Source code for capytaine.post_pro.impedance

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Computation of the impendance matrix."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def rao_transfer_function(dataset, dissipation=None, stiffness=None): """Complex-valued matrix used for the computation of the RAO. Parameters ---------- dataset: xarray Dataset The hydrodynamical dataset. This function supposes that variables named 'inertia_matrix' and 'hydrostatic_stiffness' are in the dataset. Other variables can be computed by Capytaine, by those two should be manually added to the dataset. dissipation: array, optional An optional dissipation matrix (e.g. Power Take Off) to be included in the transfer function. Default: none. stiffness: array, optional An optional stiffness matrix (e.g. mooring stiffness) to be included in the transfer function. Default: none. Returns ------- xarray DataArray The matrix as an array depending of omega and the degrees of freedom. """ if not hasattr(dataset, 'inertia_matrix'): raise AttributeError('Computing the impedance matrix requires a :code:`inertia_matrix` matrix to be defined in the hydrodynamical dataset') if not hasattr(dataset, 'hydrostatic_stiffness'): raise AttributeError('Computing the impedance matrix requires a :code:`hydrostatic_stiffness` matrix to be defined in the hydrodynamical dataset') # ASSEMBLE MATRICES omega = dataset.coords['omega'] # Range of frequencies in the dataset H = (-omega**2*(dataset['inertia_matrix'] + dataset['added_mass']) - 1j*omega*dataset['radiation_damping'] + dataset['hydrostatic_stiffness']) if dissipation is not None: H = H - 1j*omega*dissipation if stiffness is not None: H = H + stiffness return H
[docs]def impedance(dataset, dissipation=None, stiffness=None): """Complex-valued mechanical impedance matrix. See Falnes for more theoretical details. @book{falnes2002ocean, title={Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-Energy Extraction}, author={Falnes, J.}, isbn={9781139431934}, url={}, year={2002}, publisher={Cambridge University Press} } Parameters ---------- dataset: xarray Dataset The hydrodynamical dataset. This function supposes that variables named 'inertia_matrix' and 'hydrostatic_stiffness' are in the dataset. Other variables can be computed by Capytaine, by those two should be manually added to the dataset. dissipation: array, optional An optional dissipation matrix (e.g. Power Take Off) to be included in the impedance. Default: none. stiffness: array, optional An optional stiffness matrix (e.g. mooring stiffness) to be included in the impedance. Default: none. Returns ------- xarray DataArray The impedance as an array depending of omega and the degrees of freedom. """ return 1/(-1j * dataset.coords["omega"]) * rao_transfer_function(dataset, dissipation, stiffness)