(rho)}.\n" f"This case has not been implemented in Capytaine. You need either a single rigid body or a neutrally buoyant body." ) # Newman (1994) formula for flexible DOFs influenced_dof = np.array(self.dofs[influenced_dof_name]) radiating_dof = np.array(self.dofs[radiating_dof_name]) influenced_dof_div_array = np.array(influenced_dof_div) radiating_dof_normal = self.dof_normals(radiating_dof) z_influenced_dof_div = influenced_dof[:,2] + self.mesh.faces_centers[:,2] * influenced_dof_div_array norm_hs_stiff = self.surface_integral( -radiating_dof_normal * z_influenced_dof_div) hs_stiff = rho * g * norm_hs_stiff return xr.DataArray([[hs_stiff]], dims=['influenced_dof', 'radiating_dof'], coords={'influenced_dof': [influenced_dof_name], 'radiating_dof': [radiating_dof_name]}, name="hydrostatic_stiffness" )
[docs] def compute_hydrostatic_stiffness(self, *, divergence=None, rho=1000.0, g=9.81): r""" Compute hydrostatic stiffness matrix for all DOFs of the body. :math:`C_{ij} = \rho g\iint_S (\hat{n} \cdot V_j) (w_i + z D_i) dS` where :math:`\hat{n}` is surface normal, :math:`V_i = u_i \hat{n}_x + v_i \hat{n}_y + w_i \hat{n}_z` is DOF vector and :math:`D_i = \nabla \cdot V_i` is the divergence of the DOF. Parameters ---------- divergence : dict mapping a dof name to an array of shape (nb_faces) or xarray.DataArray of shape (nb_dofs × nb_faces), optional Divergence of the DOFs, by default None rho : float, optional Water density, by default 1000.0 g: float, optional Gravity acceleration, by default 9.81 Returns ------- xr.DataArray Matrix of hydrostatic stiffness Note ---- This function computes the hydrostatic stiffness assuming :math:`D_{i} = 0`. If :math:`D_i \neq 0`, input the divergence interpolated to face centers. General integral equations are used for the rigid body modes and Neumann (1994) method is used for flexible modes. References ---------- Newman, John Nicholas. "Wave effects on deformable bodies."Applied ocean research" 16.1 (1994): 47-59. """ if len(self.dofs) == 0: raise AttributeError("Cannot compute hydrostatics stiffness on {} since no dof has been defined.".format( def divergence_dof(influenced_dof): if divergence is None: return 0.0 elif isinstance(divergence, dict) and influenced_dof in divergence.keys(): return divergence[influenced_dof] elif isinstance(divergence, xr.DataArray) and influenced_dof in divergence.coords["influenced_dof"]: return divergence.sel(influenced_dof=influenced_dof).values else: LOG.warning("Computing hydrostatic stiffness without the divergence of {}".format(influenced_dof)) return 0.0 hs_set = xr.merge([ self.each_hydrostatic_stiffness( influenced_dof_name, radiating_dof_name, influenced_dof_div = divergence_dof(influenced_dof_name), rho=rho, g=g ) for radiating_dof_name in self.dofs for influenced_dof_name in self.dofs ]) # Reorder dofs K = hs_set.hydrostatic_stiffness.sel(influenced_dof=list(self.dofs.keys()), radiating_dof=list(self.dofs.keys())) return K
[docs] def compute_rigid_body_inertia(self, *, rho=1000, output_type="body_dofs"): """ Inertia Mass matrix of the body for 6 rigid DOFs. Parameters ---------- rho : float, optional Density of water, by default 1000.0 output_type : {"body_dofs", "rigid_dofs", "all_dofs"} Type of DOFs for mass mat output, by default "body_dofs". Returns ------- xarray.DataArray Inertia matrix Raises ------ ValueError If output_type is not in {"body_dofs", "rigid_dofs", "all_dofs"}. """ if self.center_of_mass is None: raise ValueError(f"Trying to compute rigid-body inertia matrix for {}, but no center of mass has been defined.