Source code for capytaine.bodies.predefined.rectangles

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Legacy interfaces to predefined meshes"""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging
import numpy as np

from capytaine.meshes.predefined import mesh_rectangle, mesh_parallelepiped
from capytaine.meshes.meshes import Mesh
from capytaine.bodies.bodies import FloatingBody

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Rectangle(FloatingBody): """One-sided vertical rectangle (along y and z). By default, the normals are oriented in the positive y direction. Parameters ---------- size : couple of floats, optional dimensions of the rectangle (width and height) resolution : couple of ints, optional number of faces along each of the two directions center : 3-ple of floats, optional position of the geometric center of the rectangle, default: (0, 0, 0) normal: 3-ple of floats, optional normal vector, default: along x axis translational_symmetry : bool, optional if True, use the translation symmetry to speed up the computations reflection_symmetry : bool, optional if True, use the reflection symmetry to speed up the computations name : string, optional a name for the body """ def __init__(self, size=(5.0, 5.0), resolution=(5, 5), center=(0, 0, 0), normal=(1, 0, 0), translational_symmetry=False, reflection_symmetry=False, name=None): LOG.warning("Deprecation warning: The class Rectangle() is deprecated. " "Please prefer the function capytaine.meshes.predefined.mesh_rectangle()") self.size = np.asarray(size, dtype=float) self.geometric_center = np.asarray(center, dtype=float) if name is None: name = f"rectangle_{next(Mesh._ids)}" mesh = mesh_rectangle(size=size, resolution=resolution, center=center, normal=normal, translation_symmetry=translational_symmetry, reflection_symmetry=reflection_symmetry, name=f"{name}_mesh") FloatingBody.__init__(self, mesh=mesh, name=name)
[docs]class RectangularParallelepiped(FloatingBody): """Six rectangles forming a parallelepiped. Parameters ---------- size : 3-ple of floats, optional dimensions of the parallelepiped (width, thickness, height) for coordinates (x, y, z). resolution : 3-ple of ints, optional number of faces along the three directions center : 3-ple of floats, optional coordinates of the geometric center of the parallelepiped top: bool, optional whether or not to close the parallelepiped on the top bottom: bool, optional whether or not to close the parallelepiped on the bottom reflection_symmetry : bool, optional use xOz and yOz symmetry plane to generate the mesh translational_symmetry : bool, optional if True, use the translation symmetry in the x direction to speed up the computations. To use the translation symmetry in the y direction, create a x-symmetric body and then rotate it by pi/2. name : string, optional a name for the body """ def __init__(self, size=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), resolution=(4, 4, 4), center=(0, 0, 0), top=True, bottom=True, reflection_symmetry=False, translational_symmetry=False, name=None): LOG.warning("Deprecation warning: The class RectangularParallelepiped() is deprecated. " "Please prefer the function capytaine.meshes.predefined.mesh_parallelepiped()") if name is None: name = f"rectangular_parallelepiped_{next(Mesh._ids)}" missing_sides = set() if not top: missing_sides.add("top") if not bottom: missing_sides.add("bottom") mesh = mesh_parallelepiped(size=size, resolution=resolution, center=center, missing_sides=missing_sides, translation_symmetry=translational_symmetry, reflection_symmetry=reflection_symmetry, name=f"{name}_mesh") FloatingBody.__init__(self, mesh=mesh, name=name)
[docs]class OpenRectangularParallelepiped(RectangularParallelepiped): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): RectangularParallelepiped.__init__(self, top=False, bottom=False, *args, **kwargs)
# Kept mostly for legacy