
This section is for users that are already familiar with writing configuration files for WAMIT, HAMS or Nemoh and just want to do the same with Capytaine. If you want to understand the internal structure of Capytaine to customize it to your need, see the Tutorial instead.

You can use the following script as the equivalent configuration file for Capytaine. Copy it in a Python file, edit it to suit your needs and execute it with Python to run the study. More example files can be found in the Cookbook.

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import capytaine as cpt

body_1 = cpt.FloatingBody(
            mesh=cpt.load_mesh("./boat_200.mar", file_format="nemoh"),
            dofs=cpt.rigid_body_dofs(rotation_center=(0, 0, 0)),
# If you have several rigid bodies, copy the code above to define "body_2", "body_3", etc.

all_bodies = body_1  # Replace "body_1" by "body_1 + body_2 + body_3" for multibody problem.

all_bodies = all_bodies.immersed_part()  # if your mesh has panels above the free surface, remove them

# Set up paramaters
test_matrix = xr.Dataset({
        "omega": np.linspace(0.1, 2.0, 20),  # Can also specify "period", "wavelength" or "wavenumber"
        "wave_direction": np.linspace(0, np.pi, 3),
        "radiating_dof": list(all_bodies.dofs),
        "water_depth": [np.inf],
        "rho": [1025],

# Do the resolution
solver = cpt.BEMSolver()
dataset = solver.fill_dataset(test_matrix, all_bodies)

# Export to NetCDF file
from capytaine.io.xarray import separate_complex_values
                                           encoding={'radiating_dof': {'dtype': 'U'},
                                                     'influenced_dof': {'dtype': 'U'}})