\n" f"Suggested solution: define a `center_of_mass` attribute for the FloatingBody {}.") rc = self._infer_rotation_center() fcs = (self.mesh.faces_centers - rc).T combinations = np.array([fcs[0]**2, fcs[1]**2, fcs[2]**2, fcs[0]*fcs[1], fcs[1]*fcs[2], fcs[2]*fcs[0]]) integrals = np.array([ [np.sum(normal_i * fcs[axis] * combination * self.mesh.faces_areas) for combination in combinations] for axis, normal_i in enumerate(self.mesh.faces_normals.T)]) inertias = np.array([ (integrals[0,1] + integrals[0,2] + integrals[1,1]/3 + integrals[1,2] + integrals[2,1] + integrals[2,2]/3)/3, (integrals[0,0]/3 + integrals[0,2] + integrals[1,0] + integrals[1,2] + integrals[2,0] + integrals[2,2]/3)/3, (integrals[0,0]/3 + integrals[0,1] + integrals[1,0] + integrals[1,1]/3 + integrals[2,0] + integrals[2,1] )/3, integrals[2,3], integrals[0,4], integrals[1,5] ]) cog = self.center_of_mass - rc volume = self.volume volumic_inertia_matrix = np.array([ [ volume , 0 , 0 , 0 , volume*cog[2] , -volume*cog[1] ], [ 0 , volume , 0 , -volume*cog[2] , 0 , volume*cog[0] ], [ 0 , 0 , volume , volume*cog[1] , -volume*cog[0] , 0 ] , [ 0 , -volume*cog[2] , volume*cog[1] , inertias[0] , -inertias[3] , -inertias[5] ], [ volume*cog[2] , 0 , -volume*cog[0] , -inertias[3] , inertias[1] , -inertias[4] ], [-volume*cog[1] , volume*cog[0] , 0 , -inertias[5] , -inertias[4] , inertias[2] ], ]) density = rho if self.mass is None else self.mass/volume inertia_matrix = density * volumic_inertia_matrix # Rigid DOFs rigid_dof_names = ["Surge", "Sway", "Heave", "Roll", "Pitch", "Yaw"] rigid_inertia_matrix_xr = xr.DataArray(data=np.asarray(inertia_matrix), dims=['influenced_dof', 'radiating_dof'], coords={'influenced_dof': rigid_dof_names, 'radiating_dof': rigid_dof_names}, name="inertia_matrix") # Body DOFs (Default as np.nan) body_dof_names = list(self.dofs) body_dof_count = len(body_dof_names) other_dofs_inertia_matrix_xr = xr.DataArray(np.nan * np.zeros([body_dof_count, body_dof_count]), dims=['influenced_dof', 'radiating_dof'], coords={'influenced_dof': body_dof_names, 'radiating_dof': body_dof_names}, name="inertia_matrix") total_mass_xr = xr.merge([rigid_inertia_matrix_xr, other_dofs_inertia_matrix_xr], compat="override").inertia_matrix non_rigid_dofs = set(body_dof_names) - set(rigid_dof_names) if output_type == "body_dofs": if len(non_rigid_dofs) > 0: LOG.warning(f"Non-rigid dofs: {non_rigid_dofs} are detected and \ respective inertia coefficients are assigned as NaN.") inertia_matrix_xr = total_mass_xr.sel(influenced_dof=body_dof_names, radiating_dof=body_dof_names) elif output_type == "rigid_dofs": inertia_matrix_xr = total_mass_xr.sel(influenced_dof=rigid_dof_names, radiating_dof=rigid_dof_names) elif output_type == "all_dofs": if len(non_rigid_dofs) > 0: LOG.warning("Non-rigid dofs: {non_rigid_dofs} are detected and \ respective inertia coefficients are assigned as NaN.") inertia_matrix_xr = total_mass_xr else: raise ValueError(f"output_type should be either 'body_dofs', \ 'all_dofs' or 'rigid_dofs'. Given output_type = '{output_type}'.") return inertia_matrix_xr
[docs] def compute_hydrostatics(self, *, rho=1000.0, g=9.81, divergence=None): """Compute hydrostatics of the FloatingBody. Parameters ---------- rho : float, optional Density of Water. The default is 1000. g: float, optional Gravity acceleration. The default is 9.81. divergence : np.ndarray, optional Divergence of the DOFs. Returns ------- hydrostatics : dict All hydrostatics values of the FloatingBody. """ if self.center_of_mass is None: raise ValueError(f"Trying to compute hydrostatics for {}, but no center of mass has been defined.