capytaine.ui.vtk.helpers module

Tools for 3D displays with VTK.

capytaine.ui.vtk.helpers.compute_node_data(mesh: Mesh | CollectionOfMeshes, face_data)[source]

Transform data defined at the center of the faces to data defined at the nodes of the mesh by a simple averaging of the values of the neighboring faces.

  • mesh (Mesh or CollectionOfMeshes) – the mesh on which the face face_data are defined

  • face_data (numpy array of shape (mesh.nb_faces, …)) – the data defined on the center of the faces of the mesh


node_data – the same data averaged on the nodes

Return type:

numpy array of shape (mesh.nb_vertices, …)

capytaine.ui.vtk.helpers.compute_vtk_polydata(mesh: Mesh | CollectionOfMeshes)[source]

Transform a mesh into vtkPolydata.