Installation for developers

On Linux, MacOS, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

It is recommended to use a conda environment, for instance with:

conda create --name capy_dev python
conda activate capy_dev

By default, conda will install the latest version of Python. Capytaine requires Python 3.6 and is compatible with all currently supported version of Python.

You’ll also need a Fortran compiler:

  • On Linux or WSL, you can install gfortran with the package manager of your distribution (e.g. on Debian or Ubuntu: sudo apt install gfortran).

  • On macOS, you can install the required compilers via Homebrew. Make sure that the compilers installed by Homebrew are in you path (e.g., which gcc); this can be accomplished by adding the relevant directories to your path:

    export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

    or through the use of aliases, e.g.,:

    alias gcc=/usr/local/bin/gcc-10

Then, download the source code from Github web interface or using git with:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd capytaine

To compile the code, install all optional dependencies, and put it in your path:

make develop

The test suite can be run with:

make test

If you need to recompile:

make clean
make develop

On Windows

Microsoft Visual Studio is required for linking the Fortran binaries

Intel oneAPI HPC toolkit is required for compiling the Fortran binaries (you do not need the base kit)

Create a “LIB” environment variable to point towards the intel directory for compiler .lib files

  • If oneAPI is installed to the default location, assign the LIB user variable a value of:

    C:Program Files (x86)InteloneAPIcompiler2022.1.0windowscompilerlibintel64_win

  • If oneAPI is installed to a different location then adjust the path above as necessary

Test if your Fortran compiler was installed correctly by entering ifort on your command line

Open the anaconda powershell and create a new Python environment (by default, with the latest version of Python) for Capytaine-related development (e.g. capy_dev):

conda create --name capy_dev python
conda activate capy_dev

Clone the Capytaine repo to your preferred location (e.g. “C:/code/”):

cd C:/code/
git clone --recurse-submodules

Install Capytaine as a developer!:

cd capytaine
pip install -e .

Be sure to check => install_requires = […] to ensure that your environment has all required packages installed. You can check your environment’s packages using::

conda list

If any packages are missing simply install them using::

pip install <package name>


For instructions about how to help with the development of Capytaine, see the contributing guide.