\n" f"Suggested solution: define a `center_of_mass` attribute for the FloatingBody {}.") immersed_self = self.immersed_part() full_mesh_vertices = self.mesh.vertices coord_max = full_mesh_vertices.max(axis=0) coord_min = full_mesh_vertices.min(axis=0) full_length, full_breadth, depth = full_mesh_vertices.max(axis=0) - full_mesh_vertices.min(axis=0) vertices = immersed_self.mesh.vertices sub_length, sub_breadth, _ = vertices.max(axis=0) - vertices.min(axis=0) if abs(immersed_self.waterplane_area) > 1e-10: water_plane_idx = np.isclose(vertices[:,2], 0.0) water_plane = vertices[water_plane_idx][:,:-1] wl_length, wl_breadth = water_plane.max(axis=0) - water_plane.min(axis=0) else: wl_length, wl_breadth = 0.0, 0.0 hydrostatics = {} hydrostatics["g"] = g hydrostatics["rho"] = rho hydrostatics["center_of_mass"] = self.center_of_mass hydrostatics["wet_surface_area"] = immersed_self.wet_surface_area hydrostatics["disp_volumes"] = immersed_self.volumes hydrostatics["disp_volume"] = immersed_self.volume hydrostatics["disp_mass"] = immersed_self.disp_mass(rho=rho) hydrostatics["center_of_buoyancy"] = immersed_self.center_of_buoyancy hydrostatics["waterplane_center"] = np.append(immersed_self.waterplane_center, 0.0) hydrostatics["waterplane_area"] = immersed_self.waterplane_area hydrostatics["transversal_metacentric_radius"] = immersed_self.transversal_metacentric_radius hydrostatics["longitudinal_metacentric_radius"] = immersed_self.longitudinal_metacentric_radius hydrostatics["transversal_metacentric_height"] = immersed_self.transversal_metacentric_height hydrostatics["longitudinal_metacentric_height"] = immersed_self.longitudinal_metacentric_height self.hydrostatic_stiffness = hydrostatics["hydrostatic_stiffness"] = immersed_self.compute_hydrostatic_stiffness( divergence=divergence, rho=rho, g=g) hydrostatics["length_overall"] = full_length hydrostatics["breadth_overall"] = full_breadth hydrostatics["depth"] = depth hydrostatics["draught"] = np.abs(coord_min[2]) hydrostatics["length_at_waterline"] = wl_length hydrostatics["breadth_at_waterline"] = wl_breadth hydrostatics["length_overall_submerged"] = sub_length hydrostatics["breadth_overall_submerged"] = sub_breadth self.inertia_matrix = hydrostatics["inertia_matrix"] = self.compute_rigid_body_inertia(rho=rho) return hydrostatics
################### # Transformations # ################### def __add__(self, body_to_add: 'FloatingBody') -> 'FloatingBody': return self.join_bodies(body_to_add)
[docs] def join_bodies(*bodies, name=None) -> 'FloatingBody': if name is None: name = "+".join( for body in bodies) meshes = CollectionOfMeshes([body.mesh for body in bodies], name=f"{name}_mesh") dofs = FloatingBody.combine_dofs(bodies) if all(body.mass is not None for body in bodies): new_mass = sum(body.mass for body in bodies) else: new_mass = None if (all(body.mass is not None for body in bodies) and all(body.center_of_mass for body in bodies)): new_cog = sum(body.mass*np.asarray(body.center_of_mass) for body in bodies)/new_mass else: new_cog = None joined_bodies = FloatingBody( mesh=meshes, dofs=dofs, mass=new_mass, center_of_mass=new_cog, name=name ) for matrix_name in ["inertia_matrix", "hydrostatic_stiffness"]: if all(hasattr(body, matrix_name) for body in bodies): from scipy.linalg import block_diag setattr(joined_bodies, matrix_name, joined_bodies.add_dofs_labels_to_matrix( block_diag(*[getattr(body, matrix_name) for body in bodies]) )) return joined_bodies
[docs] @staticmethod def combine_dofs(bodies) -> dict: """Combine the degrees of freedom of several bodies.""" dofs = {} cum_nb_faces = accumulate(chain([0], (body.mesh.nb_faces for body in bodies))) total_nb_faces = sum(body.mesh.nb_faces for body in bodies) for body, nbf in zip(bodies, cum_nb_faces): # nbf is the cumulative number of faces of the previous subbodies, # that is the offset of the indices of the faces of the current body. for name, dof in body.dofs.items(): new_dof = np.zeros((total_nb_faces, 3)) new_dof[nbf:nbf+len(dof), :] = dof if '__' not in name: new_dof_name = '__'.join([, name]) else: # The body is probably a combination of bodies already. # So for the associativity of the + operation, # it is better to keep the same name. new_dof_name = name dofs[new_dof_name] = new_dof return dofs
