
Outputs stored in LinearPotentialFlowResult

Each LinearPotentialFlowResult object contains all the data defined for the corresponding problem:

problem = cpt.DiffractionProblem(body=body, period=1.0, wave_direction=3.14)
solver = cpt.BEMSolver()
result = solver.solve(problem, keep_details=True)

# 1.0

They also contain a supplementary attribute named forces, containing the computed forces on the body:

# {'Surge': (23941.728129534735+9487.048661471363j), 'Sway': (-2.010438038269058e-09-2.8862814360763878e-09j), ...}

The force is stored as Python dictionary associating a complex value in SI units to the name of the influenced degree of freedom. In other words, in the example code above, the \(x\)-component of the force vector has magnitude 23941 Newton at \(t =0\), while the \(y\)-component of the force vector is negligible at all time.

For radiation problems, the result object also contain added_mass and radiation_damping attributes, with the same shape of a Python dictionary.

It the solver was called with keep_details=True, the result object also contains the potential and pressure fields on each face of the mesh of the hull:

# [-1.72534485e-03+0.14128629j -3.98932611e-03+0.33387497j
#  -6.54135830e-03+0.54208628j ... -2.09853806e+00-0.56106653j
#  -2.18441640e+00-0.58402701j -2.22777755e+00-0.59562008j]

# [-1.72534485e-03+0.14128629j -3.98932611e-03+0.33387497j
#  -6.54135830e-03+0.54208628j ... -2.09853806e+00-0.56106653j
#  -2.18441640e+00-0.58402701j -2.22777755e+00-0.59562008j]

These magnitudes are stored in an one-dimensionnal array as long as the number of faces of the mesh, and stored in the same order as the faces in the Mesh object. In other words, result.pressure[3] contains the pressure on the face of center body.mesh.faces_centers[3].

Recall that the potential and the pressure are related by \(p = j \rho \omega \Phi\), where \(\rho\) is the fluid density and \(\omega\) is the angular frequency.

The potential, the pressure and the velocity in the rest of the fluid can be computed in post-processing as described in Post-processing.

When using the indirect boundary integral equation (by default), the result object with details also contains the distribution of sources \(\sigma\) on the hull, under the same form as the potential above:

# [  0.0281344 -0.35719578j   0.06715056-1.34127138j
#    0.10891061-2.26921669j ... -13.58069557+2.13219904j
#  -14.13645749+2.21945488j -14.41706935+2.26351156j]

Building a dataset from LinearPotentialFlowResult

If you have a list of LinearPotentialFlowResult, you can assemble them in a xarray dataset for a more convenient post-processing. Use the following syntax:

from capytaine import assemble_dataset
dataset = assemble_dataset(list_of_results)

If you gave a test matrix to the BEMSolver.fill_dataset method, the output will directly be an xarray dataset.

Both assemble_dataset and fill_dataset accept some optional keyword arguments to store more information in the dataset:

  • wavenumber, wavelength, period, omega, (default: all True): control whether which of the representations of the wave frequency are stored in the dataset. At least one should be included, by default they all are.

  • mesh (default: False): add some information about the mesh in the dataset (number of faces, quadrature method).

  • hydrostatics (default: True): if hydrostatics data are available in the FloatingBody, they are added to the dataset.


The code does its best to keep the degrees of freedom in the same order as they have been provided by the user, but there is no guarantee that this will always be the case. Nonetheless, in all cases the labels will always match the data. So selecting a value by the name of the dof will always return the right one:

data.sel(radiating_dof="Heave", influenced_dof="Heave")

You can also manually reorder the dofs with the following syntax:

sorted_dofs = ["Surge", "Sway", "Heave", "Roll", "Pitch", "Yaw"]
print(data.sel(radiating_dof=sorted_dofs, influenced_dof=sorted_dofs))


Datasets created with assemble_dataset only include data on cases with a free surface. Cases without a free surface (free_surface=inf) are ignored.

Building a dataset from Bemio

An xarray dataset can also be created from data structures generated using the Bemio package, which reads hydrodynamic output data from NEMOH, WAMIT, and AQWA. This allows for Capytaine post-processing of hydrodynamic data generated from other BEM codes.

Bemio does not come packaged with Capytaine and needs to to be installed independently. Note that the base repository of Bemio has been archived and is only compatible with Python 2.7.x, so using a Python 3 compatible fork is recommended, available here or installed with:

pip install git+https://github.com/michaelcdevin/bemio.git

To build the xarray dataset using Capytaine, the output files from the BEM program in question must be read into a Bemio data_structures.ben.HydrodynamicData class, which is then called by assemble_dataset. For example, to create an xarray dataset from a WAMIT .out file:

from bemio.io.wamit import read as read_wamit
import capytaine as cpt
bemio_data = read_wamit("myfile.out")
my_dataset = cpt.assemble_dataset(bemio_data, hydrostatics=False)


The created dataset will only contain quantities that can be directly calculated from the values given in the original dataset. Because of this, there may be minor differences between the variable names in an xarray dataset build with Bemio and one created using LinearPotentialFlowResult, even though the format will be identical. For example, WAMIT .out files do not contain the radii of gyration needed to calculate the moments of inertia, so the my_dataset[‘inertia_matrix’] variable would not be included in the above example since the rigid body mass matrix cannot be calculated.

