Source code for capytaine.ui.vtk.helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Tools for 3D displays with VTK."""
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Matthieu Ancellin
# See LICENSE file at <>

from typing import Union

from capytaine.meshes.meshes import Mesh
from capytaine.meshes.collections import CollectionOfMeshes
from import import_optional_dependency

vtk = import_optional_dependency("vtk")

[docs]def compute_vtk_polydata(mesh: Union[Mesh, CollectionOfMeshes]): """Transform a mesh into vtkPolydata.""" # Create a vtkPoints object and store the points in it points = vtk.vtkPoints() for point in mesh.vertices: points.InsertNextPoint(point) # Create a vtkCellArray to store faces faces = vtk.vtkCellArray() for face_ids in mesh.faces: if face_ids[0] == face_ids[-1]: # Triangle curface = face_ids[:3] vtk_face = vtk.vtkTriangle() else: # Quadrangle curface = face_ids[:4] vtk_face = vtk.vtkQuad() for idx, id in enumerate(curface): vtk_face.GetPointIds().SetId(idx, id) faces.InsertNextCell(vtk_face) vtk_polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() vtk_polydata.SetPoints(points) vtk_polydata.SetPolys(faces) return vtk_polydata
[docs]def compute_node_data(mesh: Union[Mesh, CollectionOfMeshes], face_data): """Transform data defined at the center of the faces to data defined at the nodes of the mesh by a simple averaging of the values of the neighboring faces. Parameters ---------- mesh: Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes the mesh on which the face face_data are defined face_data: numpy array of shape (mesh.nb_faces, ...) the data defined on the center of the faces of the mesh Returns ------- node_data: numpy array of shape (mesh.nb_vertices, ...) the same data averaged on the nodes """ import numpy as np mesh = mesh.merged() assert face_data.shape[0] == mesh.nb_faces # Initialize output array node_data_shape = (mesh.vertices.shape[0], ) + face_data.shape[1:] node_data = np.zeros(node_data_shape, dtype=complex) # Keep track of the number of faces near each vertex faces_near_nodes_shape = (mesh.vertices.shape[0], ) + (1, ) * len(face_data.shape[1:]) nb_faces_near_nodes = np.zeros(faces_near_nodes_shape, dtype=np.int8) for i, vertices in enumerate(mesh.faces): for vertex in vertices: nb_faces_near_nodes[vertex] += 1 node_data[vertex, ...] += face_data[i, ...] node_data /= nb_faces_near_nodes return node_data