[docs] def copy(self, name=None) -> 'FloatingBody': """Return a deep copy of the body. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional a name for the new copy """ new_body = copy.deepcopy(self) if name is None: = f"copy_of_{}" LOG.debug(f"Copy {}.") else: = name LOG.debug(f"Copy {} under the name {name}.") return new_body
[docs] def assemble_regular_array(self, distance, nb_bodies): """Create an regular array of identical bodies. Parameters ---------- distance : float Center-to-center distance between objects in the array nb_bodies : couple of ints Number of objects in the x and y directions. Returns ------- FloatingBody """ bodies = (self.translated((i*distance, j*distance, 0), name=f"{i}_{j}") for j in range(nb_bodies[1]) for i in range(nb_bodies[0])) array = FloatingBody.join_bodies(*bodies) array.mesh = build_regular_array_of_meshes(self.mesh, distance, nb_bodies) = f"array_of_{}" return array
[docs] def assemble_arbitrary_array(self, locations:np.ndarray): if not isinstance(locations, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('locations must be of type np.ndarray') assert locations.shape[1] == 2, 'locations must be of shape nx2, received {:}'.format(locations.shape) n = locations.shape[0] fb_list = [] for idx, li in enumerate(locations): fb1 = self.copy() fb1.translate(np.append(li,0)) = 'arbitrary_array_body{:02d}'.format(idx) fb_list.append(fb1) arbitrary_array = fb_list[0].join_bodies(*fb_list[1:]) return arbitrary_array
[docs] def extract_faces(self, id_faces_to_extract, return_index=False): """Create a new FloatingBody by extracting some faces from the mesh. The dofs evolve accordingly. """ if isinstance(self.mesh, CollectionOfMeshes): raise NotImplementedError # TODO if return_index: new_mesh, id_v = Mesh.extract_faces(self.mesh, id_faces_to_extract, return_index) else: new_mesh = Mesh.extract_faces(self.mesh, id_faces_to_extract, return_index) new_body = FloatingBody(new_mesh)"Extract floating body from {}.") new_body.dofs = {} for name, dof in self.dofs.items(): new_body.dofs[name] = dof[id_faces_to_extract, :] if return_index: return new_body, id_v else: return new_body
[docs] def sliced_by_plane(self, plane): return FloatingBody(mesh=self.mesh.sliced_by_plane(plane), dofs=self.dofs,
[docs] def minced(self, nb_slices=(8, 8, 4)): """Experimental method decomposing the mesh as a hierarchical structure. Parameters ---------- nb_slices: Tuple[int, int, int] The number of slices in each of the x, y and z directions. Only powers of 2 are supported at the moment. Returns ------- FloatingBody """ minced_body = self.copy() # Extreme points of the mesh in each directions. x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max = self.mesh.axis_aligned_bbox sizes = [(x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max), (z_min, z_max)] directions = [np.array(d) for d in [(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)]] def _slice_positions_at_depth(i): """Helper function. Returns a list of floats as follows: i=1 -> [1/2] i=2 -> [1/4, 3/4] i=3 -> [1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8] ... """ denominator = 2**i return [numerator/denominator for numerator in range(1, denominator, 2)] # GENERATE ALL THE PLANES THAT WILL BE USED TO MINCE THE MESH planes = [] for direction, nb_slices_in_dir, (min_coord, max_coord) in zip(directions, nb_slices, sizes): planes_in_dir = [] depth_of_treelike_structure = int(np.log2(nb_slices_in_dir)) for i_depth in range(1, depth_of_treelike_structure+1): planes_in_dir_at_depth = [] for relative_position in _slice_positions_at_depth(i_depth): slice_position = (min_coord + relative_position*(max_coord-min_coord))*direction plane = Plane(normal=direction, point=slice_position) planes_in_dir_at_depth.append(plane) planes_in_dir.append(planes_in_dir_at_depth) planes.append(planes_in_dir) # SLICE THE MESH intermingled_x_y_z = chain.from_iterable(zip_longest(*planes)) for planes in intermingled_x_y_z: if planes is not None: for plane in planes: minced_body = minced_body.sliced_by_plane(plane) return minced_body
