Source code for capytaine.post_pro.rao

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Experimental function to compute the Response Amplitude Operator."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

import logging

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from capytaine.post_pro.impedance import rao_transfer_function

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def rao(dataset, wave_direction=0.0, dissipation=None, stiffness=None): """Response Amplitude Operator. Parameters ---------- dataset: xarray Dataset The hydrodynamical dataset. This function supposes that variables named 'inertia_matrix' and 'hydrostatic_stiffness' are in the dataset. Other variables can be computed by Capytaine, by those two should be manually added to the dataset. wave_direction: float, optional The direction of the incoming waves. Default: 0 radian (x direction) dissipation: array, optional An optional dissipation matrix (e.g. Power Take Off) to be included in the RAO. Default: none. stiffness: array, optional An optional stiffness matrix (e.g. mooring stiffness) to be included in the RAO. Default: none. Returns ------- xarray DataArray The RAO as an array depending of omega and the degree of freedom. """ # ASSEMBLE MATRICES H = rao_transfer_function(dataset, dissipation, stiffness)"Compute RAO.") omega = dataset.coords['omega'] # Range of frequencies in the dataset if 'excitation_force' not in dataset: dataset['excitation_force'] = dataset['Froude_Krylov_force'] + dataset['diffraction_force'] excitation = dataset['excitation_force'].sel(wave_direction=wave_direction) # SOLVE LINEAR SYSTEMS # Reorder dimensions of the arrays to be sure to solve the right system. H = H.transpose('omega', 'radiating_dof', 'influenced_dof') excitation = excitation.transpose('omega', 'influenced_dof') # Solve the linear systems (one for each value of omega) X = np.linalg.solve(H, excitation) return xr.DataArray(X, coords=[omega, dataset.coords['radiating_dof']], dims=['omega', 'radiating_dof'])