capytaine.matrices.block module

This module implements block matrices to be used in Hierarchical Toeplitz matrices.

It takes inspiration from the following works:

class capytaine.matrices.block.BlockMatrix(blocks, _stored_block_shapes=None, check=True)[source]

Bases: object

A (2D) matrix, stored as a set of submatrices (or blocks).

  • blocks (list of list of matrices) – The blocks of the block matrix.

  • check (bool, optional) – Should the code perform sanity checks on the inputs? (default: True)

  • shape (pair of ints) – shape of the full matrix

  • nb_blocks (pair of ints) –

    number of blocks in each directions. Example:

    AAAABB  ->  nb_blocks = (1, 2)

all() bool[source]
property all_blocks: ndarray

The matrix of matrices. For a full block matrix, all the blocks are stored in memory.

any() bool[source]
astype(dtype: dtype) BlockMatrix[source]
property block_shapes: Tuple[List[int], List[int]]

The shapes of the blocks composing the BlockMatrix.


AAAABB  ->  block_shapes = ([3], [4, 2])
property density
display_color = <itertools.cycle object>
property dtype

The type of data of all of the subblocks.

fft_of_list(*, check=True)[source]

Compute the fft of a list of block matrices of the same type and shape. The output is a list of block matrices of the same shape as the input ones. The fft is computed element-wise, so the block structure does not cause any mathematical difficulty. Returns an array of BlockMatrices.

full_matrix(dtype=None) ndarray[source]

Flatten the block structure and return a full matrix.


Matrix-matrix product.


Matrix vector product. Named as such to be used as scipy LinearOperator.

max() Number[source]
min() Number[source]
ndim = 2

Recursively replace the block toeplitz matrices by usual block matrices. WARNING: the block matrices may still contain several references to the same block.


Plot the structure of the matrix using matplotlib.


Vector matrix product. Named as such to be used as scipy LinearOperator.

property sparcity
property stored_data_size

Return the number of entries actually stored in memory.

property str_shape