@inplace_transformation def mirror(self, plane): self.mesh.mirror(plane) for dof in self.dofs: self.dofs[dof] -= 2 * np.outer([dof], plane.normal), plane.normal) for point_attr in ('geometric_center', 'rotation_center', 'center_of_mass'): if point_attr in self.__dict__ and self.__dict__[point_attr] is not None: self.__dict__[point_attr] -= 2 * ([point_attr], plane.normal) - plane.c) * plane.normal return self @inplace_transformation def translate(self, *args): self.mesh.translate(*args) for point_attr in ('geometric_center', 'rotation_center', 'center_of_mass'): if point_attr in self.__dict__ and self.__dict__[point_attr] is not None: self.__dict__[point_attr] += args[0] return self @inplace_transformation def rotate(self, axis, angle): self.mesh.rotate(axis, angle) for point_attr in ('geometric_center', 'rotation_center', 'center_of_mass'): if point_attr in self.__dict__ and self.__dict__[point_attr] is not None: self.__dict__[point_attr] = axis.rotate_points([self.__dict__[point_attr]], angle) for dof in self.dofs: self.dofs[dof] = axis.rotate_vectors(self.dofs[dof], angle) return self @inplace_transformation def clip(self, plane): # Keep of copy of the full mesh if self.full_body is None: self.full_body = self.copy() # Clip mesh"Clipping {} with respect to {plane}") self.mesh.clip(plane) # Clip dofs ids = self.mesh._clipping_data['faces_ids'] for dof in self.dofs: if len(ids) > 0: self.dofs[dof] = np.array(self.dofs[dof])[ids] else: self.dofs[dof] = np.empty((0, 3)) return self
[docs] def clipped(self, plane, **kwargs): # Same API as for the other transformations return self.clip(plane, inplace=False, **kwargs)
@inplace_transformation def keep_immersed_part(self, free_surface=0.0, sea_bottom=-np.infty): """Remove the parts of the mesh above the sea bottom and below the free surface.""" self.clip(Plane(normal=(0, 0, 1), point=(0, 0, free_surface))) if sea_bottom > -np.infty: self.clip(Plane(normal=(0, 0, -1), point=(0, 0, sea_bottom))) return self
[docs] def immersed_part(self, free_surface=0.0, sea_bottom=-np.infty): return self.keep_immersed_part(free_surface, sea_bottom, inplace=False,
############# # Display # ############# def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}(mesh={}, " f"dofs={{{', '.join(self.dofs.keys())}}}, name={})")
[docs] def show(self, **kwargs): from capytaine.ui.vtk.body_viewer import FloatingBodyViewer viewer = FloatingBodyViewer() viewer.add_body(self, **kwargs) viewer.finalize()
[docs] def show_matplotlib(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.mesh.show_matplotlib(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def animate(self, motion, *args, **kwargs): """Display a motion as a 3D animation. Parameters ========== motion: dict or pd.Series or str A dict or series mapping the name of the dofs to its amplitude. If a single string is passed, it is assumed to be the name of a dof and this dof with a unit amplitude will be displayed. """ from capytaine.ui.vtk.animation import Animation if isinstance(motion, str): motion = {motion: 1.0} elif isinstance(motion, xr.DataArray): motion = {k: motion.sel(radiating_dof=k).data for k in motion.coords["radiating_dof"].data} if any(dof not in self.dofs for dof in motion): missing_dofs = set(motion.keys()) - set(self.dofs.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Trying to animate the body {} using dof(s) {missing_dofs}, but no dof of this name is defined for {}.") animation = Animation(*args, **kwargs) animation._add_actor(self.mesh.merged(), faces_motion=sum(motion[dof_name] * dof for dof_name, dof in self.dofs.items() if dof_name in motion)) return animation