Meshes and floating bodies

Importing a mesh with Meshmagick

To load an existing mesh file, use the following syntax:

import capytaine as cpt

mesh = cpt.load_mesh('path/to/mesh.dat', file_format='nemoh')
body = cpt.FloatingBody(mesh=mesh)

The above example uses Nemoh’s mesh format.

Thanks to Meshmagick, numerous other mesh format can be imported. The file format can be given with the file_format optional argument. If no format is given, the code will try to infer it from the file extension:

mesh = cpt.load_mesh('path/to/mesh.msh')  # gmsh file

The formats currently supported in reading are listed in the following table (adapted from the documentation of Meshmagick).

File extension



Extra features



nemoh, mar




nemoh_mesh, nem



wamit, gdf



diodore-inp, inp






hydrostar, hst



natural, nat


GMSH 2 [5]

gmsh, msh



rad, radioss











paraview-legacy, vtk



tecplot, tec



med, salome

Not all metadata is taken into account when reading the mesh file. For instance, the body symmetry is taken into account only for the .mar and .hst file formats. Feel free to open an issue on Github to suggest improvements.

Importing a mesh with Meshio

Mesh can also be imported using the meshio library. Unlike the Meshmagick mesh readers mentioned above, this library is not packaged with Capytaine and need to be installed independently:

pip install meshio

A meshio mesh object can be used directly to initialize a FloatingBody:

import meshio
mesh ="myfile.stl")
body = cpt.FloatingBody(mesh=mesh, dofs=...)

Alternatively, the meshio mesh object can converted to Capytaine’s mesh format with the load_from_meshio() function:

from import load_from_meshio
cpt_mesh = cpt.load_from_meshio(mesh, name="My floating body")

This features allows to use pygmsh to generate the mesh, since this library returns mesh in the same format as meshio. Below is an example of a mesh generation with pygmsh (which also needs to be installed independently):

import pygmsh
offset = 1e-2
T1 = 0.16
T2 = 0.37
r1 = 0.88
r2 = 0.35
with pygmsh.occ.Geometry() as geom:
    cyl = geom.add_cylinder([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -T1],  r1)
    cone = geom.add_cone([0, 0, -T1], [0, 0, -T2], r1, r2)
    geom.translate(cyl, [0, 0, offset])
    geom.translate(cone, [0, 0, offset])
    geom.boolean_union([cyl, cone])
    gmsh_mesh = geom.generate_mesh(dim=2)
body = cpt.FloatingBody(gmsh_mesh)

Display and animation

Use the show method to display the mesh in 3D using VTK (if installed):

Once a FloatingBody with dofs has been defineds, the animate method can be used to visualize a given motion of the body:

anim = body.animate(motion={"Heave": 0.1, "Surge": 0.1j}, loop_duration=1.0)

The above example will present an interactive animation of the linear combination of heave and surge.

Jupyter notebooks can also include a (non-interactive) video of the animation:

anim.embed_in_notebook(camera_position=(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0), resolution=(400, 300))

Geometric transformations

Several functions are available to transform existing bodies and meshes.

Most transformation methods exist in two versions:

  • one, named as a infinitive verb (translate, rotate, …), is an in-place transformation;

  • the other, named as a past participle (translated, rotated, …), is the same transformation but returning a new object.

In most cases, performance is not significant and the latter method should be preferred since it makes code slightly easier to debug.

Below is a list of most of the available methods. All of them can be applied to both meshes or to floating bodies, in which case the degrees of freedom will also be transformed:

mesh.translated([10.0, 5.0, 2.0])

# Translation such that point_a would become equal to point_b
mesh.translated_point_to_point(point_a=[5, 6, 7], point_b=[4, 3, 2])

mesh.rotated_x(3.14/5)  # Rotation of pi/5 around the Ox axis
mesh.rotated_y(3.14/5)  # Rotation of pi/5 around the Oy axis
mesh.rotated_z(3.14/5)  # Rotation of pi/5 around the Oz axis

# Rotation of pi/5 around an arbitrary axis.
from capytaine import Axis
my_axis = Axis(vector=[1, 1, 1], point=[3, 4, 5])
mesh.rotated(axis=my_axis, angle=3.14/5)

# Rotation around a point such that vec1 would become equal to vec2
    center=(0, 0, 0),
    vec1=(1, 4, 7),
    vec2=(9, 2, 1)

from capytaine import Plane
mesh.mirrored(Plane(normal=[1, 2, 1], point=[0, 4, 5]))

All the above method can also be applied to Plane and Axis objects.


Meshes and bodies can be merged together with the + operator:

both_bodies = body_1 + body_2

The + operation is associative, that is (body_1 + body_2) + body_3 is equivalent to body_1 + (body_2 + body_3). It is also commutative, up to some internal details which are usually not relevant. However for more than two bodies, it is recommended to use instead the join_bodies method:

all_bodies = body_1.join_bodies(body_2, body_3, body_4)

When two floating bodies with dofs are merged, the resulting body inherits from the dofs of the individual bodies with the new name body_name__dof_name. For instance:

both_bodies = body_1 + body_2
assert 'body_1__Heave' in both_bodies.dofs
assert 'body_2__Heave' in both_bodies.dofs


Meshes and bodies can be clipped with the clip and clipped methods. As for the geometric transformations, the former is in-place whereas the second returns a new object. These methods take a Plane object as argument. The plane is defined by a point belonging to it and a normal vector:

xOy_Plane = Plane(point=(0, 0, 0), normal=(0, 0, 1))
clipped_body = body.clipped(xOy_Plane)

Beware that the orientation of the normal vector of the Plane will determine which part of the mesh will be returned:

higher_part = body.clipped(Plane(point=(0, 0, 0), normal=(0, 0, -1)))
lower_part = body.clipped(Plane(point=(0, 0, 0), normal=(0, 0, 1)))
# body = lower_part + higher_part

The method immersed_part will clip the body with respect to two horizontal planes at \(z=0\) and \(z=-h\):

clipped_body = body.immersed_part(sea_bottom=-10)

Center of mass and rotation dofs

The center of gravity of the body can be defined by assigning a vector of 3 elements to the center_of_mass attribute:

body.center_of_mass = np.array([0.0, -1.0, -1.0])

The center of mass is used in some hydrostatics computation. It is not required for hydrodynamical coefficients, except for the definition of the rotation degrees of freedom. When defining a rotation dof, the code looks for attributes called rotation_center, center_of_mass or * geometric_center (in that order), and use them to define the rotation axis. If none of them are define, the rotation is defined around the origin of the domain \((0, 0, 0)\).

Defining an integration quadrature


This feature is experimental. Only quadrilaterals panels are supported at the moment.

During the resolution of the BEM problem, the Green function has to be integrated on the mesh. By default, the integration is approximated by taking the value at the center of the panel and multiplying by its area. For a more accurate intagration, an higher order quadrature can be defined.

This feature relies on the external package quadpy to compute the quadrature. You can install it with:

pip install quadpy

Then chose one of the available quadratures and give it to the compute_quadrature method:

from quadpy.quadrilateral import stroud_c2_7_2


It will then be used automatically when needed.


Transformations of the mesh (merging, clipping, …) may reset the quadrature. Compute it only on your final mesh.