Saving the dataset as NetCDF file

The xarray dataset produced by assemble_dataset (or fill_dataset) has a structure close to the NetCDF file format and can easily be saved to this format:


See the documentation of xarray for details and options.

There are however a couple of issues you should be aware of:

Complex numbers

The netCDF standard does not handle complex numbers. As a workaround, the complex-valued array can be saved as a bigger real-valued array with the help of the capytaine.io.xarray module:

from capytaine.io.xarray import separate_complex_values

The dataset can then be reloaded by:

import xarray as xr
from capytaine.io.xarray import merge_complex_values
dataset = merge_complex_values(xr.open_dataset("path/to/dataset.nc"))

String format

There is an issue with the handling of strings in xarray. It affects the coordinates with strings as labels such as radiating_dof and influenced_dof. They can be stored in xarray either as NetCDF string objects, which can be written in a NetCDF file, or as Python strings stored as generic Python objects, which cannot be written in a NetCDF file. The issue is that the xarray library sometimes changes from one to the other without warnings. It leads to the error ValueError: unsupported dtype for netCDF4 variable: object when trying to export a dataset.

This can be fixed by explicitly converting the strings to the right format when exporting the dataset:

  encoding={'radiating_dof': {'dtype': 'U'},
            'influenced_dof': {'dtype': 'U'}}

See also this Github issue.

Saving the rotation center of rigid bodies

Some software downstream of Capytaine, such as BEMRosetta, require the NetCDF file to store the rotation center of each body. While this is not yet done automatically by Capytaine, it can be added to the dataset manually as in the following example, which is an extension of the Quickstart example:

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import capytaine as cpt

body_1 = cpt.FloatingBody(
            mesh=cpt.mesh_sphere(center=(0, 0, 0)),
            dofs=cpt.rigid_body_dofs(rotation_center=(0, 0, 0)),
            center_of_mass=(0, 0, 0),
body_1.inertia_matrix = body_1.compute_rigid_body_inertia()
body_1.hydrostatic_stiffness = body_1.immersed_part().compute_hydrostatic_stiffness()
# If you have several rigid bodies, copy the code above to define "body_2", "body_3", etc.

list_of_bodies = [body_1]  # Replace "[body_1]" by "[body_1, body_2, body_3]" for multibody problem.

all_bodies = cpt.FloatingBody.join_bodies(*list_of_bodies).immersed_part()

# Set up parameters
test_matrix = xr.Dataset({
        "omega": np.linspace(0.1, 2.0, 20),  # Can also specify "period", "wavelength" or "wavenumber"
        "wave_direction": np.linspace(0, np.pi, 3),
        "radiating_dof": list(all_bodies.dofs),

# Do the resolution
solver = cpt.BEMSolver()
dataset = solver.fill_dataset(test_matrix, all_bodies)

dataset.coords["rigid_body_component"] = [body.name for body in list_of_bodies]
dataset["rotation_center"] = (["rigid_body_component", "point_coordinates"], [body.rotation_center for body in list_of_bodies])
dataset["center_of_mass"] = (["rigid_body_component", "point_coordinates"], [body.center_of_mass for body in list_of_bodies])

# Export to NetCDF file
from capytaine.io.xarray import separate_complex_values
                                           encoding={'radiating_dof': {'dtype': 'U'},
                                                     'influenced_dof': {'dtype': 'U'}})

The support for this in Capytaine should be improved in the future.

Exporting to Excel

The example below uses the openpyxl library (that can be installed with pip install openpyxl) to export a dataset to Excel format:

dataset[["added_mass", "radiation_damping"]].to_dataframe().to_excel("radiation_data.xlsx")

from capytaine.io.xarray import separate_complex_values
separate_complex_values(dataset[["Froude_Krylov_force", "diffraction_force"]]).to_dataframe().to_excel("diffraction_data.xlsx")

For convenience, the radiation and diffraction data have been stored in separate files. Since this export method poorly supports complex number, the separate_complex_values has been used to transform them to a pair of real numbers, as discussed for NetCDF export above.

Saving the hydrostatics data of rigid body(ies) in Nemoh’s format

For a rigid body, or a set of several rigid bodies, the following information can be saved as written by Nemoh’s and read by BEMIO to produce .h5 files for WEC-Sim:

  • Hydrostatic stiffness matrix,

  • Centre of gravity,

  • Centre of buoyancy,

  • Displacement volume

They are stored in two files (Hydrostatics.dat and KH.dat) for each body, using the following syntax:

from capytaine.io.legacy import export_hydrostatics
export_hydrostatics("directory_to_save_hydrostatics_data", body)

for a single rigid body or, e.g.,:

from capytaine.io.legacy import export_hydrostatics
export_hydrostatics("directory_to_save_hydrostatics_data", [body_1, body_2, body_3])

for several rigid bodies.

In order to use this function, please ensure that the body’s centre of gravity has been defined correctly and the following methods have been called on the FloatingBody object before passing it to export_hydrostatics:

body.inertia_matrix = body.compute_rigid_body_inertia()
body.hydrostatic_stiffness = body.compute_hydrostatic_stiffness()

Saving the data as legacy Tecplot files


This feature is experimental.

The following code will write files named RadiationCoefficients.tec and ExcitationForce.tec in a format matching the one of Nemoh 2.0:

from capytaine.io.legacy import write_dataset_as_tecplot_files
write_dataset_as_tecplot_files("path/to/directory", dataset)